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Oliver P

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Everything posted by Oliver P

  1. Haha well they're apparently you three favorite movie series but that doesn't make them the best... I personally prefer the Back to the Future series and by far, for me it's the very best movie series. We just can't all have the same tastes. I admit that I should at least try to watch Potter and LOTR though... But I certainly don't feel like it at all. Especially Potter lol. But well maybe I'll try one of these days. How do you figure lol ? It ain't because you haven't watched those movies that you ain't knowledgeable in movies... I'd rather say the opposite in fact. Everyone knows about those movies even people who ain't movie fanatics know about them. Blockbusters are usually the kind of movies that people who don't know much about films watch. It's not because you watch a blockbuster that it means that you ain't knowledgeable in movies though, don't get me wrong that's not what I'm saying here lol. I have never been a fan of blockbusters personally. As Spielberg said it at the beginning of his career there are two kinds of movies, the purely entertainment movies or blockbusters so and the movies with a message, movies that actually mean something (he ironically became the king of blockbusters after that but whatever lol). And not so long ago those are the only movies I could watch, I couldn't stand entertainment movies. I've changed my mind now though, I like both kinds of movies even if I still prefer movies that mean something. And I think that most of the time people tend to overrate blockbusters, especially when I hear things like Star Wars is the best movie ever... I mean I like Star Wars as I said, but let's not exaggerate it's good entertainment but no more than that, I can understand that it's the favorite movies of so many people, we don't have all the same tastes as I said, and that's fine, but I have seen thousands of movies who were actually better than those ones IMO... Well anyhow back to what I was saying htown and I have not seen the Potter and LOTR series but it certainly do not mean that we don't watch many movies lol. Honestly on all the forums I have been on, I have not seen anyone who was more knowledgeable on movies than htown, platoon and... I (sorry, don't want to brag but it's the truth ).
  2. Well I can only hang out with winos (as I am one myself ), so definitely Dirk Nowitzki : http://www.hoopsmanifesto.com/images/stories/nowitzki_drunk.jpg
  3. That makes two of us man... Well I like sci fi but not but not those particular movies. Except for Star Wars, don't like this movie series as much as most people but I still like it though. But yeah I never seen Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and I certainly don't intend to.
  4. The Super Nes and Sega Genesis are for me the very best consoles ever, and by far. I ain't a fan of today's games, the graphics are better and all but the games have lost their souls... Those two consoles have the best video games ever. I had them both when I was a teenager and was spending my time playing them... Those games were just fantastic. I still play them sometimes thanks to emulation, even if it's quite rare. I'd put the Nintendo 64 at third but it had way less good games than the Super Nes and Genesis though. The Nintendo 64 was quite a disappointment to me except the great Super Mario 64 and Occarina of Time of course. I loved the Master System as well, my first console ever. Some games were even better than the Genesis ones IMO, like Castle of Ilusion for example. I've always prefered the Master System version. This game was unbelievable, especially for an 8 bit game. And the Nes was great too, Super Mario Bros 3 was truly a revolution at the time. Definitely among the very best games ever.
  5. Yep as I said in another post this is the reason why I was really, really disappointed last year when Blake got injured... Shaw Kemp and Chocolate Thunder looks like baby girls compared to that dude lol. Unbelievable. Honestly is it possible to hate Blake Griffin ? Is there anyone on this planet who don't like this dude ? Well there are some people who don't like Durant so I guess that it's possible... But I certainly wouldn't understand that. A star is born. Well the least we can say is that with two rookies like Wall and Griffin, the NBA sure has a very bright future.
  6. Yes well, yesterday I said that I'd give the edge to Wall for the best rookie of the year so far, but now I think that we can say that it's a draw lol. Blake is really amazing.
