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The Lone Granger

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Everything posted by The Lone Granger

  1. 1. Kobe Bryant 2. Gilbert Arenas 3. Carmelo Anthony Just because Arenas hasn't hit many lately, doesn't say much, he's been injured. Back in the day when he'd pull up from about 8 feet behind the three-point line and drain a game-winner, Melo would have no chance at doing that. There's no doubt that Kobe is the #1 game-winning shot maker either, but Melo does get sole possession of #3 on my list over Wade.
  2. With the way he has been playing, he will get a multi-year deal. Why not? Hill still has some game left in him, and his legs aren't as tired as his age says they should be because of how much he had to sit with different injuries. Should be interesting to see how this situation go, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them sign him to a three-year contract. I would if I were Phoenix. Thoughts?
  3. November 28th vs. Los Angeles Lakers http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1130.snc4/149233_1604585348236_1044205389_31512518_982129_n.jpg 25 Minutes, 6-14 FGM-A, 0-2 3PM-A, 2-2 FTM-A, 1 Steal, 0 Blocks, 3 Turnovers, 2 Personal Fouls, 1 Rebound, 3 Assists, 14 Points. He had a decent all-around game for the Pacers in their win of the Lakers, but still left some things to be desired. The turnovers need to be cut down on, and the assists raised. Defensively, he had a good game, and was able to practically stop Steve Blake when he was in there, but Pacers fans really want to see him attack the bucket more aggressively, and put up some more points and assists on the board. Good all-around game from DC though. Thoughts on his game against the Lakers?
  4. Well, if they can get someone like CP3 or Melo, then you have to do that. The past couple years, they haven't had a legit scorer to put alongside Howard and that's been the reason that they've lost in the Playoffs. If they don't acquire anyone else, then I still think they'll be OK with the way Vince Carter and Rashard Lewis have showed up this year. Do you guys see Orlando making any moves?
  5. The reason he gets the rebounds is because he goes 100% for the ball at all times. He hustles, and he plays hard, and the stats are a product of that. Great season for the young fella.
  6. Huge win for us! We played excellent defense, and came up with big plays when we needed to. It's correct that Kobe took the right shot with the last shot of the game. If he dribbles into Ford, then how does that make it an easier shot? He would have to take a step back anyway probably, or fade-away, and that makes the shot even more difficult. It was the right choice but came up short. Big win for my Pacers!
  7. He rose up when he was absolutely needed against Durant. Great to see him do that. I've been a Battier fan for quite some time now, and I agree that he hasn't played that well on both sides of the court for quite some time. His shot I wouldn't be worried about, because every shooter goes through a tough shooting stretch like this, he just needs to keep shooting. As for defense, it almost looked like he had lost a step there for awhile, but now we see that he still has that hard-nosed defensive talent left, and that's definitely good to see for Houston.
  8. November 26th, 2010 vs. Oklahoma City Thunder http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1150.snc4/149233_1604585228233_1044205389_31512516_4094765_n.jpg 25 Minutes, 5-11 FGM-A, 0-0 3PM-A, 0-1 FTM-A, 0 Steals, 0 Blocks, 1 Turnovers, 6 Personal Fouls, 3 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 10 Points. He had a decent all-around game but just couldn't seem to calm down at times. Down the stretch in overtime he had some big plays, but missed a clutch free throw with a few minutes to go. Good, solid all-around performance, but still only played 25 minutes. Hopefully he starts picking his play up soon. Thoughts on the game?
  9. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70292/20101128/murphy_johnson_arent_talking/ Just don't understand this situation at all. I understand that Johnson can be upset about Murphy's condition, but not playing him at all? T-Murphy is a great three-point shooter, rebounder, and proved last season that he could put up a double-double every single time he played good minutes out there. I don't care what his "condition" is if he's putting up great numbers on the court. This just has me at a loss for words, and the only thing I can see coming out of this is a trade....that's all I can see in the future. What teams do you guys see being interested? Thoughts?
  10. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70291/20101128/crawford_open_to_return_to_knicks/ I really enjoyed watching Crawford back when he was with the Knicks. He was one of those players that wasn't scared to take clutch shots, and wasn't scared to be the scorer for his team. I think a reunion with the Knicks would be a very good thing for both sides. We all know that Knicks fans have been waiting for a shooting guard that can score the ball, and everyone Knick fan that I talk to still likes Jamal Crawford so why not? I could definitely see something like this happening. Thoughts?
  11. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70288/20101128/dorell_wright_sinks_nine_three_pointers/ That's just ridiculous. That last part where he hit four three-pointers in just three-and-a-half minutes is crazy. Great game from Wright, and who would have thought that he had that kind of play in him? I remember him back in the days with the Heat where everyone just thought he was a bench scrub, but the dude has some game, and has been a great pickup by Golden State. Great game for him. Thoughts?
  12. I like how Finnegan was looking good in the fight until he ripped off Andre's helmet. After that it was go-time for Johnson, and he just went off. Starting beating the Finnegan down lol.
  13. This game will not be a blowout lol, sorry to ruin your day. There is no way that the Lakers are going to blow this Pacers team out. Yes, they have had struggles in the recent past, but this is an entirely different, and more athletic, and defensive-minded team. This is going to be a good game. Let's get back to being above .500 Pacers!
  14. I wouldn't put too much stock in the early season. Is he having a bad season right now? Of course, the stats don't lie. Will he turn it around? Yes, he is still a star player, not a superstar, but he is a scorer, and his shot is off right now. If anyone can get it back, then I think Johnson definitely has the best chance because he just won't stop shooting. Great thread though, I wouldn't have known he was struggling so much unless you had called attention to it.
  15. I would definitely love to see the Pacers make a move for Cousins. Granted, he's very immature, but he's got so much talent, and we need some power forward help, so why not? As for replying to the actual thread title, yes they should at least listen to offers. I'm not saying trade him, but if you get an offer that involves young talent, and picks, then you have to consider it. He's already having issues with the head coach, and even when he starts to mature, I'm sure there will still be bad blood there. As much as I think he would be a great fit with the Kings, I just don't think he can get past the issues he's already having with the team. A change of scenery will be needed sooner or later, similar to like what Michael Beasley is having right now.
  16. Tough loss for the Packers. Oh well, it just comes down to penalties and the inability to get a stop with our special teams. Very disappointing loss.
  17. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70285/20101127/amare_says_he_was_never_taught_defense/ Hmm, never knew that anyone could get through any amount of time playing basketball without being taught defense. No offense to him, but that's the first thing that you get taught when you start playing basketball. It's good to see him paying extra attention to it now, but still, I don't believe that he was "never taught defense". Thoughts?
  18. Just wanted to make it clear that there wasn't meant to be anything personal in that Pacers-Thunder game thread. We cool?

