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Everything posted by SRV

  1. My friend is a towel boy with the Heat and he usually chills with the players. He said Beasley is like a kid, don't see why all of a sudden he went emo on everyone.
  2. Everyone likes Mac because it is apple, anything apple sells is automatic cash. I have like 4 HP laptops in my house and they work fine IMO, just need one for myself lol.
  3. I seriously think my math teacher should teach in kindergarten. He WAYYYYY to excited with Math and treats us like little kids. Like he saids "How is your day?' and its the first day so no one really wants to speak up and he saids "HOW WAS YOUR DAY?" so he said that three times until the class answered in unison. Just overall he is way too happy about Math lol.
  4. Yes, but he is young and stupid. Rose didn't take his SAT, thats not a good example. Mayo had people buy stuff for him and had a massive thing going on with him in USC. So when you really look at it, the top 3 picks have already screwed up off the court. If you couldn't tell Beasley did drugs just by looking at his K-State picture then you are blind.
  5. Well I am tall and I am pretty smart, as in I pay attention. If you ask me a random question about something I learned a long time ago, I will prob. not know the answer. Women are also usually smarter, they seem to study way more, while most guys [like me] wait until the last second to do things.
  6. What is this? Everyone gets above 70 and I can only get 55 lol. Trust me when I say though, when it comes off the top of my head I speed through it. You guys probably have training in reading and typing with two hands [using all fingers] perfectly.
  7. Man everyone does drugs...some people go public with it, others keep it private. Just like probably 90% of HS graduates leave with doing some kid of drug regularly, he did one year in college, he obviously continued the drugs. I don't do drugs but pretty much every high school students do drugs like its drinking water, at least people I know. So it takes something like this to realize its wrong, until something bad happens to you, you will probably continues with the drugs, hopefully this is the thing that turns him around and gets him focused on becoming a better player.
  8. Well I now realize I suck at typing fast lol...feels like I type fast though.
  9. Nope, but he cheated his way through school, once your career is done you have nothing to fall back on. He made Memphis give up two final four appearances and 33 wins all because he wanted the easy way out. I love Rose but you can't say what he did was the smartest thing. Also, what does him having drug problems have to do with his skill on the court? How could he be overrated or a bust because he does drugs. He played one season, he has things to learn.
  10. Most of the time I don't. I know where all the keys are and stuff but I look down if I keep misspelling something lol. Like in those parts where -- comes up and then the quotes, I always mess up there and I have to take time to delete and fix it. My second attempt:
  11. I was like 46 WMP lmao, but only because I was looking at the screen to see what I had to type, thats why I had 97% accuracy. If I am just typing stuff while I think it, it comes out very fast.
  12. I took a "typing" class freshman year and I still type with just two fingers, and I use my thumb to hit the space. Works for me and I hit everything perfectly and fast, well most of the time. NVM I did horrible on the test lol, but if I am thinking of what to type its easier than if I am reading off of something.
  13. [expletive] happens..Rose didn't even take his SAT, so you can't say Beasley was the only retard to come out of the draft.
  14. I am already screwed. I have to write a summer reading essay by Friday, I have to start the rough draft tomorrow, and I did not even buy the book and its not on cliffnotes or anything. The only website that has details about it makes you pay for it.
  15. Today...and it was pretty relaxing. Woke up at 11, beat Shadow Complex for XBL [i was almost done so it only took me like 30 minutes]..then I just chilled with my family and watched Iron Man on Blu-Ray. Back to school
  16. Yea I am starting with stress...I have a 3.3 GPA and the average student for the school I want to go to has a 3.6, and that is because FIU decided they want to be like University of Florida. My brother and sister got in with like a 3.4 and a 970 on the SAT. I have a 3.3 and got a 980 or something on the SAT and that is not even close to being enough.
  17. Well back in middle school we had a competition on who can make the most FT's with 10 attempts. I won and I made 8, in a row, I missed the last two. I guess that is the most since I don't really practice FT's, I am just good at them.
  18. Yea it all depends on what 360 you get, I have had mine for almost three years and nothing happens to it..I even go on those streaks where I play for over 5 hours a day for two weeks straight lol. Good luck with your ps3.
  19. First day of school tomorrow, senior year gonna be SLACK...I can tell because on orientation we took a test to see what we should be in the future, and the teachers that were dicks to us the first three years were eating crap with us and not taking anything seriously.
  20. Looks very good..and I heard it took 12 years to make, so it better cash in.
  21. Just fail the test or w.e., its one grade lol. Actually no, I thought the same thing my freshman year and we spent half the first quarter talking about the book for summer reading.
  22. I had a summer reading book and I didn't buy it, school starts Monday. I am so ready to get tested lol.
  23. I updated the thread with some new info, and tried to make it more organized.
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