  7. That's the kinda games I love ! A lot of great plays, a huge game from one of my favorite players, Blake Griffin (I was very disappointed when he got injured last year, it was very hard to wait one year to see him in the NBA but... it was worth waiting lol), two teams that I love (I'm a Knicks fan... and the Clippers are among my 5 fav teams even if they suck right now) and most importantly a Knicks win of course ! third win in a row, we're now the second hottest team in the East (Orlando is first). That's the way I LOVE it baby. Let's now focus on the Bobcats game in two days, for a fourth win a row.
  8. Well in fact it didn't just seem like they started two SGs ABL, they really started two SGs. Ron Harper never was a PG, he's always been a SG/SF which is why you defintely cannot use a true PG for the Harper comparison. The Bulls never used a true PG anyhow. Pippen was the real PG of that team, he's the one who got the ball upcourt most of the time. Jordan, Harper and Kukoc did so too though. They didn't have a PG but several players who were all terrific ball handlers and could get the ball upcourt. Even during the first three peat, Paxson or BJ were PG because of their size but they were truly shooting guards, there were never a true PG in that team. So I like the fact that you used Sefolosha as PG. Personally I think that I would rather pick Raja Bell though, cause Sefolosha is not good enough offensively IMO. And Bell is around the same age as Harper at the time. But Sefolosha is a good pick nonetheless. Especially that Harper wasn't close to the offensive player that he was in Cleveland and LA anyhow. It's funny that Harper was never known for his defense during all his career, he was always a pure scorer and in Chicago it seemed like he lost his scoring abilities (he really struggled when he arrived in Chicago in 94/95, he was totally lost in the triangle) and became a defensive expert. I think that no one saw that coming lol... At PF I agree with Real Deal that Noah is a much better comparison, no doubt about that. He certainly still ain't at Rodman's level defensively (no one is anyhow) and his jump shot, as ugly as it is (uglier than Rodman's no doubt), is more efficient than Rodman's though, but yeah he's the closest to Rodman right now. At center I highly disagree with Przbylla. Longley was a horr... well I was about to say horrible defender, it might be a bit exaggerated, but let's say that he's not half the player that Przbylla is defensively. Longley's main strength was his jump shot, other than that he was pretty average... I don't know which player looks the more like him today. Maybe Krstic. Yeah I think I would pick Nenad. As for Pippen yeah it's a hard comparison I agree, but I would pick Odom instead of Wallace. Wallace ain't good enough from being the arc, and he's not the passer that Pip was. Odom is certainly the most versatile player in the league right now just like Pip was in the 90's. However Odom is certainly not the defender that Pip was, Wallace is a better defender. So it's tough... But I'd still pick Odom I think, Odom is a good enough defender anyhow IMO. None of the two is as good as Pip was anyhow, that's for sure. For Kukoc, well yeah I can agree with the Turk pick... Yeah I can't think of a better comparison as well. All those comparisons are tough to make anyhow, no player today really looks like any of those players (the only obvious one is Jordan-Kobe) but this said I think that my roster would be something like this : P.G. Raja Bell S.G. Kobe Bryant S.F. Lamar Odom P.F. Joakim Noah C. Nenad Krstic 6th man : Hidayet Turkoglu
  9. Blake Griffin is my favorite rookie but I'd give the edge to John Wall as well. I wasn't expecting Wall to be that good so fast honestly. He already became the fourth player ever to have at least 20 pts and 10 rbds (29 pts, 13 asts and 9 stls) in his first home game. The other three are Isaiah Thomas, Norm Nixon and Oscar Robertson... He's also the first rookie to average 7 or more assists per game through his first five games since Oscar Robertson. And he became the third youngest player ever to have a triple double. It's also important to consider that he became the second rookie to record a triple double WITH six steals in his first six games of the season. The other was the Magic man. This kid is just unbelievable. So far he's the ROY.
  10. Sam Cassell had heavy balls : http://www.insidesocal.com/tomhoffarth/sam_cassell_2.jpg http://www.slamonline.com/online/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/sam_cassell1.jpg
  11. Most surprising : Landry Fields. I'm pretty sure no one expected him to average 11 pts and 7 rbds while shooting at 57 %FG (!). I sure didn't anyhow. Most disappointing : Danilo Gallinari. He had a very good year last year (after a first season wasted because of injury) and I was expecting him to average around 20 PPG. Not only he doesn't, but his stats are even less good than last year overall, his FG% is especially disappointing. I expect him to do much better than that.. Well he was better in our last two games at least, I hope it will last cause this player is definitely very talented.
