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The Lone Granger

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Everything posted by The Lone Granger

  1. Hmm, that's an interesting proposition. I think we'd like the expiring deal, and the second round pick would be nice. The other thing about this two-for-one deal is that we free up a roster spot to bring Magnum Rolle back to fill that position at the big that's left by Solomon Jones. Nice idea, I think this could be a possibility if they actually look into it lol.
  2. Easily made the right move. When your playing at the danger of your own life, and you could easily die simply from running up and down the court, then you have to call it quits. Good move for Oberto, sad to see him go though.
  3. Welcome to the site man! Great to have another quality member around the boards. Hope you are able to have fun, and stay active! See you around the forums.
  4. I can't say that I think he has a shot. Even if he continues to average those numbers, another point guard that you could put over him is Derrick Rose. 26.8 PPG, 10 APG, 4 RPG. Those numbers are better in my opinion. And like people have been saying, Rondo has so much talent on his team with Allen, Pierce, and Garnett as well. While Rose does have Noah and Boozer, neither of those two are as capable as the help in Boston to take over a games scoring. Maybe that's just my opinion, but I think Rose would still win, and has the better shot to keep up the numbers. Also the other two guys I see having a shot at winning are Kevin Durant, and maybe even Brandon Roy like someone else mentioned. It's definitely an interesting thought about Rondo though, good thread.
  5. Johnson is a very talented, athletic young player which seems to be exactly what the Bobcats are looking at getting for their team. Like BFT said, who do they get back in this deal? It's very difficult to make a deal involving a point guard. The Bobcats are not going to trade D.J. Augustin, and the only two other point guards they have on their roster are Sherron Collins and Shaun Livingston. I could see the Bulls being interested in either of those two guys, but there is no way that they would trade for one of those guys straight up. Maybe Gerald Henderson could be involved or a pick or something?
  6. I don't think we'd want West, because we already have Ford as our backup and we like A.J. Price as our third-string point guard. I guess he could fit in decently well as the starting two-guard, and would still keep up with the defense but be a shooter, and a good playmaker as well. Wafer would interest us I think, but you would have to add another piece like maybe a second-rounder?
  7. I actually was thinking about the Celtics, but you guys already have Daniels. Who would you give up to us that would make it a fair deal? Maybe Wafer actually straight up for Jones?
  8. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/69923/20101104/pacers_trying_to_trade_dahntay_jones/ He did go in last night during the Sixers game for a few minutes and came out of it with 8 points, 4 rebounds, and 2 assists. Jones can play ball, there is no question about that. Not only can he score the ball decently on the drive and from mid-range, but he's a great free-throw shooter, and an excellent defender. I'm expecting a deal at some point this year, simply because a legit contender is going to want some defense, and he can bring that to the table. What teams could you guys see being interested? Thoughts?
  9. Josh Smith: Trade Rumors Out Of My Control http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/69925/20101104/josh_smith_trade_rumors_out_of_my_control/ Like he says, he can't change things, so why not just go out there and play basketball? They definitely need him to focus on playing, and improve that already impressive 5-0 record. In my opinion, if they keep playing the way that they have been, you won't see them making a trade involving him this year. They seem like a Championship contending team right now, and they wont' mess that chemistry up. Thoughts?
  10. Last night against the Bucks it showed why they need Shaq. With Davis fouling out, and Jermaine in foul trouble (and eventually fouling out), they had to go with Marquis Daniels because they didn't have trust in the young Turk is a clutch situation. Jermaine actually had a very solid game defensively. He didn't put up many points, but I think he had around 4 blocks?
  11. We just didn't play our game. Hibbert wasn't used properly, we threw away easy passes, and missed wide-open shots, including about 9 layups. Elton Brand completely rocked us, and I agree that he looks back to form like when he was with the Clippers. Great game from Philly, and they deserved this win. I still think if we had hit our layups, and cut down on the bad passes that we would have won this game though. Congrats on the first win of the year for Philly.
  12. This is sad to see. I agree with everyone that said that he crossed the line. In no situation should you ever say anything that makes light of something that causes people to die...just not cool. And what htown11 said as well, on Twitter so many people are offended by what he said. Definitely makes me sick to hear that KG actually said this. He denies that he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did. It happens when you don't think before you speak. Hopefully he learns his lesson and calms down on the trash talk a bit.
  13. Conley Vows To Validate Extension http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/69919/20101103/conley_vows_to_validate_extension/ I really like to see this, and I think he's going to turn his career around. So far he hasn't turned out to what Memphis expected him to be, but this year so far he's already showing that he can play ball. If he keeps up the numbers he has now, then this deal that he just signed will be a great one for both side. In my opinion it's obvious that he's playing with a purpose now, and that will play a big factor in him keeping up the great play. Thoughts?
  14. I've been of the opinion that the only thing that McRoberts had on Psycho T was health, and now your starting to see that it was indeed the case. Hansbrough has been playing amazing basketball off the bench for the Pacers, and while Josh still has been putting up some good numbers as well, the better player still needs to start. I think it's obvious on both offense, as well as defense that Tyler Hansbrough is the better basketball player, and very soon I think you'll see a change in the starting lineup. Thoughts?
  15. Pacers @ 76ers tonight. Let's go 3-1 Indiana!

