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The Lone Granger

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Everything posted by The Lone Granger

  1. No, you guys got the 14-point lead down, but I'm just saying to close a game out you have to play dirty? Pretty sad to me. You guys almost let a 7 point lead slip with about 20 seconds to go, so we both need our favorite teams to work on a lot of stuff. Just saying, all game you guys had the refs on your side. What's up with Hibbert getting thrown to the floor after having 3 arms come down on his arms and one hit him in the back of the head and no call? That's called BS right there, so you escaped with one . That's our win in my opinion, and we'll come get your Thunder next time son.
  2. I visited the site back in those days . Didn't join, but when I was with the other all sports old forum, Real Sports Talk, I did visit. Very interesting to see how this site has grown, and now I'm very happy to be a big part of it.
  3. No he didn't, Durant flopped. Trust me I watched it! Dirty play Thunder, enjoy winning by cheating lol.
  4. Way to play dirty down the stretch OKC way to push Dunleavy in the chest to get the inbounds pass in but whatever. Way to play dirty Thunder , hope you feel great about the win.
  5. Which QB would you rather have for the next decade? If you had to start your team with one of these two quarterbacks, which one would you pick to have as your starter and explain why. Thoughts?
  6. Here is yet another place where I see the Pacers being interested. With O'Briens love for outside shooting, and having had him in Indiana before, I think you could see the Pacers show some interest. How much interest would Toronto have in Dahntay Jones? Any at all? Before I say what I'm thinking, I want to know what Raptors fans think about Jones.
  7. We got to get another win to prove we are legit. If we beat the Thunder, then we'll have beaten two top NBA teams, and people will have to respect us. Let's get it Pacers!
  8. I just don't know what to think about this statement from Hill. Sure, maybe someone had his arm, but I doubt they were trying to break it. It's easy in football to get an arm tangled, I really don't think that any player would intentionally try to break another players arm.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised to see some interest from the Pacers. We need some help at power forward, but like the article says, the scare is the fragile part. We could make a trade package of Dahntay Jones and Solomon Jones or something like that? How would you guys like that kind of a trade? He's never going to live up to his potential, but I think he'd be a good fit with the young Pacers team. What other teams could you guys see interested in him? Thoughts?
  10. This is just a crazy situation. Williams is a very talented player, and the only reason he isn't putting up good numbers this year is because of Avery Johnson. I wouldn't be surprised if you see him get traded, and I think you might see some interest from Indiana. They've been trying to deal Dahntay Jones for quite some time, and I think there would be a possibility to swap Dahntay Jones and Terrence Williams. Sure, the Pacers would probably have to add more, but still it would be great for us. Thoughts?
  11. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70262/20101126/pacers_sticking_with_rotation/ Why would you change something if it's working extremely well? Mike gives us something in the starting lineup, while having Rush come in off the bench is a huge lift. He's playing with confidence finally, so when he comes in he's got fresh legs usually against the starters of the opposing teams who are already getting tired. I'm loving the way we rotate these three in and out for each other, but O'Brien needs to learn that when one of them is having an extremely good game, you just don't pull them out until they cool down. Good to see he isn't going to try to tweak anything like he usually does. Thoughts?
  12. Looking forward to seeing the Pacers-Thunder game tonight! Another tough opponent guys, let's win this game!

  13. Welcome back man! Yet another familiar face! Got to love seeing new but familiar faces come back to the site. Hope you have fun and are able to stay active! Enjoy the best!
  14. I truly think you'll see Milicic start coming into his own this year, and in the next couple years. Like someone else said, he's only 25 years old, and he had to make the transition into the NBA which is very hard quite often for European players. He's finally starting to bulk up, and I'm really impressed with his attitude as well. He made the call to stay in the NBA and give it another shot, and I think you're seeing it pay off. Great to see him starting to pick his game up.
  15. I'm going to say Shannon Brown in this one. Why? Well first, he's not as arrogant as Smith, and he actually listens to his coach and tries to play as a teammate rather than someone just out there for stats. Granted, like RD said in a previous post, he did have mini-Kobe spells where he'd try to take games over, but he's improved a lot in his basketball IQ this year from what I've seen. The three-point shooting has improved, and honestly, from what I've seen, Brown is just about as deadly as Smith is these days. Also, in terms of athleticism, I'd say it's at least a tie if not Brown by a little bit. And if your talking about defense, there's no way you can say J.R. Smith is better than Shannon Brown. Brown gets this vote from me all day.
  16. He's a very underrated player for Boston, and this injury will hurt their back-court depth. However, I'm not sure how long he'll be out, but he will be back at some point this year if I'm not mistaken? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But even though this is tough for them, as well as West, they'll still continue to play at a high level of basketball. Definitely a tough break for Delonte though.
  17. I don't think he lasts the rest of the season with the Cavs. He's making a case to be one of the more valuable trade chips around the league, especially because he's a good point guard as well. Teams like the Heat and Kings could come calling on the Cavaliers for him. Gibson is definitely clutch though, I don't think anyone has every argued that point.
  18. It's pretty cool, played it a little bit today at my cousins. I'll probably end up getting it.
  19. I like the move for the Grizz. They really need Mayo to step up and be a team leader, and trust me, this isn't even close to a permanent move. I understand why Hollins is doing this, and I think he's trying to prove a point to Mayo that it's time for him to step up in Memphis. No problems at all with this move.
  20. I'm not going to lie. If Granger went to a team like the Bulls, Knicks, or Pistons I'd probably lose interest in supporting him. How can you go from one team, and playing hard and participating in that rivalry and then turn around and play for that hated team against the team that supported you before them? Maybe that's just the way I look at it, but I would have a hard time even watching him play anymore, and I'd definitely stop rooting for him in any way, shape, or form.
  21. Because O'Brien is just taking it easy with him right now. They don't want him to get hurt, and Ford has been playing very solid in his minutes as well. Why overwork a player when you don't have to you know? He's young, and is still getting used to the system in Indiana as well.
  22. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70237/20101124/spurs_likely_to_sign_ime_udoka/ This will be a very solid, and underrated signing for San Antonio. They need to acquire some more defense, and Udoka gives them both defense, and a solid three-point shooting threat. He's also very accustomed to playing in the Spurs' system, and he should fit in well from the get go. Looking forward to seeing him play again. Thoughts?
  23. A little bit of a late start, but so far this year he's averaging 14.3 PPG, 2.6 RPG, and 4.3 APG. In Indiana, he'll be the featured point guard for both now, and in the long-term future. I'm looking forward to seeing how he develops, and I'm very sure that he's going to turn into a star point guard in this league. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1130.snc4/149233_1604585268234_1044205389_31512517_4859782_n.jpg When he was acquired this summer, he almost single-handedly got the city of Indianapolis back excited about the Pacers, and hasn't disappointed yet. I'll be keeping track of each game for him, and making sure to keep you guys updated on how he continues to improve.
  24. What do you guys think? I know that they are only 7-6, but they have competed very well with everyone this year. They only lost to Orlando by 4, and they've beaten teams like the Heat and Nuggets. The defense has been looking very solid, and our offense is very solid as well. We have great individual players in Granger, Hibbert, Collison, and then a great supporting cast in Rush (who is finally looking confident in his game), Hansbrough, McRoberts, Dunleavy, Ford, George, Foster, and Posey. We lost by 4 to Milwaukee, 3 to Houston, and 4 to Orlando, so honestly we very easily could be 10-3. I think we have a chance to compete this year, but I want your guys' opinions. Thoughts?
  25. On paper? LeBron-Wade. On the court? Kobe-Gasol.
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