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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. hot as balls here in florida. 101 without factoring in the humidity
  2. not over Gates, Lewis, Clark, Miller, or even Keller
  3. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/306138_10150261453301765_72947896764_7958855_1087728_n.jpg
  4. buildings across the US have to meet the same minimum code. buildings all over the country are just as earthquake proof as others. as for the hurricane, rain alone scares the shit out of people in Cali
  5. you guys can handle snow storms but a bit of rain and wind is too much :o
  6. its a category two and will be making landfall as a category one. northeast is being mocked again by the rest of the country for being pussies
  7. so how am I supposed to pick a favorite team? /sp/ told me to go with Swansea
  8. warren, you should be someone that goes and talks to elementary school kids at assemblies. you would have made that shit so interesting
  9. so with 7 ineligibles including Harris, the team is [expletive]ed for this year at the minimum.
  10. ^watch it man, you might offend ECN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBjNLcPleBA&feature=player_embedded
  11. nope. i found it amusing that he waited until the markets closed to announce this though since Apple shares are going to drop big tomorrow
  12. country was built on immigrants think immigration should be done away with cool story bro
  13. you'll always be an immigrant. you have no argument. if you were born in the US then you wouldn't be an immigrant. fact is that you migrated IN to the united states. you immigrated. you're an immigrant.
  14. http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/images/b/b8/Jags_fan.gif even if you become a citizen, you're still a [expletive]ing immigrant. Definition of IMMIGRANT : one that immigrates: as A: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/immigrant
  15. you never said illegals, you said immigrants.
  16. well then get the [expletive] out, immigrant
  17. ecn probably laughed at the shit because he knows its not offensive. he's just mad that the illegalz are taking our derbs
  18. showing an american flag, an eagle crying, and the words never forget means i'm mocking 9/11? you are a genius
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