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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. i thought they were equal plays, but i'll be honest, i missed it because i downloaded doodle jump
  2. you really think tyler hansbrough was attempting to harm wade? if so, LOL
  3. haslem wound up and aimed for the head. you can't disregard that. hansbrough did NOTING REMOTELY SIMILAR. HANSBROUGH WAS GOING FOR THE BALL. HANSBROUGH HIT THE BALL. NOT A FLAGRANT, JUST A FOUL!
  4. LOL you're a [expletive]ing joke. do you think Wade was bleeding from blunt force? no, he was bleeding due to a cut. hell, hansbrough might have accidentally scratched him for all i know. fact of the matter is that he made a PLAY ON THE BALL, and that means it isn't flagrant. read the rule book bub
  5. Psycho T might have actually hit the [expletive]ing ball too, meaning there is no way it is a flagrant: http://www.abload.de/img/untitled-2h18tq.gif Wade also feigned being knocked out for [expletive]s sake Haslem takes two hands and aims for the head, although he misses(probably a side effect from all of the drugs he does/did): http://www.abload.de/img/untitled-3xejb3.gif
  6. Wade completely oversold the Hansbrough hit. It was BARELY a flagrant, but at least he was trying to make a legitimate play. Haslem had nothing in mind except attempting to harm Hansbrough. If you're really that [expletive]ing dumb to not see that, you need to take off the homer goggles. Also, if Hansbrough was a baby like dwhistle and flopped on the play, Haslem would probably be out right now. Oh well, Haslem should miss Game 6 now
  7. Haslem is a [expletive]ing bum. Eject his ass
  8. http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/Fuckin+_c48b219348a12ee5aef16ef241fb50b9.jpg
  9. seconding the notion that prodigy isn't good
  10. lol gtfo cobb you don't even watch basketball http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1132648/lakersgm_medium.gif
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate_Bridge#Suicides
  12. i don't know why pau is so hesitant this season
  13. kevin durant with the dagger pau should have shot there
  14. Perkins is playing good defense and no one is moving
  15. lakers collapse. bynum has no touches this quarter it seems
  16. thunder are remaining in striking distance. lakers are playing with fire right now despite having a lead
  17. cmon buddy you can't get too mad as a FThunder fan
  18. i don't understand how they were able to outbid the world wide leader OR fox
  19. [expletive]ing schweinsteiger
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