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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. AI had some years but he really doesn't have the longevity imo
  2. LOL payton's quote is gold. I'd give Reggie the nod over Kobe though, Reggie talked so much shit during games
  3. i don't think the rest of my family has it as bad as me but we all have body temp problems i think. my mom will be cold as hell and it will be 80 degrees in the room
  4. http://gifsftw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/costanza.gif
  5. shit tyrone, i was playing intramural basketball last semester and i would go home with my shirt soaked
  6. i can get swamp ass just sitting around the house, my body [expletive]ing sucks when it comes to regulating temperature. i wear shorts all the time except for maybe one month of the year
  7. LOL you just learned this? shame on you srv
  8. i can't help but think of that guy that used to be in 2k in my player mode whenever someone mentions summer league
  9. Even if he did, Reno is a derogatory term on this board, I'd doubt he'd want to be referred to as one
  10. He was never cocky in Boston... KG? Sure. Allen? Lol
  11. This isn't the flopping team. How is ray allen remotely cocky?
  12. http://gifsftw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/costanza.gif only you
  13. only shaliq would be able to read that
  14. Funny how pitching carried the team last year and pitching is killing the team this year
  15. Lol awkward situation that I never even thought of. Shouldn't be a problem though since it's 9pm
  16. you must be a fan of awful offense
  17. Gonna lose multiple games. Preseason polls are dumb
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