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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. The SEC wouldn't accept his money.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9RJbLV98fI what a BAMF
  3. not really an upset but it was a great match
  4. my favorite part of this thread is that ecn thinks a guy is gonna pop back up and continue an attempt to rob a store after getting shot in the [expletive]ing head
  5. what about Phelps? if the decade argument is moot, then throw Djokovic and Nadal in there. Of course the whole thing is dumb because you can't compare different sports. Bill Simmons says stupid stuff all the time
  6. As long as Phil's assistants remain on the staff, the offense should be fine. I don't have a problem with one of them drawing up plays.
  7. Djokovic has won 43 straight matches. That right now should tell you enough, especially if he beats Federer/Nadal in the French to win the French. There will be no question that Djokovic is the top athlete in the world.
  8. I know that Messi hasn't been hands down the most dominate soccer player for the past decade. I know that people are still debating whether he is the clear cut best in his sport right now.
  9. I don't have to watch soccer to know that he hasn't done what Woods or Federer have done for their respective sports in the past 10 years. I know that he hasn't matched what Djokovic has done so this year.
  10. a guy that's been questioned as the best in his sport and you want to say he's the best at his sport compared to everyone else in their respective sports? that is quite a stretch. I'd take Brady and Manning as being better in football than he is at basketball
  11. have you been to Wrigley? It is one of those parks where you think it will be cool to go because of the history...and then you go there and want it torn down
  12. Mickelson isn't even the second best, and no way is Woods the best right now. Woods hasn't won a tournament in two years, why are we even considering him?
  13. I kinda what the [expletive]ed when I read it. Phelps? Djokovic?
  14. I love how your best retort isn't even remotely funny
  15. did your time machine malfunction? you're in 2011
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SNcaa0zJU4
  17. depends on the hotel. i've stayed at some very nice ones before, which are always a shit ton of fun.
  18. Miami is going to win this series pretty easily.
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