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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. the best player on the planet had 38 points(15-22 shooting), 10 assists, and 8 rebounds. The Lakers still played pathetically as a team, even with 2006 Kobe in the building.
  2. There were a ton of touch calls last night for PHX, while LA wasn't getting anything called for the most part. I don't think PHX was any more aggressive
  3. no big deal, the old roided up cheater can't even make contact most of the time, so its not like you have to worry about it too much
  4. even though Jerry Krause is gone, I don't think he'd ever go back
  5. my lineup in day of the week order: House Two and a Half Men(I like [expletive]ty sitcoms) Big Bang Theory(I like [expletive]ty sitcoms) RAW LOST The Middle Modern Family South Park Community Parks and Rec The Office iCarly everyday
  6. Modern Family* House* The Middle Community* * denotes favs after Lost
  7. Derek Fisher will shut down Rajon Rondo
  8. i would have laughed my [expletive] off if i didn't see it ages ago http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b260/thatonekid393/Internet_Stuff/Vader2.jpg
  9. This video is more confusing than the actual show, which actually says something haha
  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/dallas/nba/news/story?id=5210625
  11. http://www.docarzt.com/lost/sportscenter-explains-lost/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Docarzts-Lost-Blog+%28DocArzt%27s+Lost+Blog%29 OMG LOL
  12. WTF is this [expletive], I don't want Byron Scott, GIVE US PHIL!
  13. Ron Artest is really stepping it up in the postseason. At the half, Kobe has 11pts/9asts/4rebs
  14. It's more fun to start an MVP chant in Orlando when everyone is leaving the building
  15. Dwight got away with a ton of [expletive] tonight
  16. some guy on the local radio was whining about it. i thought it was pretty funny
  17. not the fault of the fans that the game is scheduled at 6PM. Let's see you get off work and go straight to a game through rush hour traffic
  18. doesn't really matter, you can't seem em on tv anyway
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