  12. Nowitzki is a fantastic player but he's obviously too lonely... Especially that Jet couldn't hit a shot last night. The Mavs are better inside than these past years (I like the Chandler/Haywood duo) but I think that they need to trade Butler, he clearly doesn't bring what he's supposed to bring. It's gonna be hard to trade him though, due to his contract... Well I hope that the Mavs will manage to trade Butler despite his contract cause Nowitzki really needs help offensively. Although Nowitzki said that it will be impossible to evaluate the team until Beaubois' comeback and I'm starting to believe him. Rodrigue was unbelievable last year I hope for him and the Mavs that he's gonna confirm that this year. His scoring would have helped Dallas yesterday.
  13. No I don't think so. Being taller wouldn't have made necessarily made him a better scorer... He was smaller but at the same time faster than more players, even one of the faster players ever, had he been taller he wouldn't have been that fast and would have had a different game. Besides I don't consider him as the best little man scorer of All Time, for me it was Jerry West. Let's compare the two players best scoring seasons : Iverson : 2000-01: 31 PPG - 42 FG% - 81 FT% - 32 3PT% 2004-05: 30 PPG - 42 FG% - 83 FT% - 30 3PT% 2005-06: 33 PPG - 44.7 FG% - 81 FT% - 32 3PT% 2007-08: 26 PPG - 46 FG% - 81 FT% - 34 3PT% West : 1964-65 : 31 PPG - 49.7 FG% - 82.1 FT% 1965-66 : 31.3 PPG - 47.3 FG% - 86 FT% 1966-67 : 28.7 PPG - 46.4 FG% - 87.8 FT% 1969-70 : 31.2 PPG - 49.7 FG% - 82.4 FT% Both players' stats are impressive but the main difference is obviously the FG%. West was definitely a better shooter than Iverson, this cannot even be argued. And this definitely help West's case. Not only that but West is also the player that had the best scoring series in the playoffs ever. With 46.3 FG%. He's also the only player to ever score at least 40 pts in 6 games in a row in the playoffs. In the Finals he has the fourth best performance of All Time with 53 pts in a game. And he scored at least 40 pts in two games in a row, the only one to ever do better was Jordan, 4 games in a row. So I honestly don't see how a case can made against Jerry West, he is definitely the best little man scorer of All Time IMO. However I definitely pick Iverson as second, just ahead of Tiny. As for the most talented scorer of the history of the game for me it's definitely Jordan because his most impressive scoring records happened when it mattered the most, in the playoffs. Here are Jordan's most impressive records in the playoffs and Finals : Jordan averaged 41 PPG against Phoenix in 93. Best scoring average ever in a finals series. He scored 55 points in one game in the 93 finals again, it's the second best ever performance in a finals game. He scored at least 20 points in 35 consecutive finals games, another record (second is West with 25). He also scored at least 30 points in 9 finals games, second best ever (Baylor was number one). He scored at least 40 points in 4 finals games in a row, NBA record. He scored 35 points in one half of a finals game, NBA record once again. Important fact, the players who were the closest to Jordan for each of these records all played in another era. Jordan did all this in our era which is even more impressive. Also even if he's never been considered as a poor 3ts shooter (which is justified), let's not forget that he hit 6 three pointers in one game, it's the third best NBA Finals record. I have to precise that before the last Finals and Ray Allen's performance (8 three pointers), the record was 7 held by Smith and Pip who BOTH made that record when the three points line was closer to the rim (well it's 8 now since the game 2 of those 2010 NBA Finals). Very important to take that in consideration. And Jordan also scored six 3 pointers in one half. Second best NBA Finals record (behind Ray's 7 last year so), tied with Kenny Smith who did it once again when the three points line was closer. Jordan always scored more points in the playoffs than he did in the regular season (at the exception of one season). Jordan's scoring average in playoffs in career is amazing : 33.4 PPG. Jordan scored 63 points in a playoffs game. NBA record. He's also the third in that same stats with 56 points in one game. He scored more than 20 points in a playoffs game 60 times in a row. NBA record. He has the second and third best scoring average for a playoffs series with 45.2 PPG and 45 PPG. The first once again is an Old School player, it's Jerry West. But Iverson is definitely among the very best scorers ever though, there is no doubt about that. He's always been among my favorite players, and I'm still a big fan of this fantastic 2001 Sixers team. What Iverson and the Sixers did that year was just unbelievable.
