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The Lone Granger

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Everything posted by The Lone Granger

  1. There's no question about it that they should have. Why would you pass up on a guy that has #2 overall pick potential? Your in desperate need of a star player, and he would have been the best option for them that has that "star" talent. He's showing lately in Minnesota that when he's asked to play big he can, and Toronto really missed out on him. Even back then I knew that they should have traded for him, because once he got of Miami I was sure that he'd revive his career. I think the expectations from the Heat for him to come right in and be that second star that Wade needed really threw him off. Now that people were doubting him (everyone around the league, including in Minnesota), he used that as drive to get better and come back stronger, and a better player than ever. He's definitely making all those teams that passed on him regret that decision. I know the Pacers passed up on a deal that involved a first round pick I believe, and they are regretting it as well.
  2. I'll be at this game! Can't wait to see our young team play for the first time in person tonight. I'm expecting there to be a very good crowd yet again, and an electric atmosphere especially after the fans responding to that 144-point game. htown11, you up for an avatar bet? Lol. I'll wear a Rockets avy of your choice for a week if the Pacers lose, and you'll wear a Pacers avy of my choice for a week if the Pacers win? Sound good to you?
  3. Good signing for Gaines. They got rid of Ager I saw just last night, and Gaines was a guy who was out there I was wondering where/if he would sign somewhere. Like the article says though, when Flynn comes back, he'll be the #3 point guard, and probably won't be playing, so it's just a temporary help, type signing. Good deal though. Maybe he can hit a fade-away, game-winning three tonight? Thoughts?
  4. You started to see the talent that got him drafted at #2 overall back in the day. I think if he keeps up that aggressiveness, and want to get to the rim, he could be putting up 25+ point games every night. He's definitely got all the tools needed to be a big scorer in the NBA, he just has to use them. Maybe because he's the best player in Minnesota, he's finally starting to get the confidence to play his game. Thoughts?
  5. I would have to say that trading Ariza was a bad idea as well. He brought defense, and also was a decent scorer for them as well. Also, another thing that hasn't been happening is Aaron Brooks being a point guard this year. He hasn't been getting the ball moving, and the offense is stagnant. One other thing that I'm going to mention is toughness. They don't do anything strong from what I've seen. They are a finesse team right now, and they aren't going to win anything until they decide to get strong on defense, and on offense and just put their heads down and get a win. At least, that's what I see. What do you guys think is up with Houston?
  6. Why start the older player over the younger one, if the younger one is still playing good basketball. Like someone mentioned, the fouls are off-setting this anyway, they play him as much as they can and keep him on the floor. Like I stated, why would you start the older player when the younger one is playing just as good, and also learning the game as he goes along. For crying out loud he's the #3 overall pick, they better play him if he's contributing well for them.
  7. Well, it's sad to hear that he'll be leaving, and because I feel sad, I have a gut feeling that this is the last season of his career. I'd love to see Green Bay give him a 10-day contract and let him retire at home. Sure, I've hated him while he's been with Minnesota, but it was hate by affiliation. I still am a Favre fan, and once he's out of Minny I'll be a fan again, but I think we should have the class to let him retire a Packer, and then retire his jersey at some point.
  8. Well guys, I appreciate the good comments. I realize they weren't that good dude, I'm just starting at this, and I'll continue to learn. For the positive feedback that wasn't about cooking, thanks! I'll continue to make these, and start working with some more advance things like layers and what not. Just trying to get the feel for PS right now actually.
  9. As a Pacers fan, I've been very impressed with the team we have. Coming into the year, I thought we had a shot to sneak into the last Playoff spot, but after seeing us start playing defense finally, and our offense is finally starting to click, I think we have a very good shot to move up to the #7 or even #6 seed in the East. I've been blown away by the team chemistry we seem to have, and for the first time since the Detroit brawl, we finally have a team that trusts each other. On defense, if a guy gets beat, he knows either Hibbert, Granger, Hansbrough, or McRoberts is always going to be there to back them up. It's great to watch this young Pacers team play, and they will just continue to get better over the course of the season as they grow as players and get used to the NBA speed.
  10. Pacers vs. Rockets tonight! Should be a good game, let's get back to over .500 guys!

