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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. its a gif lol, the little kid isn't real
  2. its for the DS bro. Coming out in Fall
  3. I thought this was gonna be a Randy Orton thread. Son, I am disappoint. Although I am looking forward to this game
  4. Congrats to Phil, he really deserved the US Open last year, but I'm sure this one feels better
  5. Tiger and KJ are pretty much out of it now. Down to Westwood and Mickelson because Kim seems to be struggling now
  6. tiger is really falling off after having a great charge at the end of the front nine.
  7. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article7094310.ece For some reason I can't see it actually working
  8. Lkr

    shopping prank

    http://www.youtube.com/unclejohntv#p/u/1/X9hqi-E8vy4 he's got a few more
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFuF6SXfboo&playnext_from=TL&videos=Jc6JoAvnbKc&feature=sub for some reason when he started going, "I don't need that...." i lost it :lol:
  10. you do realize how difficult those things would be? you can't just do it by being president lmao
  11. damn, Mickelson is playing great today
  12. (3:03:29 PM) WaldoztheMan: i got tix for monday's nets game (3:03:35 PM) WaldoztheMan: the last ever nets game at the izod center (3:03:46 PM) Lkr: the last nets loss at the izod center
  13. Dick Butkus? Mike Singletary? Jack Lambert?
  14. damn, when I heard about why they were going and all the people on board, I instantly thought it might be some conspiracy set up. this is just crazy
  15. http://serebii.net/index2.shtml daaaaaaaaaamn
  16. the last real pokemon release was 2007 in US. this won't hit til 2011 in the US anyway Gen 4 started in 2007, Gen 5 starts in 2011. 4 years differential
  17. I'm using them as an example because they are the only team right now that I see fitting as a 'physical, tough' team. a team like the celtics is what I said.
  18. S&D is planting bombs while execution/warzone are team deathmatch...i don't see the resemblance
  19. The Lakers aren't physical though(we have Gasol playing center). If KG/Pierce have the balls to hit him and tell him he's not going to the rim, then that series could be very entertaining
  20. you don't even have to double as long as someone is willing to be physical right along with him, and force him to the ground
  21. Fifth generation is finally beginning. http://serebii.net/blackwhite/
  22. Co-op is great in the series, although the multiplayer was great in the first one. the 2nd one dropped the ball with all the issues and the fact it didn't work. horde is fun too
  23. wrong. Gears 1 had execution, warzone, annex, guardian, and assassination There isn't a Gears mode similar to s&d
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