  14. Yeah two wins in a row !!! Feels good... We're gonna be champs I feel it !!! Lol more seriously I hope that we're gonna beat the Clippers tonight and have a three games winning streak at least.
  15. Yeah but it ain't the first time that we see that kinda behavior in the NBA... Most of the best players were all very arrogant. I can understand why people are angry with him about all of these but personally these T-Shirt, declining shaking hands, decision or dancing things doesn't bother me one bit... Of course there's no surprise that people hate him for that. And I am not bothered a bit by all this hating, people are allowed to do what they want. I certainly don't want all the people who hate him to stop doing it... Especially the Cavs fans, they have every reason to be pissed off, LeBron said over and over again that he would never leave Cleveland so... I understand that. I wouldn't hate him for that if I was a Cavs fan but I understand that they do. No all I'm saying is that all of this is going too far, that's all. Now people are arguing to know if it was a typo or not, seriously... Especially that it doesn't concern us one bit, this matter only concerns LeBron and Greg, it ain't any of our business. And as Lkr said maybe they're friend and LeBron just said that as a joke... It's a bad joke, that's for sure lol, but it's nothing more than a bad joke, so I just don't understand the big deal. I'm not a LeBron fan, so I ain't saying this to defend LeBron. I'm neither a LeBron fan or hater. I don't hate any player in the league in fact. Well I don't like the Spurs but I don't hate them at the same time. I mean I don't like the way they play basketball, I don't like Duncan's whinning, Ginobili's flopping or Pop's hack a Shaq (he ain't the only one who did it but he clearly exaggerated..) and I ain't a big fan of Parker as well. I don't like them as basketball players/coach, but I have nothing against the people they are. Especially that I don't know them personally... I don't hate any basketball player, I don't care how they are as people in fact. All I care about is that they're good basketball players, the rest is meaningless to me, it's just gossip. And LeBron is a great basketball player, this cannot be denied, so I enjoy watching him play (even if he ain't my favorite player..), that's all what matters to me. Well anyhow again I'm not saying that people should do as I do, and I understand why many people hate him, and I certainly don't feel sorry for LeBron either lol, there's no way I'm gonna feel sorry for someone who's paid millions of dollars to do the thing he likes most, but I just wanted to explain why I personally don't. I just wanted to give my opinion on this topic, that in my opinion all of this is going a bit too far, that's all, but that doesn't bother me at the same time. LOL nice one Preppy.
  16. Yeah but among all the forums of which I'm a member OTR is the one I feel the most comfortable in. And I can't be active on several forums... I might drop by on other forums though. But OTR is my place now.

  17. Yes he still had quite a very good career nonetheless and brought a lot to LA, that's true. I didn't say that it destroyed his career, I said that it hurt it. Not the same thing... And it's true that he had some good years in Sac Town but it wasn't the same thing. In Sac Town he was too lonely, there was no great player around him (except Bibby) so it was easier to average good stats. While in Indiana he was surrounded by players like Jermaine, Reggie, Stephen Jax, I mean it was not only a way better team overall but contrary to Sac Town it was a defensive minded team. And it's in his Pacers days that Artest played the basketball of his career. The year The Brawl happened he was on his way to have his best season ever, he was at his best. This incident put a stop to that. Of course he managed to get back to business and to have a very good career nonetheless, but if this event never happened I'm sure that he would have become an even better player.
