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Everything posted by htown11

  1. Few things I agree Gasol is out of the picture at this point, he was way too good for the Grizzlies, and them letting him go would be a crime that I can't see happening. Iggy is a nice pickup but won't tip the scale much for the Rockets, they have been talking about Iggy for years now and the longer you wait the more useless he becomes. I say forget about Iggy and keep heading into that rebuild mode, I don't see Iggy as a franchise player. I'm still not opposed to signing Yao to a small contract and when I say small I mean the minimum lol. He knows that's all he deserves and he wants to stay in Houston, so I don't see any major issues in bringing him back. Maybe he can prove he's still got some years as a bench player, and the Rockets can get some benefits from the whole thing who knows (optimistic). Thabeet has McHale now, I rather see him make one last effort on the kid rather then shipping him away. I mean ship him where? Who wants a guy whose shown no improvement.... I say work with him and be 100% sure that the guy is a complete bust before writing him off so soon. As far as Jordan Hill goes he's not soft, that's the wrong word. He's uncoordinated, lazy, unenthusiastic, bipolar. Jordan has a terrible work ethic, and his motivation follows suit. When Jordan tries, he's the opposite of soft, the guy is an athletic beast. Same rule applies for Jordan, let McHale see what he can get out of him, he has potential no doubt about it, but theirs only so much a coach can do. It's on Jordan to actually show he cares. If he doesn't want to put the work in then screw it after his contract runs out good luck with life overseas Jordan...
  2. that was gay on so many levels but it's not big deal every german has to have his day.... it's clear the HEat will break his finger next game old man.

  3. I honestly don't think the strategy is clear at all as of now. The Rockets still have to make multiple moves, sure this is one step closer to figuring things out but it's still not 100% clear that rebuilding is the word this team is running on. It's too early imo, but things will fall into shape eventually. I like Kevin he's a likeable guy no doubt but he still wasn't my first choice and I am not sold on anything as of yet from the Rockets. I still love that we have an aggressive owner who clearly loves to wheel and deal, and that we have a smart GM that's able to look for various options because he's given that luxury by the owner. So I am optimistic an identity will eventually be found and we will be moving in the right direction but as of now it's a waiting game that's gotten very monotonous.
  4. Awesome press conference. The thing I loved about it was that it wasn't only about basketball, it was how much appreciation he has for his family and the people that have helped him through his career. Just a happy guy to be alive and satisfied with the way he did it. It doesn't get any better than that.
  5. hahah its deadly isnt it

  6. http://nyc.podcast.play.it/media/d0/d0/d0/dX/dV/d6/dT/XV6T_3.MP3 Audio for the presser today. Kevin is a very enthusiastic guy, can talk for hours as we all know from watching him on TV, so no doubt he will be a fun coach for the players. He's already talked to a lot of the players by phone and as much as they loved Adelman I think they will find the same in McHale. I know we all just hope it translates into wins.
  7. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/ShaqRetires_599x258.jpg He's doing the press conference at his house and the ESPN crew got first dibs. During the live broadcast Shaq played around like only Shaq can lol. Presser can be watched here if anyone is interested. http://www.nba.com/live4/
  8. it was nice and all but im not a *cough cough* traitor I still hate Dirk and the Mavs

    ROCKETS4LYFE im gonna tat that on my chest

  9. You have had the most random topics and things here on OTR and then you pull the psychic ability on everyone... you are more interesting than the Dos Equis man.
  10. Way to stand around at the end Heat....the clock doesn't magically move faster at the end.
  11. dont man dont do shit they take you in this interrogation room and make you eat non halal meat its some real Guantanamo shit

  12. good luck though for real at grad dont break a cawk and walk across confidently, dont be all brown and slumpy and shit


  13. hahah you such a hoe

    stop viewing The Big Threes profile you pedo stalking bastard

  14. damn so excited about graduation man ive been waiting for this forever!!! mannnn i cant wait MAYNEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

  15. Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/06/01/2918121/nowitzkis-injured-finger-more.html#ixzz1O3vk4odw
  16. uhh ummm did you watch the game??? Heat HEAT HEAT HEAT!!! amazing

  17. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/038_kevin_mchale--300x300.jpg http://blog.chron.com/nba/2011/05/rockets-still-havent-scheduled-mchale-press-conference/
  18. ^ My favorite Steve Martin role, great movie. Last movie I saw was Insomnia. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/insomnia-movie-poster-1020551884.jpg 9/10 Excellent suspense thriller. Both Al Pacino and Robin Williams do a great job keeping you on the edge all the way through. Christopher Nolan directed this one, everyone knows him for The Dark Knight, Inception, Memento etc but this really is one of his best movies. Did it in 2002 sandwiched between Memento and Batman Begins, if you like suspense this one is perfect. They are streaming it on Netflix for all that have it.
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