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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. If I remember correctly, Kobe took quite a bit of heat for that Also need to point out that Gilbert was bending over doing anything LeBron wanted while the Lakers front office wasn't doing anything to help him out. Kobe had to take action. LeBron has shown himself that he has had a supporting cast that was capable the past two seasons.
  2. They will never be as good as Russell/Cousy/Havlicek. That is pretty much impossible
  3. So how are they the best trio of all time? Exactly Boston's Big 3 is a pretty damn good one You got Isiah, Dumars, Laimbeer McHale, Parish, Bird Kareem, Worthy, Magic Russell, Cousy, Havlicek hell, there was even Rodman/Jordan/Pippen Kobe/Shaq duo + a role player might be better ALL are better besides maybe the big 3
  4. I'm just making fun of the stupid [expletive] they said on the live video. Even JA Adande agrees that Wade was stupid to say that and was tearing him a new one
  5. there is one title amongst the three of them
  6. look at the 60s/70s/80s teams of the Lakers and Celtics. Quite easy to do
  7. Wade: "Best trio to ever play basketball" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  8. Uh what? I didn't say anything bad, way to imply things on your own. All I was saying was he won't go because he can't. He is probably just doing it so the Lakers will pay him
  9. best fans in the NBA right here
  10. this is so painful to watch. i might as well just catch espn highlights, this DJ guy just needs to shut the hell up
  11. Miami doesn't have the cancer treatment facilities
  12. LOL this guy just called Heat fans bandwagoners
  13. I would hate to be an actual Heat fan. Their bandwagoners are worse than Lakers bandwagoners I think. At least the Lakers sellout when they have a losing record :s Heat can't even sellout with a marquee player and a winning record
  14. Dan Lebbatard was right, this is the worst sports town in America
  15. where you guys watching the stream at?
  16. http://www.abload.de/img/huhk1yr.jpg nWo theme song time
  17. http://i25.tinypic.com/2iqztzo.jpg
  18. that is a lot different. when slaven isn't on OTR, he doesn't represent OTR. He didn't have anything about him screaming OTR!!!! Some guy took his own spare time and tried to find out who he was
  19. I don't think something that happens on other boards should concern OTR. Just saying though
  20. Are you for real with this LeBron at PG crap?
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