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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. well to be honest, wade hasn't had much of a marketing push in a while. adidas has to get someone
  2. he's gotta get married before the hairline gets any worse :o
  3. he really isn't that good at defense lol
  4. new strategy: stop shooting threes damnit
  5. don't clutter it. favorite football team would be more beneficial than college basketball, ala otrfootball i'm also having problems with new content btw
  6. http://i.imgur.com/0ZZ4M.gif
  7. i was watching this last night. damn did i miss this show
  8. looks like Chalmers isn't going to let Norris Cole play tonight
  9. might as well put MWP and Gasol on the first team now
  10. they should disrespect him and then trade him to the lakers for 2 first round picks and a trade exception
  11. Denver and Minnesota are second and third respectively with the Lakers being first
  12. Lakers are looking solid. Bynum comes back after this, too
  13. you have to put on the HD channel
  14. Bulls/Warriors was available on LP with the Warriors telecast, I watched it last night. Most games give you the home/road telecasts, but the Bulls game was on WGN America, which is considered a national broadcast iirc. The Lakers were on NBATV, which is a national broadcast. Some cable companies like Comcast are always squished for bandwidth so not all markets will have all NBA LP channels.
  15. I believe you can learn defense but you have to put forth the effort. Blatche doesn't seem to want to put in the effort or have the basketball IQ to play stellar defense. Some players seem to either get better or worse at defense over time, so I think that it is a combination of the effort you put into it along with your basketball IQ
  16. all national tv games are blacked out
  17. i'm confused B, why do you need a DVD player if you have a PS3 I got Super Mario 3D Land Mario Kart 7 Batman Arkham City year of xbl harry potter deathly hallows part 2 blu ray cash
  18. lets get this shit started >Lakers >Fisher starting in the NBA
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