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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. lmao this is funnier than the news that the Lakers are still after CP3
  2. that scenario occurred in 04, 05, 06, and 07...and we saw what happened
  3. Or we can contend for 4-5 years and build around Pau/Bynum
  4. even Tebow shows more promise as a QB lmao
  5. it's not that we don't agree that Pau/Bynum is a reasonable price, it's just that it isn't a good deal for the Lakers. you can't honestly say that it is a good deal either when you look at our lineup
  6. Alex Smith is taking this team places
  7. I hope I don't get banned after this game
  8. ok mitch....you have to have something up your sleeve
  9. now that Paul is done, let's get this shit started: Dwight Howard
  10. I hope he already got word from Otis before doing something like this...if we really just gave up Odom and aren't making any other moves, I will be disappoint
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