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Everything posted by htown11


  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsw1xWRhxac&NR=1 Man I watched this movie a million times when I was younger. 3 R's Readiness Recuperation Conditioning
  3. I also hate you and David Andersen a lot.

  4. LeBron sure does give the forum world a lot to talk about.
  5. Damn good read on that draft thread Dash


  7. For sure it makes sense to move a large contract IF the Rockets really decide to rebuild. But like ChosenOne said, I still think it's early and as bad as the Rockets have looked I think we need to see what adjustments if any are made. Fair question to ask a little later in the season IMO.
  8. Which is ingenious until you get caught. Now the reputation has taken a hit...
  9. I already told you consider me being a person that is in denial.
  10. ^ Agreed it's irresponsibility from various areas, and this beverage happened to take center stage when really alcohol can creep on you either way. But Four Loko did what it needed to do to stay in business.
  11. Typo or not Greg Olden looks old. I mean Oden my bad typo.
  12. Rockets SUCK!!

    1. Dash


      Would the Rockets suck if they had THREE wins??

    2. Finch23


      I couldn't agree more, you all think you can still get a top 4 seed? LOLOLOLOL Sorry buddy...

  13. I think they should be able to sell it but the fact that underage drinkers can't handle it since you can consume a lot down before even noticing, definitely creates an obvious issue, it's an odd mixture. I mean move on to the next alcoholic beverage lol lots of choice I could careless if Four Loko disappears I personally think it tastes like [expletive].
  14. The savior. http://rockets.clutchfans.net/924/down-on-the-farm-patrick-patterson-makes-nbdl-debut/
  15. You underestimate "the Gundy" http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/vangundy1.jpg
  16. With the myth the man the legend JEFFEREY VAN GUNDY
  17. This read and react offense is so stupid when you have a team that can't read. Can we just fire Adelman, this is pathetic.
  18. Rockets suck on both ends!!!! What kind of offense are they playing.....they play like they are in practice running a scrimmage game.
  19. This seems to be a common theme... Last night he put the spin move on.
  20. Ode to Dabearfan101 All of you da coolest.
  21. I am sensing a big game from Jordan Hill in the 5 minutes that he plays! Oh ya Air Bud back tonight.
  22. Ron Artest wants to be a lot of things...after basketball.
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