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About bloo

  • Birthday November 5

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    Patrick Ewing/Allan Houston
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy Birthday, man!! :)

  2. All I'm saying is that the Knicks aren't getting blown out. It's going to be WAY closer than you think.
  3. it's a thing that all Knicks fans have noticed... but all his other stats have overshadowed his TOs, which is the reason why.. things get better with age though.
  4. Why Knicks........ Amare was the only player who wanted to come here when no one else didn't.... He accepted the challenge... [expletive] Dolan, man....
  5. Radioactive has to be the most underrated album of 2011.. Yela did his thing.
  6. TMMLP, TSSLP, TES are his best albums.. All classics.
  7. Route Surveying Materials/Methods Of Construction Soil Mechanics Construction Drawing 3 Applied Hydraulics
  8. I used to LOVE NBA on NBC... it was really the reason why I started to watch basketball. I was young, but you know a great thing when you see it...
  9. Definitely pretty nice... Just a preference for me, but I'd like to see the text a little lower with a Nationals logo on top of the text faded into the background.
  10. This is only happening because the Knicks are protesting that fact that I cannot watch the games anymore because of TWC... Once I get MSG back, everything will be well again in the Knicks universe.
  11. Congratulations Brandon.. can't believe it's been 7 years since JBB.
  12. I still get chills down my spine every time I hear replays of the garden crowd chanting "melo, melo, melo " The game was pretty intense live. I haven't seen the knicks crowd that hype in a long time. They were chanting defense on the first play of the damn game. Like 4th quarter defense chants too..
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