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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. philly goes through this [expletive] as often as Brett Favre does, so I don't want to see any Philly fans complaining when Favre talks begin again
  2. whats wrong with wearing cheap clothes? and unfortunately I'm out of +1s for the day
  3. http://i42.tinypic.com/2w5pt1y.jpg hooray for 5 minute paint jobs
  4. gamestop vs best buy is too difficult to choose between. i'd go with gamestop prolly
  5. whats wrong with playing games?
  6. lol...I play mine all the time. There is a reason its the best selling handheld system. Pokemon ftw
  7. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/11/10/richmond.jpg Mitch Richmond
  8. I wouldn't have went back if I was Z, its shows that they were willing to get rid of him
  9. much better than the original(but thats not saying much)
  10. its still stupid. who cares if the team scores a TD, both deserve the ball
  11. the actual title of the article made me laugh more. why would kobe go to the knicks
  12. moses ROFL http://i42.tinypic.com/hwg60n.jpg
  13. the lady that has twins and her husband runs sure is a bad person. the republicans won't let her get an abortion, and she struggles to put any food on the table. then she can't get any health insurance either. people like ECN, slaven, n4s, and flash should be feel very happy and lucky they have never had to experience something like this before. my mom could have died thanks to the bull[expletive] the health care systems pull behind the scenes.
  14. The US is too good to be like Europe Seriously, the [expletive] that Fox News is feeding is getting old. I was watching this morning and they did one of those "e-mail questions" asking if citizens will get the same coverage as those in Congress. The anchor then asked some senior reporter that was in Washington, and he said no, the GOP defeated that proposition. Then the anchor says, "There you have it folks, more lies from the bill!" Also, I hear [expletive] all the time from friends saying that people in Canada and Europe aren't happy with their healthcare system. Hey Canadians, do you enjoy your health care?
  15. http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x55/Amir0x/FabricofSociety.jpg I'm gonna miss the real America
  16. slaven, did you get hacked by bearsfan?
  17. democrats are winning the debate votes. pretty much guaranteed it will pass
  18. http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN.aspx GOP is in full desperation mode, pretty humorous
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/03/21/health.care.main/index.html?hpt=T1
  20. use media player classic - home cinema
  21. http://www.bluraywire.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/theprincessandthefrogbluraycoverart.jpg
  22. Lkr


    lol at charging people to do something that takes 2 minutes to do for free in audacity
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