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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. lol at hack-a-splitter, getting [expletive]ing annoying right now i'm one that could never root against the spurs either unless they were playing the Lakers. sure, 03 hurt at the time, but they were a much better team. i disliked those suns teams, so i never had a problem with SA kicking their ass. duncan, parker, and ginobili do nothing to make you dislike them.
  2. Currently Active Users: 6875 (2807 members and 4068 guests) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/
  3. http://cdn.styleforum.net/4/4a/350x700px-LL-4ad90b08_Not-sure-if-serious2.jpeg
  4. pretty sure Knicks tickets are a ripoff even in the upper bowl
  5. New Orleans wins it I would prefer Portland/Milwaukee/Houston/Phoenix winning it I don't want to see New Orleans win it followed closely by Brooklyn
  6. he actually tweeted apologizing saying he was pretty drunk when posting and got his days confused. i really don't think he was trying to offend anyone
  7. BELIEVE that Valve will show something
  8. give me a good place where i can upload an entire album with one click
  9. http://i.imgur.com/AEWpj.png
  10. i wouldn't mind getting deng, but i also want cj watson
  11. shit I don't remember if it was 1 or 2 but I always played as rochelle
  12. when I was watching the news I was like why the [expletive] did they shoot a guy for walking around naked and then I heard he ate a guys face off. Didn't he also kill the guy(or was he alive when he was eating the face and that killed him)? Either way I would have shot the guy too lol
  13. even if you didn't personally do it, it's pretty [expletive]ing obvious you told this other guy to do it so it wouldn't reflect poorly on you. how else is a guy that never visits otr going to know kyle's old username here?
  14. same rhetoric when talking about the Lakers size advantage against the Thunder because Ibaka/Perkins don't have a history of playing dominating defense or anything
  15. i'll get you tomorrow, for whatever reason my phone stopped charging over night and i had to manage a 70% battery...it died before I made it
  16. #whitepeopleproblems i'm stuck in alabama right now and so many rednecks lol
  17. LOL at shaliq making a fake account, a play off of kyle's username(girth daddy) and posting that.
  18. I really want to see tim duncan vs kg in the finals
  19. you're trying to turn a profit. you're doing no one a favor. i'm sure if you made a poll, people would be more in favor of my plan to keep things the way they are
  20. and this right here shows your inexperience in web development
  21. lol wild wild west is just awful. easily independence day
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