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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. 'down' as in you could still get online and communicate, but at some hours matchmaking didn't work..hmm....better than nothing and having your data stolen I guess. Plus MS made up for it. http://i.imgur.com/1tyfj.jpg
  2. Hitler killed himself. More appropriately, it is the 8th anniversary of "Mission Accomplished"!
  3. That's not even fox news, it's local news. Fox News bashing applies to the cable network. It's a pretty easy mistake to make talking about the two of them.
  4. He's doing it a bit early for a motivation like that
  5. Apparently he got killed by gunshot to head. Supporters outside White House
  6. 8th anniversary of "Mission Accomplished"
  7. http://www.whitehouse.gov/live live stream
  8. BREAKING NEWS Not expected to be about Libya
  9. KG was actually dragged into the thread. You were the one that brought LeBron in
  10. whats the point though when PSN users are forever alone?!
  11. thanks I just wish there was a web archive of last year
  12. did I ever get posts added? this older version of OTR shows me at 5k: http://replay.web.archive.org/20090423103819/http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/index.php?showuser=652 But I was way higher before the hack :\
  13. I think if you've been here since at least 06, you should automatically be in
  14. this wouldn't even be funny with the big bang theory's laugh track
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