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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. i actually have to study for finals week this year so i won't be doing shit unless you count studying
  2. submitted today 3 days old pick one
  3. http://i.imgur.com/Snzie.jpg
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPx42dMjegc&feature=related
  5. Part of me agrees with this, while part of me sees why NBA teams would rather see a guy play at school for some time to get a clear indication of potential with other elite athletes. For every Kobe, KG, LeBron, Dwight, and Bynum you'll get a couple of Kwame Browns. In all honesty, flat out busts haven't had much of a presence in the NFL or NBA recently, which I find strange.
  6. http://www.nba.com/playerfile/rajon_rondo/game_by_game_stats.html i mean look at all the games since the beginning of March that he doesn't have 10+ assists
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MFebZlUJ7E no order Curb Community Parks and Rec Breaking Bad Misfits although I never finished series 3 so idk if it has gotten worse or not Seinfeld is still on tv all the time Modern Family 30 Rock Downton Abbey Arrested Development since its coming back
  8. 26/26 for Al Jefferson :o :o :o
  9. hey look there is light going through based morgan's boobs
  10. http://i.minus.com/iJ4yX35BKYDvW.gif
  11. A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx. "Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!" At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. "How old is this rock?" The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied, "4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian". "Wrong. It's been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real... then it should be an animal now" The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Small Government" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity. Semper Fi.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fsf-iIGjJI&feature=related haven't listened to this in too long
  13. got a log? because I have said several times on this board that I think Rondo is the best PG in the league.
  14. Except I'm not sweetheart The earth doesn't revolve around you
  15. LMAO are the Carolina Classics in the league?
  16. wtf is this commercial for the five year engagement? "i'm katniss!"
  17. he's fine, no need to play him when he can rest instead. as bad as Bynum has been tonight, MWP is still playing well
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZEb0ZQKaMY pretty bad setlist but it was still fun to watch
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