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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. yeah because the founders of this country were christian and everything :|
  2. if you weren't such a [expletive]ing idiot, you would know that women want contraception and they are being blocked by grown men that wear tights and believe in a magical sky wizard. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2012/02/10/obama_riled_up_republicans_on_contraception_and_then_delivers_a_knock_out_punch_.html?wpisrc=slate_river
  3. Martin Luther did even worse in the 16th century, good thing we remember him for being an awful person
  4. teams are promoting road alternates. the Lakers are the only team with a non-white primary home jersey so they kinda [expletive] the rule over
  5. that feel when i have a 14-20 page report due tomorrow at 4pm and I only have 8 pages done if you include the cover page
  6. Gasol averages 1.7bpg on his career. And while he isn't the least soft player in the league, at least he isn't a complete flopper out there
  7. do you seriously get to take a basketball class during high school in canada?
  8. Both teams are defensive oriented this season...
  9. Gasoft with more defense on one play than Griffin has played his entire career
  10. we're gonna lose due to a lack of ball movement
  11. Have you ever been to the beach and some assholes are playing football? THEY GET SAND IN THE POTATO SALAD! SAND IN THE POTATO SALAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I don't apologize for it. They're just as bad as Catholics.
  13. None of those guys shoot anything like you. You have been lied to
  14. obviously people in the church WANT the contraceptives. if the church doesn't believe in contraceptives, the members can easily say oh no thanks, i don't want any. i don't see you guys getting your panties in a bunch over the breach of separation of church and state in modern times like the addition of a magical sky wizard on our money, our motto, and in the pledge...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frm3mjy9l8c
  16. not really looking forward to this since the Lakers are so bad
  17. If they want them, why not make them available? Churches aren't the only thing this applies to as you know
  18. for what its worth, i think a fine might be too extreme. however, footballs aren't necessarily cheap, so the same people would also whine if they took your football away as a punishment. easiest solution? don't break the rules at a public place. you can't smoke at a park or beach either, and no one says that anyone is overstepping their bounds with those laws.
  19. liberals are doing it so it must be bad funny since these two people(flash and ecn) are the same ones that try to argue that Islam is evil toward women, yet they have no problem with Catholic men forcing women to not be able to get the health coverage they want.
  20. how else would you enforce a no football rule? they obviously don't want a bunch of douchebags ruining peoples' time at the beach. people must have complained for something like this to even be discussed. if you want to play football, go somewhere else that is more appropriate for playing football. flash, do you complain when the government enforces rules like "no running" or "no pool toys" at a public pool?
  21. overstepping its boundaries? pretty sure the local government is the one that pays to ensure safety and security on the beaches in their county. do you really think they just randomly went into a room and said no more fun on the beach? obviously there was probably some sort of public call or incident that caused something like this to happen. now i wasn't the one that made a thread called soviet california and bashing big government when this is a case of local government in one county in the most populous state in the country. this has no effect on beaches in Orange County or Ventura County, which probably have better beaches than LA County anyway.
  22. uhhh the government should be promoting to people to live a healthy life since parents do an AWFUL job of it. when i moved to clay county in FL, i was appalled to realize that kids here are not given proper sex ed in school. if you don't teach the kids about sex and their bodies, they will have to learn on their own, and we all know what will happen if they do that. i knew a girl who's mother refused to get her on the pill even though it would be advantageous for her to be on it. luckily for her, her step-mother wasn't a psychotic bitch and put her on it. making our country healthier isn't bad, and if you argue it is, you are truly a nut.
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