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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. pretty sure you'll get the ticket even if someone else was driving your car
  2. Wade running right into Young is a bump by Young. Thanks for the clarification
  3. You still can't dispute the fact that LBJ and DWhistle get phantom calls when there were times that Philly/Indy weren't getting shit. Sure, not attacking the basket has something to do with it, but bad officiating happens a LOT in the NBA
  4. 45/17 in a loss for Howard. The Magic are really screwed
  5. I've pointed out numerous times when the Lakers have been getting stupid calls in their favor. Sorry that I'm not a complete homer with my team like you are
  6. The NBA draft is inferior to the NFL draft, making it harder for a team to actually build talent. If you get someone good, they're just going to leave because you can't build a team. I don't know if promotion was the right term to use in this case, but the NBA really makes it hard for young teams. The worst team in the NFL is guaranteed the first pick, which is something the NBA needs to go to.
  7. What a great response. It is the pony members that make the site that look childish though. Yes, LBJ and Dwhistle are going to get calls. Yes, they will get calls when they aren't touched. To deny it is stupid. It obviously happens and we all know why it happens. If a Heat fan is going to say that they deserve their calls, I'd point you to the 06 NBA Finals and tell you to rewatch it. You either accept it and keep watching or you can complain, but nothing will change unfortunately. The offensive player always gets an unfair advantage in the NBA, which makes it sickening to watch compared to NCAA and international leagues. If you compare the NBA to the NFL, you will see that the NBA is doing something wrong with promoting their league. The NFL consistently has had successful small market teams(the market size really isn't that small, they just don't have a national following) over the past decade(St. Louis, Tennessee, Carolina, New England before the start of the decade, Seattle, Arizona, etc etc etc).
  8. Who's seen it? I've seen parts of it over the years, but I never around to being committed to it and sat down and watched it in order. I've watched the first two episode, and its really good so far. Makes me regret not checking it out sooner(I've been wanting to watch it for a long time).
  9. idk why you're expecting a high scoring game
  10. I think Orlando needs a win and will get it tonight to prove that the Hawks don't have their number. Hopefully this series isn't a snooze-fest like last year
  11. if you pre-order you get access the 25th. Bulletstorm owners get in on the 19th
  12. what the [expletive] :rofl: Easter Egg Hunts aren't even a religious event at all. Easter has turned into a cultural holiday just like Christmas. I celebrate it as an Atheist. Long live the easter bunny, chocolate bunnies, and hard boiled eggs.
  13. The 507mb update is installing right now
  14. http://esperantobr.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/pink-floyd-dark-side-of-the-moon-cover.jpg http://www.progarchives.com/progressive_rock_discography_covers/364/cover_383971692009.jpg
  15. happy birthday warren, grab some malt liquor
  16. Lamar Odom even though I don't consider him much of a sixth man
  17. Derrick Rose, best player on the best team and got it done
  18. Dwight Howard, there is no competition for it really
  19. I didn't know that was AboveLegit's new twitter name
  20. Derrick Rose. He blossomed from a talent to a premiere player and MVP
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