  11. Great job! When I logged in I wasn't expecting to see the major changes, but I'm loving it. Can't wait to see the specific team skins! Keep up the great work RD.
  12. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70043/20101111/rockets_explore_trade_for_love/ Interesting, and good to see for Houston fans. They realize that they need to make some moves, and they need to make it quickly, and take advantage of the fact that Love and the Wolves aren't communicating very well right now. Maybe a deal like Kyle Lowry and Luis Scola or something like that for Love? I'm guessing Minnesota would want more than that, but what do you guys think the deal would look like? I know it's not likely to happen, but still interesting to think about. Thoughts?
  13. http://espn.go.com/blog/collegebasketballnation/post/_/id/17855/iu-gets-symbolic-boost-with-cody-zeller Huge pickup for the Hoosiers! Zeller will come right in, and be a factor, but also he could bring a guy like Kevin Ferrell, who would likely like to come with Zeller to play in college with him as well. Things are starting to look bright, and Tom Crean is doing a great job of recruiting guys lately. What do you guys think about IU's recruiting for the next couple years? And especially this signing of Zeller? Thoughts?
  14. Good thread. I'd have to go with a healthy Andrew Bynum. It's obvious that he has better post moves (right now), but since he can't stay healthy, if I had to choose, I'd probably go with Roy Hibbert. While Hibbert hasn't shown that he can be a franchise-type of player (and just saying, neither has Bynum), I still think he's going to continue to improve. Assuming he keeps working hard, he'll get even better post moves, get stronger, and get quicker. When that happens, I think he could become just about the player that Bynum is now, but healthy. That being said, if Bynum worked hard and could stay healthy, he would improve from the player he is now drastically. I could see Bynum becoming a legit franchise-type center, simply because of his physical attributes. His height, strength, and athleticism would be almost impossible to stop if he could only stay healthy and continue to build on what he already has. I'd pick Hibbert simply because of health, but I agree that Bynum is the better player by far when healthy.
  15. I'm really looking forward to this game! Your going to see an angry Heat team out for revenge, and a confident Celtics team looking to prove to people that they are the best team in the East. Should be a good game, but I see the Heat coming out on top this time.
  16. No doubt those were my best ones. I think I figured out at least how to make them look fairly decent, but I'm not that good at adding things in. All I can do is switch up the lighting a little bit to add effects.
  17. There is a very simple answer to this question. A franchise player is a player who you can build your team around, and be that #1 guy who can win games, and in the end win a Championship for you. Your best player, is a player who can put some points up, but who can't take you to the promised land on his own. There are only a few guys in the NBA who I call a franchise player. Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, Dwight Howard (assuming he keeps playing the way he has been lately), Kevin Durant (still not sure about him, but I'm leaning towards putting him on the list), are all franchise players. I'm not listing them all but those are the majority of them. As for best players. Guys like Danny Granger, Derrick Rose, Monta Ellis, and those types of players are best players for their respective teams. At least that's my two cents worth on this subject. Thoughts?
  18. Granger Fine With Fewer Minutes http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70032/20101110/granger_fine_with_fewer_minutes/ Obviously if the game is close, or in a clutch part of the game, then he won't be on the bench. I think what O'Brien is talking about, is if the Pacers get out to say a 9-10 point lead early, he would rest Granger rather than leave him out on the floor. If you can give any rest to Danny at all, I think it's a good idea. Keep him as healthy as you can, because later down the stretch of the season, your going to need him out there most of the game. I like what JOB is doing here. Thoughts?
  19. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70028/20101110/hornets_have_inquired_about_iguodala/ Wow, the Hornets are a dangerous team already, and if you add Iguodala into the mix, that just makes them even more dangerous. What do you think New Orleans would have to give up? The expiring deal of Stojakovic would be a very nice trade chip, but I'm sure Philly would need something else to go along with that. What about a guy like Marcus Thorton? They would have Ariza off the bench with Iguodala starting. What do you guys think? Thoughts?
  20. Gentry Discounts Nash Trade Rumors http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/70027/20101110/gentry_discounts_nash_trade_rumors/ So it's sounding more and more like Nash will not be dealt out of Phoenix. The fans love him, Nash likes the Suns organization, and the coach is very sure that he won't be being traded or he'll live with him. What do you guys think? Is there any chance that Nash is dealt? Thoughts?
  21. I was impressed by the way he stepped up and took the threes. There was absolutely no hesitation in him, and then on that rebound, a lot of players would have stopped and watched the shot, but he moved to the boards, read it off the room, grabbed it, and finished. Great game from Milsap, definitely brought my respect for him up.
  22. I'm very new at trying to make Avy's so I am just posting these and hoping you'll bear with me. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs987.snc4/76087_1579552202423_1044205389_31473046_3243322_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs394.snc4/45675_1479122291738_1044205389_31273674_7869984_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs573.ash2/149506_1579546202273_1044205389_31473037_1051339_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs998.snc4/77118_1579547762312_1044205389_31473041_3570851_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs935.snc4/74854_1579547082295_1044205389_31473040_8197716_n.jpg What do you guys think of these?
  23. I use them for sure, and I know when I first visited the forum considering joining, I clicked on the Pacers and Wizards forums because those are my two favorite teams. If you can keep them, I would definitely advise it.
  24. Playoff contenders for now. I think if continue to build on what we have, then in a few seasons we could be Championship contenders, but just Playoffs for this season lol.
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