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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. smh when Lakers fans can't even spell Derek Fisher
  2. http://subwaysquawkers.blogspot.com/2011/07/report-mets-trade-k-rod-to-yankees-for.html I thought this was a better deal for the Mest....
  3. yeah man, liking a television show is so lame.
  4. AL is still getting raped regardless
  5. >don't watch wrasslin >complain about wrasslin vid good job ecn
  6. Who's starting for the AL again?
  7. goddamn this was an amazing finish
  8. Why would you put Rivers or Big Ben ahead of rodgers?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30wtREXoVjo&feature=related
  10. Kobe skipped the 2010 all star game
  11. I hope you go get a refund, because you got scammed my man. That looks nothing like Kobe
  12. Same as last time. Here we go: 1. Adrian Peterson 2. Arian Foster 3. Chris Johnson 4. Jamaal Charles 5. Maurice Jones Drew(only because of injury concerns heading into this season)
  13. ok new idea. I'll keep this one up for a little longer, but I'll start the next category
  14. obviously, it wouldn't be on the air or sell out arenas if they didn't...
  15. I don't know why you think it wasn't a work
  16. I'm trying to find a real gauge on where members view players. Sorry that you don't want to participate.
  17. based on last year and how you see that going into this year trutrojan your opinion doesn't matter when you're clearly not being serious and have a guy that can't start for an NFL team at #1
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