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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. the lack of national pride in this thread makes me a saaaaaaaaad paaandaaaaaaaaaaa
  2. linking the matrix movies together is like saying that there is a godfather trilogy or star wars prequels
  3. so you mean its a league where the renos aren't going to cheat me or anything?
  4. maybe if it was 2001 and yahoo was a relevant website
  5. i just don't buy the nets being a 26 win better team than last year. you could sell me at 10-15, but 26?
  6. can someone make a good league on espn with a live draft? offline draft is for peasants
  7. Hating on nsync is lame
  8. Lol I think this was news circa 2000
  9. they were trying to play for seeding, stupid decision imo
  10. apparently kobe got into trouble after the game too
  11. dat Phelps all time medal count one more gold to set the all time gold count too
  12. are you [expletive]ing kidding me? of all the ways to lose, Phelps misses the touch on the 200m fly
  13. Brazil came up with shots when they needed them but at times looked like a JV squad
  14. Goddamn she's even hot in a Man U jersey
  15. This game is pretty bad but nothing else on. 8-4 Britain with a minute left in the first
  16. You're acting like the us can compete with best korea
  17. http://i.imgur.com/YVOwZ.png
  18. he's locked up with Minny though makes me wonder why we didn't just keep Shaw as an offensive coordinator
  19. you are using the term gay and [expletive]got in a demeaning way. that is bigotry. are you that dense?
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