  18. Yeah you're right it's not the only reason... But there is clearly a before and after "Decision" though. Before the decision, even if a lot of people hated him because of his arrogance there were as much people, even maybe more, who loved him. Since the decision there are way more people who hate him... and, even if I understand why a lot of people hate him, I think that it's really exaggerated.
  19. Bummer. That's a bummer. I don't know what else to say, honestly. It really sucks for Oden and the Blazers. I think that the Blazers is certainly the most cursed team I ever seen since I've started to watch this game. It's unbelievable. If healthy they could easily make at least the WCF. They're clearly one of the deepest teams in the league, arguably the deepest one. Really sad... I doubt that they'll go far in the playoffs without their big man now. Anyway even if Oden's career looks compromised I think that it's important to take in consideration that you can come back from serious injuries. Let's not get carried away, Oden is not done yet. Let's talk about Ilgauskas for example, at the beginning of his career he had the same problem as Oden (except that it was his feet that were bothering him). He had serious injuries in BOTH feet and barely played in the three seasons that followed his rookie season (he even didn't play at all in 1999-2000). Everyone was sure that he wouldn't come back and retire. Yet he did come back. And he missed very few games since 2001. So Z showed that year that it's possible to come back from serious injuries. And Greg Oden definitely can come back as well. And I certainly hope for both the Blazers and Greg that he will come back indeed.
  20. Even if it ain't a typo it ain't that big of a deal to be honest... If another player wrote that I'm sure that no one would care. LeBron has really become the guy that everybody loves to hate, and this only because of a mismanaged departure... I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it to be honest lol.
  21. Well to answer the OP's question : Western : C. Emeka Okafor F. Dirk Nowitzki F. Kevin Durant G. Kobe Bryant G. Chris Paul Eastern : C. Dwight Howard F. Kevin Garnett F. LeBron James G. Derrick Rose G. Rajon Rondo But I honestly think that they should consider Pau Gasol as a C.
  22. Well... Not a very pleasant memory lol... When I think of Artest in Indiana I rather think of the Artest who almost made a quadruple double than the one who randomly beat everyone up in the crowd... Especially that this event hurt his career as he never really was the same player after that again. Probably the most ludicrous event in the history of the game, honestly.
  23. Hi man.

    Well.. I haven't been anywhere lol.

  24. Well I would say that a case could be made for Wilt indeed. In fact I think that it is impossible to say that one particular player was the Greatest of All Time for sure, there are way too many things to take in consideration. And in my opinion a case could be made for several players. Wilt included of course. Although there is just one thing that bothers me about Wilt, it's that he tended to play more for himself than for his team. His huge stats were in fact too huge, basketball is first of all a collective game and no one can win alone. It is absolutely not surprising to me that the year he won his first ring was the year in which he shot less than 20 times per game for the first time in his career (before that he shot between 25 and 40 times per game which is way too much...). Wilt was the first one to be sorry for his "selfishness" later on, he even said that scoring 100 points was not a good memory. There is also the fact that Wilt tended to be a little less effective in the playoffs than in the regular season. Contrary to the other greatest players like Jordan (who had his most impressive records in the playoffs), Magic, Bird (who is the only one to ever lead his team to a ring while shooting above 50% for field goals, 40% for three-point field goals, and 90% for free throws in the playoffs), Russell or Shaq (whose performances in the 2000/02 Finals are certainly the most impressive performances in the history of the NBA Finals).
  25. Nope I do not believe that he is. For me the seven best players ever are Jordan, Magic, Bird, Wilt, Russell, Abdul-Jabbar and Shaq. Because no one dominated the league as much as they did. Although I think that a case can be made for him as 8th best players of All Time. For the last three spots of the top ten, I'd say that it's arguable between Kobe, Hakeem, Duncan, Baylor, O, West and Dr J.
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