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The Lone Granger

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Everything posted by The Lone Granger

  1. http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/212543/Sundiata_Gaines_Out_For_Season_With_Fractured_Hip That's a tough break for Gaines. He was finally being asked to play his game and score the ball off the bench and then this happens. Hopefully for him he showed enough that the Nets want to bring him back next year. Thoughts?
  2. Wow what a horrible change of events for the Hornets. So they go from winning a huge game and their future looking good last night, to now losing one of their best players. Very huge turn of the tide for New Orleans.
  3. I'm honestly not sure on this one. He has a chance to be a decent point guard, as a backup. A lot of people have been comparing him to Redick, but I just don't see that. First off, Jimmer can handle the ball, unlike Redick when he first came into the league, and even at times now. Also, another fact is that Jimmer can create his own shot. J.J. Redick was always a spot up shooter and that's where I think Fredette has a chance to become a better player than people give him credit for. Do I think he's going to become a star? No, but he could become a decent role player.
  4. And just when the Grizzlies looked like a lock to make the postseason and maybe even have a chance to compete somewhat, they lose one of their best players for the season. Tough break for them, and this will definitely bring their hopes down. I know that they'll still make the Playoffs, but do you guys really think they'll have any chance to win against L.A. without Gay? Granted, last nights win over the C's was impressive though.
  5. HUGE game for both teams. We are only two games up on Charlotte for the 8th and final playoff spot, and getting this win here would be a huge step towards clinching it. The Bucks are also two games behind us, so if we lose we probably give up one game to both Milwaukee and Charlotte because the Bucks play the Kings tonight. Such a big game for the Pacers' playoff hopes.
  6. Like I want to post here again, and I'm willing to work my way back up to that Central Division spot. Just wanted to apologize and see if there's a way we can work this out?

  7. I've been thinking about Crawford on the Pacers for quite some time now, and I'd love it to happen. He'd fit in perfectly as our shooting guard, and a starting lineup of, PG: Darren Collison SG: Jamal Crawford SF: Danny Granger PF: Tyler Hansbrough C: Roy Hibbert would be a very solid lineup. Also we'll have more money to bring in more good players as well and have one heck of a bench. He'd look great in a Pacers uniform, and I don't see him going back to Atlanta. He's not happy with them and it shows when he's playing on the court this year. Go get him Pacers!
  8. What a block it was. The best part about it was that he just stood there and stared before outletting the ball and heading back down to the other side of the court. Best block in history? Don't think it was, but to be honest I haven't seen every block in history haha.
  9. Hey dude, are we cool? I apologize for what I did awhile back by the way. Just checking.

  10. Even if you decide against a link exchange, we'd be very honored to have you join as a member and make posts when you have some time. Thanks man!

  11. Hey man,

    My friend runs a sports forum called Top Sports Talk and was wondering if you'd like to affiliate with us? We've only been open a few days but we're trying to expand our link exchanges with other sports forums.

    Our link is: http://www.topsportstalk.com/forums

    Thanks for your time,

    The Lone Granger (Wrigley on TST)

