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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. I don't think it will hurt you as a team if they don't show up, but more that it will indicate that the players will likely strike if they don't show up today
  2. I just heard that Pau's agent rallied the owners together because Pau didn't want to go to Houston...
  3. Paul is perfectly willing to play out his contract. He isn't threatening to sit out the season or some shit like NFL players do. He is letting them know that he isn't going to resign, and if they want something in return, it might be in your best interest to trade me to a team that will give you some value. I don't know how you can bitch about this when LeBron played Cleveland like a fool. No shit he was going to leave Cleveland, you guys got nothing done. He wouldn't sign an extension. DING DING DING, he's leaving
  4. Would be kinda cool if that happened lol. Swish is the LeBron of OTR though, he just got up and left us
  5. Gilbert made his mistakes with LeBron, and because he was too stupid to trade him before the deal expired, he wants New Orleans to suffer like he does
  6. While I still don't like your attitude, I now see why you did what you did to Dan Gilbert. Maybe the Cleveland fans didn't deserve the whole TV fiasco, but Dan Gilbert sure the hell did...and I, too, want to dropkick his son in the face while he holds his #1 pick jersey. I will be rooting for you and the Heat when you play the Cavaliers this season. January 24th February 7th February 17th On my calendar. - Brandon
  7. The Lakers are in no position to build through the draft when they are a perennial elite team interesting read: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/ian_thomsen/12/09/hornets.need.new.owners/index.html#ixzz1g1GjPq9P
  8. well, all the starters on their championship team and for a few years after that can be considered all-stars
  9. The players can go on strike, and lets face it, they'd have sympathy from the fans after the bullshit that just happened
  10. The Lakers already had their big three before Miami though. Look how stacked the Lakers and Celtics have been as recently as the 80s. Look how stacked Chicago was in the 90s. It isn't like this super team concept is anything new.
  11. how many superstars will you say have been on championship teams in the past? minimum two
  12. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/nba-commissioner-david-stern-embarrasses-league-killing-chris-paul-trade-lakers-article-1.989053 at least the new york media hates stern
  13. LOL someone on the radio was wondering how Yahoo got Gilbert's e-mail. Then one of them said the only possible explanation is if another owner sold out Gilbert. Would be funny if this was true and the Heat did this
  14. the only proof that it is his letter is if the original e-mail is in comic sans lmao
  15. I just read the Gilbert letter. If it is real, the NBA is [expletive]ed, because it is obvious that there is collusion lmao
  16. If he doesn't want players dictating where they go, I think he has to
  17. If another owner or GM will testify that the league said the Hornets GM had full trade power, then the Lakers/Paul could get the league on collusion i think
  18. funny that you'd be upset about this when if LeBron had just told the Cavs that he wasn't going to resign, they could have actually GOT something
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