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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. pure clock speed doesn't mean everything. the i7 is quad. also has more cache and runs and will run at 2.8GHz if needed
  2. Lakers defense is amazing, despite that wide open Durant shot
  3. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834114803&cm_sp=NotebookDeal-_-34-114-803-_-04182010 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834157113 (had been on sale for less)
  4. I think Phil realizes that if they shut everyone else down, Westbrook isn't gonna score 60+ points lol
  5. haha, that is why the Rockets took us to 7 games last year. We should just put Kobe on Westbrook
  6. Kobe missed an alleyoop, but has a slightly better shooting percentage than Durant. Its tough to go with which is better right now
  7. if people are going to IM me asking me for help and then turn around and waste my time and buy something I told them that they shouldn't, then yes.
  8. every laptop comes with a warranty. and enjoy blu ray on a 15 inch screen. and good luck playing it with integrated graphics
  9. I love how you bought this when I showed you a better system for $200 less
  10. http://www.nba.com/2010/news/04/16/hearn.statue.ap/index.html?rss=true About damn time
  11. never change Paul Pierce. I hope QRich asked him if he needed a wheelchair
  12. Mark Jackson: "For me, taking that Cavs team to a Finals is the equivalent of winning a championship." And that's why you are ringless.
  13. nice way to think a post at 3:12 EST meant it was still going on.
  14. Once again, what does this have to do with him beasting up in the first few minutes of the game?
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