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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. lol...you are saying everything they are doing is a waste and I listed something that was a waste. i'm a pompous ass though. i like how you always have to resort to insults when you know you're wrong. its cute
  2. I like how I ask a question and you have to start rambling about stuff that is completely unrelated. Why did this just turn into an Obama issue? I think its well documented here that I wasn't an Obama supporter before the election, and I have never really been much of a fan. But then again, you're the one that thinks everything is wasteful. BTW, why should the federal reserve flood the market with $1 billion? Do you want inflation? Yes, it was a waste to produce them. But at the same time, who controlled congress AND the white house in 2005?
  3. where's the option to cut military spending?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c&feature=related
  5. the story telling is awful. i don't know how anyone can understand the main overarching plot of the series if they have never read the books to be honest.
  6. for a second i thought dbf actually posted something good and then i realized it was you
  7. took 8 movies for them to finally make a good one
  8. have mainevent buy it and mooch off of him. thats the best method imo
  9. just read the book, the story telling is much better
  10. harry potter movies blow but i'll see it anyway. can't see it at midnight though :\
  11. cool, the pro bowl argument works here too, but you won't back that up and make an excuse. Trolls gonna troll
  12. http://vimeo.com/26389975 awwww yea
  13. What difference does it really make if he shows up and doesn't play? Nobody bought a ticket to look inside the dugout.
  14. No....I said she doesn't look that good in the movies. She looks better irl
  15. what the [expletive]??!?!?!?!? it has nothing to do with her being in HP. In fact, she doesn't look too great in many scenes in the movies. not to mention dat accent
  16. I think the only people who would vote for him as an all-star this year would be Yankees fans since he doesn't deserve it(at least a starting position). I think the Yankees fans would be more satisfied if he rested to be ready to go for the second half of the season. I wouldn't have complained if Weaver decided to rest his arm instead of throwing for no reason, but hey, he played so its irrelevant. What would the media's reaction have been if Jeter had played and got reinjured, though?
  17. by the way, if you somehow haven't seen this dominate ESPN's top 10 lately, its the most amazing goal I have ever seen:
  18. MLS figures: http://mlsattendance.blogspot.com/ NHL figures: http://espn.go.com/nhl/attendance NBA figures: http://espn.go.com/nba/attendance Few points of interest: NHL and NBA each have more teams and more games. Obviously the MLS has way worse TV numbers. However, they are out drawing several NHL and NBA teams without a major media presence! The FIFA Women's World Cup is only helping the popularity grow in the US right now, and with two lockouts, don't be surprised if the MLS completely takes over the NBA or NHL in a few years. Expansion teams like the Portland Timbers are also pulling in exceptional attendance.
  19. I hate Orsillo so much. I never understood the hate for Hawk though, I think he's a hilarious BAMF
  20. oh right, I'm the one that derails threads. fans and players hated Harrison. I'm sure you thought he was awful before he was a Patriot
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