  12. Can't go against Durant. Rose is a very compelling pick though because of the fact that he's a star point guard and can run the team, but you just don't find as many talented small forwards that Durant is. Like ABL just posted, there are quite a few other young, good point guards out there that you could get to run your offense, but Durant just has to be picked because of his scoring ability.
  13. What a game for Psycho T, but it's sad to see that we gave up a late 15 point lead and lost. He had a monster game for us though, and I think he probably just showed O'Brien that he should be starting no matter what now. Definitely a good sign for the future of this franchise if he can put up numbers like that against a good team like the Spurs. Thoughts?
  14. Welcome to OTR, thanks for joining! Hope you have fun and are able to stay active. See you around the forums!
  15. Granger is such a good player, but just hasn't been able to put it together this year in Indiana. If he is traded, we'll get a lot of young pieces, and/or picks in return and maybe that would be best for us. Paul George would probably step into the starting rotation, unless we got another good small forward in return. He's been very inconsistent this year, and that's why I think that we very well could end up dealing him. What teams could be interested in him? And how much would it take to get a guy like Granger?
  16. It's sad to see Kobe go through all these injuries knowing that he's just not going to be in the league for too much longer because of these injuries that we're seeing happen now. He's hands, and his knee, and anything else that is injured is just going to end up killing him over the next few seasons. I say Kobe Bryant only has 2-3 years left in him, even though if he were healthy he could probably play at a high-level for another 5-6.
  17. The sad thing is, that when he does come back again, he probably is just going to have the same thing happen again. Ming is such a big dude, that when he tries to rush himself back, the weight just re-stress fractures the same kind of thing that he had before. The ankles just don't hold up that well under so much pressure, especially when you have an aging player involved as well. Hopefully he can make a comeback, but I just wouldn't be too optimistic about it.
  18. Welcome to OTR man, good to have another NBA fan to talk with here. Have fun and stay active! See you around the forums.
  19. Gallinari has been playing great for the Knicks, and his loss will hurt the Knicks, but the thing about them is their depth on the wing. Shawne Williams has been a huge surprise, and is starting to play with the potential that he had coming out of Memphis a few years back. If anyone can step up and take Gallinari's spot I think it would be Williams. Randolph could get a look as well, but I wouldn't expect too much from him.
  20. Blake Griffin is just ridiculously wrong for how old he is. Like I've stated in almost every single Blake Griffin thread that I've posted in, he's doing this in his first NBA season. It's almost impossible to believe how good he's been playing, and I really can't measure how good this kid is going to be in a few years after he gets more experience. He's going to be one of the best players in NBA history in my opinion.
  21. What a story Kevin Martin has been. From being a decent scorer with the Kings, to coming into Houston and becoming the leader of his team, who would have thought with guys like Yao and Aaron Brooks that he would have to step up and play this big. Agreed, Houston is pretty awful when you can't win, when one of your players puts up a 45-point game, but still, great performance. I'll definitely have to start following him a little closer.
  22. Wow, this was a very interesting move. I was expecting to see Luck head to the NFL, but this is a great move in my opinion. Why? Well first off, he's not going to make an early jump to the NFL when he isn't ready and then become a bust because of lack of maturity. He's going to get more experience in college first, and I think his NFL future is going to be better because of this return to school.
  23. He's been a beast this season, and if Walsh did let him walk, then I would doubt his decision-making as a GM. As long as he plays with the kind of confidence that he's been playing with this year, he's going to put up big numbers. How much money do you guys think that they'll have to give him to get him locked up long-term? Thoughts?
  24. He's been good and bad, but now I'm sold that we should fire him. No offense, I'm very thankful to JOB for signing with us, and sticking it out even through the absolute low times, but he's just not doing anything good for us right now. His rotation has gotten so awful, with Hibbert being on the bench in favor of Jeff Foster? The reason he's benched is because of poor shooting percentage, but again, why is he shooting so bad? Because the plays you want him to run are just not his game. When he let's that starting five play, PG: Darren Collison SG: Brandon Rush SF: Danny Granger PF: Tyler Hansbrough C: Roy Hibbert then I think they'll be fine. No offense to McRoberts, but he's not a starter. Psycho T should be the starting four, and then you have a much deeper bench anyway. Price deserves to be playing I agree, and finally he's let George start playing again. We need to have faith in our young talent, and quit trying to make guys like James Posey guard Amare Stoudemire late in games. At least put the young, powerful, and energetic Tyler Hansbrough on him and have a chance. I'm sad to say this, but yes, it's time for Jim O'Brien to leave Indiana. Thoughts?
  25. I'm very excited to see Psycho T get plugged into the starting power forward role. I've been waiting for this for awhile now, and don't get me wrong, I love Josh McRoberts, but he's just not an NBA starting power forward....at least not right now. Hansbrough was drafted in the first round so early for a reason, and now we're going to see how he responds to being a starter. I'm very excited to see what he brings to the court. Thoughts?
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