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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. It's been so [expletive]ing hot. Finally got some raIn yesterday. Really long week too, but It's over. [expletive]ing awesome Friday too
  2. why do you never include a definite article in your posts? so annoying to read. "is" is not correct either. how can you argue about rules when you can't construct a sentence?
  3. i saw the hangover part 2. its the same exact thing as the first one for the most part, but I enjoyed it better. there were several parts where it moved a bit slow, and that hurt it.
  4. its probably been in development since 2007
  5. derivative of the triangle=give the ball to LeBron
  6. Who can be a virgin for that long?
  7. is this really the argument you're going with? are you arguing for the sake of arguing? do you really want to have a business with an employee saying something that is deemed offensive? what if he had used the n word? is that okay with you? what if he used a racial slur for a hispanic? the nba doesn't want want players using offensive language towards fans or officials. just like a wal mart employee won't get away with calling their boss or an employee an offensive term.
  8. there is a big difference in calling someone gay and a [expletive]got. one doesn't have a negative connotation, the other does. how many gay people do you know that refer to themselves as gay? a lot. how many refer to themselves as [expletive]gots? none
  9. actually, with cryengine 3 and frostbite 2 being demo'd, i'm not surprised if nvidia has a big presence since they always seem to advertise with EA.
  10. Indentured servant? :lol: I'd love to go to any college of my choice free of charge.
  11. why the hell is nvidia at e3? they haven't announced any new hardware, and they sure as hell wouldn't announce hardware at e3. i find it kind of weird they'd have a booth to showcase new games that will most likely choke on current hardware
  12. I don't get storm chasers. I feel scared just watching the video :\
  13. Mike Miller is the punchline to any funny joke
  14. the book as a whole looks awesome. as for this, LeBron doesn't have to do what all of these guys say. His whole posse would be out of work without him
  15. I can't think of any team that went 15-1 or better besides them. Does this make them the best automatically? They were also 8-0 on the road and the only loss came in overtime. Is there a team that was more dominant in a post season?
  16. I think you would be seeing an OKC situation with Rose/Wade. LeBron is an inherent passer and trusts his teammates much more than I think Rose does.
  17. unchecked but im in no dire need for space
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