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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. the guys in this thread are joking. both are pretty open atheists
  2. the ultra rich liberals want the government to help out the poor. the government isn't very good at it, so they do it themselves. i don't see the issue
  3. is it even possible to pay extra in taxes lmao. besides, with the amount he donates to charities, it doesn't matter. learn the definition of compare and get back to me
  4. how the hell would the Lakers be able to afford him? aren't we over the cap?
  5. the magic convinced the rockets to amnesty scola. the magic will now take scola for themselves
  6. based on your other threads, you have no reason to insult anyone's intelligence
  7. my body can't handle this because my jimmies will be super rustled when it doesn't happen
  8. maybe orlando likes the package cleveland is offering. probably counting on a bynum injury and a cleveland lottery pick
  9. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110314162140/mlpfanart/images/2/23/Pinkie_Pie%27s_one_mare_band.gif
  10. http://nextlol.com/images/4877-done.gif
  11. they'll reproduce ungodly abominations man
  12. spamming bullshit doesn't promote activity or discussion
  13. ban atheists from getting married too
  14. examiner isn't a real source. your illuminati and financial stories aren't from real sources. the only legitimate news article you have posted was the one about the human skull being found
  15. marriage is actually a legal binding
  16. http://www.pigskinbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/jaguars-fan-gif.gif
  17. >source >infowars Oh, the OP thinks Alex Jones is legit
  18. Starts Sunday night!!!!!! Cobb doesn't watch this due to his lack of taste
  19. Why are Bill and Melinda Gates giving away more money than your entire family combined will ever make?!?!
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