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Everything posted by SRV

  1. Just like any fan base would do with a player who has been loyal to the team.
  2. He is an athlete/celebrity..so by law(not really), he can't go to jail unless he really screws up :glasses: If OJ Simpson killed someone and got away with it, UD can smoke and get away with it.
  3. I am completely lost in terms of majors. On orientation I went the whole day with the Computer science/engineering majors. I decided I didn't like it, so I went to my second choice which was Physical Therapy, only to learn that its only a Dr's program and out of 700 applications, only 40 students are accepted. So now I am doing Business Administration. I looked up rating on my teachers and they are all nice, its just that I have college algebra this year (even though I have been doing the same damn class for 2 years already, they just keep giving it to me), and 75% of my college fails college algebra, for some odd reason. My brother is a brain and is going to medical school, and he also failed college algebra. I guess I will find out why everyone fails it.
  4. I start college next week. I have mixed feelings, people always say college is fun, but then I wonder if they actually meant if classes were easy, or if there were just parties all the time. I hope classes are enjoyable, I don't want to spend hours studying for one thing cause I know I am not the kind of person that can do that.
  5. Lol, I actually knew Haslem did drugs. One of my friends that was a ball boy knew about it.
  6. He can do whatever he wants and not get in trouble for it, he has no boss.
  7. That 1985 draft video is great though, Stern makes it pretty obvious.
  8. Yea, last week I woke up at 7:30 AM to go a beach thats like 2 hours from my house, but that was a great day. I was at the beach for like 7 hours and when I got back home there was still time to do my usual stuff.
  9. LMAO, the 85 draft was pretty funny. Also, I don't get why the NBA would rig the 2006 finals for the Heat either way, we were pretty much an irrelevant franchise. The Mavs absolutely raped us the first two games, so it would have made more sense to screw us over and let the Mavs win it all.
  10. Well in Miami, there were a bunch of clubs that wouldn't let them in because they were guidos. Its pretty funny.
  11. I don't stay up past 3 because there is nothing to do. Usually when I am up that late I am just watching stuff on youtube or learning some songs on the guitar...if I am not doing that there isn't really much to do at that time, and I can't get on my xbox because it makes a lot of noise when its on and my parents room is on the other side of my wall.
  12. Hes making millions of dollars and is playing on a good team...I doubt people complaining about his decision is affecting his life right now, as he said, he is keeping it all in mind and is going to prove everyone wrong during the season.
  13. This only happens to me in the summer, then I regret it because my summer flies by and most of it is spent sleeping.
  14. I also hate my sleep schedule. I go to sleep at like 3 in the morning and wake up at 1 PM. It really makes my summer feel way shorter than it should. I only have one week left of summer, hopefully I can make it last.
  15. If Wade would have left to Chicago I wouldn't have blamed him. We had no team, and no indication that anything was coming together. Everything just worked out perfectly for us, I was pretty much getting ready for Wade to go to Chicago when he was there for pretty much the entire start of the FA period. I wouldn't have made a big deal about it though. The Decision was all because people fed into his ego for 7 years. He sees himself as bigger than the NBA, and ESPN and most of the nation pretty much feeds that, at least not anymore since people think he is a punk.
  16. I personally don't learn much from strict teachers who have no emotions other than work, work, work, work. I go into that class thinking, Oh great, here we go again. So basically I go in depressed that I am in that class, and leave thinking I am gonna fail every test given. I have had plenty of strict teachers in terms of work, but at least they had the ability to teach while having fun rather than reading out of a book and never joking around. Its usually guy teachers that joke around though, all my female teachers just stick to the book. My english teacher last year was the best. He is a colleges professor too, but he taught seniors. We watched like 5 movies, and talked about jersey shore all the time and funny things. However, we still did 10 essays and got through 3 books and an entire vocab book. That entire class was fun and effortless, but I still learned a lot about writing essays based on analysis and not writing a summary about something for an essay.
  17. Who cares if he left Cleveland? We shouldn't have to hear what retired players have to say, the decision does not affect them. Its his legacy, he wants to make it his own way, he doesn't have to follow the book on "How to become an NBA legend". I am sure if he wins like 4 rings while in Miami people will drop the "no legacy" thing and start riding him again and how he could be one of the greatest players in NBA history. If Barkley thinks Wade is a punk too, then he should stop doing those commercials with him.
  18. Barkley didn't win any rings. You can be as good as you want, but being an ignorant punk who thinks he can rule the game all by himself is stupid. Lebron would regret staying in Cleveland and never winning anything, he can't predict the future, but the past showed him that the future wasn't too great. Now he has this opportunity to play on a team that has the clear talent to win it all multiple times. So Charles arguments are pointless because he didn't win anything in the first place. Give Barkley the opportunity to leave his team for a clear contender and see how quick he would have done it. Its like going to a bad college and getting awesome grades, and then getting the opportunity to go to Harvard and declining it, but just because you are the best student in a horrible school you won't go to a great school which makes your opportunities in the future better. Its also funny how just last year Lebron was everyone's baby. He was the best, and everyone was a scrub compared to him. Cleveland fans defended his every move, and his attitude from then to now has not changed one bit. All of a sudden, he changes teams and he is the most hated player, Cleveland fans say he is immature and didn't do anything to help the team, and now they bash him for things he was doing in the past anyways. Now its time for us Heat fans do the same exact thing Cavs fans were doing in the past.
  19. I can't stand strict teachers. One thing is treating you like an adult so you are responsible for things, but another is giving you busy work and acting like you are better than everyone else. I don't care if the teacher loves teaching, but you can't be a douche bag or the students will be more concerned with your attitude more than what you are teaching. Thats how I see it. I actually learn more from calm, cool teachers because we joke around and when we are learning it doesn't feel like it. I learned more things about history with a funny teacher who used nicknames and jokes for historical figures and events, than I did with a teacher who is always on schedule reading straight off the book and moving on to a new lesson every day.
  20. Would you rather have a nice, cool teacher that you don't learn a whole lot of useful things from, or a strict, teacher who does nothing but give work but you learn a lot.
  21. I drool like bulldog all over my pillow at night, and I rub my face on it until I feel something wet lol....usually I wash them like once a month, but when I sleep I don't care too much if my sheets are dirty, I just want to sleep comfortably. I mean unless there is a nasty stain on it that smells then I wash it, but stuff like drool just dries up and goes away so you can't even tell it was there.
  22. There was some kid beeping at my front door neighbors house for 10 minutes non stop, and I was outside playing basketball with a friend. I felt like grabbing a bat and smashing his windows so he could stfu with the beeping.
  23. Is that windows 7? If so, how do you change the color of the bar on the bottom, and how did you get those icons on top?
  24. I clicked pr tsc on the keyboard, then went to paint and typed ctrl+v at the same time. On some keyboards you have to click ctrl+prtsc or fn+prntscrn and prtsc is at the top of the numbers on the right of the keyboard.
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