  19. Just wanted to make it clear that there wasn't meant to be anything personal in that Pacers-Thunder game thread. We cool?

  20. Coach K: Boston? Maybe New Orleans even. Bruce Pearl: I think he'd fit well with the Phoenix Suns. Those are just two thoughts, I'll add more throughout the duration of this thread.
  21. Michigan is going to come out strong, but I see this coming down like the Auburn-Alabama game did. The Wolverines are going to get out to a quick start, but then OSU is going to come back and win by a field goal. Going to be a great game though!
  22. Johnson: "Terrence Can Definitely Play His Way Back" I've been trying to figure out what Avery Johnson is trying to accomplish by demoting Williams to the D-League, and I think I might finally know what he's doing. Williams hasn't been that aggressive on the court this year, so by lowering his level of competition, I think Williams is going to start realizing how much talent he does have, and by "playing his way back", that would allow him to keep playing strong and be rewarded for it. This is a very smart move by Avery, and I'm really starting to become impressed with his coaching style for the young Nets. Thoughts?
  23. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70274/20101127/iguodala_wouldnt_be_surprised_by_trade/ Unfortunately I agree. Iguodala has been a huge part of the 76ers ever since Iverson left to be honest, and maybe even for the year before that, but his time is definitely drawing to a close in Philly. Now that the 76ers have Evan Turner, who will take Iggy's place, they can look to deal their best player to get a lot of young talent or maybe cash room? I'm guessing young talent. Their lack of success this year almost sells the fact that he'll be out of town fairly soon. What teams could you guys see being interested? I'd love to think that the Pacers are going to make a good offer for him, but I don't think we have enough. Maybe a Dahntay Jones, Brandon Rush, and 1st round pick type of deal? Don't know what Philly would say to that, but who do you guys see him going to? Thoughts?
  24. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70271/20101126/mayo_fine_with_coming_off_bench/ http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70277/20101127/mayo_isnt_on_trade_block/ Mayo is a pro, he knows what he did was wrong, and he's understanding that he has to be punished because of it. It's great that he's taking the mentality that he still has to help his team no matter what, and that's what becoming a team leader is all about right there. As for speculations about him being on the trading block...there is absolutely no way that he gets traded. The main reason for sitting him down in the first place, was for him to realize what being a team leader meant, so he could come back and be that star that they need him to be. He's going to be a Memphis Grizzlies player for a long time. Thoughts?
  25. This is tough news for the Toronto Raptors. Evans has been playing his heart out for that team, and has been putting up ridiculous rebounding. Tough to see him go out just after putting up a career-high 22 rebounds. Hopefully he's able to recover quickly and come back before the trade deadline like BFT was talking about. In all honesty, I'd love to have Evans on the Pacers. Rebounding killed us last night against Oklahoma City, and we need guys who will go get a rebound no matter what. I know we've had this what would Toronto take from Indiana in return, but is there any way at all that we could acquire Evans from you?
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