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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. pointing out that other places are better means that another place is a shithole?
  2. I like how that is the best response conservatives can come up with. If they were actually smart, they would realize it isn't that easy
  3. Didn't realize that mentioning something as general as Europe meant we were going to discuss which countries were doing well and which weren't. Fact of the matter is you can't argue the fact that Norway isn't a better place to live than the United States apart from maybe climate wise.
  4. unless you were smart enough not to join the EU or adopt the euro. I'm looking at you Scandinavian master race(minus Finland for being a party pooper but they'll be fine)
  5. brb what do i know this gif from?!?!?!
  6. seeing as you don't know how the government works, i don't know why anyone should take your political opinion seriously
  7. never said he didn't. just saying the majority isn't always well informed
  8. the majority of Americans also believe in a magical sky wizard
  9. lol...I would tell you you're an idiot irl if I knew you...so I don't know what you're getting at. I was obviously referring to the patriot act in my post, so the fact that it has been around for 50 years is mind boggling. I didn't realize I was that old already
  10. Holy shit you're [expletive]ing stupid. Just stop. They hate western civilization as a whole? That is why so many nations in the middle east have targeted Scandinavian countries. They overstep their jurisdiction and meddle in the affairs of sovereign states, so I don't blame the middle eastern nations for being so aggravated with Scandinavia. OH WAIT LOL!!!!
  11. You cant holdhim responsible for what a PAC says/does because he is not involved with it
  12. Oh my god there would probably be peace in the middle east if we didnt [expletive] them over all the time. We have [expletive]ed over Iran, Afghanistan, etc. We are responsible for the Taliban being in power and we are responsible for Iranian politics. Since you failed history class, here is a useful website: http://en.wikipedia.org
  13. Oh right. Except Bush and THAT republican congress did the same shit. How did you graduate high school when florida law requires one to pass us governmenf?
  14. It is incredible how Flash still doesn't knowhow the government works. Your fabulous republican majority congress passed this through. Obama stated he did not want to sign this, but he should have vetoed it if that was the case.
  15. things are so much worse. notice how the entire economy didn't collapse
  16. Chris Bosh is more clutch than baby bron bron
  17. Doesn't matter, we still swept the Jail Blazers in 02
  18. allow me to play the world's smallest violin for these poor souls that are paid millions of dollars to play a game
  19. I think Griffin would rather play in a big market so it doesn't surprise me
  20. >implying iowa is a winner-take-all state >implying it isn't a three-way tie
  21. sennheiser, klipsch, grado, audio technica
  22. Bose is awful too. I think I'd get the Beats over some of the Bose models though....
  23. too bad it's female, confirms that its not dbf
  24. Not hard to sound better than beats
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