  16. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/69902/20101102/favors_play_has_increased_trade_stock/ Very interesting. I didn't think that the Nets would even look to move Favors, even if it was for Melo. Murphy is going to be a free agent after this year, and when you have a young big man, putting up the numbers that Favors is, I just don't think you move him. Maybe the Nets would still move him for Melo, but I think that's about the only player they would consider moving him for. Thoughts?
  17. Baron Admits To Being Out Of Shape http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/69900/20101102/baron_admits_to_being_out_of_shape/ Well at least that means that he's accepting the fact and he's out to get better at it. This could have lead to drama between Del Negro and Davis, and that could have destroyed the team, but he's taking it like a man. That's always the first step towards recovery lol. Thoughts?
  18. And gameday is here! Let's see if we can't move to 3-1 baby!
  19. It's great to see Jack not really show much interest in the Heat. Pretty much any player right now would normally be all, I would love to go win a Championship in Miami, but even though he's going to have a rough season with Toronto (although a lot better than I think many people were expecting), he wants to stick with his team. Great leadership shown by Jack so far this year. He's a former Pacer as well, so I definitely am happy to see him support his team no matter what.
  20. Welcome! Great to have another Pacers fan around the boards.
  21. This is just pathetic. What is Shanahan thinking? McNabb may have gotten tired, but to bench him, and actually even consider signing JaMarcus Russell? That's just sad. Put some trust in your starting QB, one of the best ones in the recent history of the NFL, and just move on.
  22. I think he'll get back into the niche that he found himself putting up good numbers in last year. Through two games, he's still getting used to having John Wall driving to the rim, and leading the team. Blatche is still a very young player as well, and while shooting that mid-range jumper is by far easier because defenses are willing to give that to him, I think the coaching staff will really work with him on understanding that getting to the rim is the way he's going to put up the numbers and help the team the most. No need to worry for Wizards fans here. Blatche has become a very coachable player, and I think you'll see Flip Saunders start working with him more and more on playing in the post. He'll get it before too long.
  23. Welcome to OTR man! Great to have another Pacers fan to discuss our new, up-and-coming team. Hope you have fun and are able to stay active! See you around the forums.
  24. A contract extension will get done at some point, there is no doubt about that in my opinion. Brooks is a huge part of this team, and both sides decided that it would be best to just wait until the end of the season. I don't see anything wrong with that at all. It doesn't sound like he's worried about it, and I can promise you that the Rockets will not let him walk in free agency. So what if Lowry is looking like the more solid defender right now, Brooks will pick his game up, we're not even a quarter of the way through the season. Don't worry Houston fans, Aaron Brooks will be a Rocket for a long time to come.
  25. Dang it, it sucks to hear that Driver isn't going to be out there. Go get Randy Moss, Green Bay! Lol, seriously though we could use him. We need guys like Jordy Nelson and James Jones to come up big for us against Dallas. Let's get another win Packers!
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