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Everything posted by htown11

  1. I dont <3 Blake Griffin I like him though :-)

  2. Loved 127 Hours Franco stepped his game up big time for that performance. I haven't seen RED yet it looks like it was fun to make and watch lol.

  4. Good good not to far hang on tight Ollie.


  6. I definitely think he should be in the ASG. Fans vote for the best players, but they also want to see an entertaining game. Blake Griffin doing his thing in the dunk contest and in the ASG with other incredible players would be a treat to watch, whats more important than that in a ASG. At the same time I also want to see Kevin Love who has been in beast mode all season.
  7. Jack Daniels is a good man

  8. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/restrepo-movie.jpg Restrepo 10/10 Brilliant documentary that follows one platoon in the deadliest valley in Afghanistan. For those that have NetFlix they are streaming this instantly don't miss out on it. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/w_movie.jpg W. 7/10 I enjoyed certain parts of this movie but I think it's far from Oliver Stones best. Interesting misunderstood life that some may not know about W. but I felt like it had the potential to be great and never actually reached it. They shot the entire movie in about 45 days and you could definitely tell it was a bit rushed. Brolin plays W. really well but Thandie Newton makes Condoleezza Rice's character unbearable and Jeffrey Wright is decent as Colin Powell (portrayed as the only sane man in the movie.) My favorite performance was by Richard Dreyfuss who plays Dick Cheney the out of control villain who basically makes decisions for W lol.
  9. Rockets are rolling damn what an offensive explosion here in the 4th. I hope they hold on lol can't stand to see another close loss.
  10. hahaha embrace it

  11. 1 handed lookin boy

  12. I hope that becomes the pressure point for both sides involved.
  13. "That's the last time we mention "her" name in this thread again." - Pauly D
  14. http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/71160/20110115/rockets_granted_injury_exception_for_yao/
  15. No need to give up. Once again the Rockets played a playoff team well and this time around had a solid 3rd quarter and poor 4th. Luis Scolas lack of finishing point blank shots and not to mention his D is killing the Rockets. What is the deal with him coming out to the perimeter on guards?? Who does he think he is... what planet does Scola live on thinking that he is going to steal from CP3? He did this multiple times tonight and it made him look stupid. Lowry is clearly trying to be a scorer but at the same time that final shot he took for the winner was a horrible decision. Instead of handing it off to Martin he decided to lose his dribble and take a tough shot, I would have rather had Brooks iso on that play and take that exact same shot.
  16. I'm not going to debate about Jersey Shore lol and I will not dissect your post HOV lol. Your logic make 0 sense to me after what I read in the other thread.... Ironically it sounds like you are entertained by this "nonsense" similarly people that watch Jersey Shore are the same. Again you say one thing and express something else I don't see the logic. Gossip and drama does not change so evaluating basketball wives and Jersey Shore in two different ways once again makes no logical sense as they both fall under the same mindless reality television category. I'll leave it at that I have to go focus on my degree.
  17. ^LOL I go to school and am getting my degree in a couple semesters and still watch Jersey Shore omg!! I think you tend to take things so literal at times I can't seem to understand your point. What on earth makes you think by us watching this show it somehow stops us from getting a degree lol just cant fathom that logic. It's purely entertaining that's it. Everybody knows what it is so no analyzation or explanation is needed. Btw don't you like to watch those VH1 shows "basketball wives" etc not trying to put you on the spot but I did see that Jerseylicous or w/e thread... it's not much different so again not sure what your getting at. Watching mindless entertainment does not limit your abilities to accomplish things in life lol no need to take it to that literal of a level.
  18. Filler episode pretty boring IMO. Next one is as early as Monday from what I saw... How you gonna miss Sunday dinner :glasses: it's an institution at the house.
  19. I agree it was more like a documentary on LeBron and his journey through high school. Very well done, interesting stuff about his life.
  20. Calvin Booth used to give me nightmares. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/scary.jpg
  21. Incredible speech, celebrating the heroes and mourning the loss of lives. Glad he attended and extremely glad he spoke it was beyond inspirational. I don't think anyone inspires through words better, and when Obama is in his element it resonates in a huge way throughout the masses. Well said.
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