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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. Instead, it is the theme song from Pokemon The Movie: 2000 http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/08/did_herman_cain_know_he_was_qu.html Video is in the link While it really isn't that big of a deal and the quote works, I just found it really funny that he would quote a Pokemon song
  2. http://cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/blue-3ds.jpg http://www.nintendo3dsgamer.com/images/61iQmr3SylL.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/23/Donkey_Kong_94_box_art.jpg DK94 is a virtual console game. So damn good that I haven't even opened Ghost Recon yet(which is supposed to be the second best 3DS game after Zelda). But DK94 is one of those games that wasn't very popular because people thought it was just a portable release of Donkey Kong, but instead, its basically a really long and awesome puzzle platformer. Used to love the game as a kid, haven't played it in years, and I am able to get so much farther now than I was able to back then
  3. Lkr


    i thought you made a sig of trutrojan lol
  4. goddamnit warren, predict it the other way ffs
  5. lol don't be mad at him, I told him to post it for me
  6. he gives it all away i feel bad for MJ now, he's pretty poor
  7. Tim Tebow will become Denver's starter and will be successful
  8. nope, S&P blamed the lack of plan by Republicans to increase revenue.
  9. I didn't think expecting Kolb to be a bust was much of a bold statement anyway
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtlSOMgacDU&feature=player_detailpage :rofl:
  11. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61qYEWRdH5L._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  12. Jeff Garcia was also good for Tampa Bay
  13. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1423438/Costanza%20Bat.png
  14. may sound dumb, but have you tried unplugging the speakers usb and plugging it back in? it may work
  15. i couldn't imagine your speakers having their own drivers but it is definitely possible i guess. what brand are they? hit start>right click my computer> hit properties. go to the hardware tab and open device manager. expand each thing by hitting the plus sign and see if there is anything with an error next to it or something that is an unknown device
  16. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3y9SL7PvwV0/TWY08s-mS0I/AAAAAAAABH8/zT4Ye2boCm0/s1600/goat_1.jpg ervin santana is 8-8!
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