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Oliver P

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Everything posted by Oliver P

  1. Did the Rockets won a game yesterday ?! UNBELIEVABLE !!! :D

  2. Hey ABL wha's up ?

    I just saw that jelipford answered me, he didn't tell me if he would sign or not but he told me that he would check OTR at least. Let's hope that he's gonna join us.

    Well anyway just wanted to let you know about it.

  3. LOL every time I talk to you, you tell me it ain't raining... I smell bull[expletive].

    Jealousy ? Yeah.. yeah that must be it. :D

  4. Lol it's possible, I like rain in a way. :D

    And yeah I would probably miss you, I love to make fun of English people. :P

  5. Two questions in one : first who are your favorite filmmakers then what are your favorite movies for each one of them ? Mine are : The Coen Brothers (my very favorite directors) : Barton Fink Blood Simple Fargo No Country for Old Men The Big Lebowski Miller's Crossing Raising Arizona The Man Who Wasn't There The Ladykillers Burn After Reading I also like the four other fims they made, O Brother Where Art Thou ?, The Hudsucker Proxy, Intolerable Cruelty and A Serious Man, but not as much as the other ones. I need to rewatch A Serious Man anyhow, only seen it once in theaters. And I sure will see True Git as soon as it's released. Martin Scorsese : Taxi Driver Raging Bull The King of Comedy After Hours Mean Streets Goodfellas New York, New York Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Cape Fear The Last Temptation of Christ I also liked Bringing Out The Dead, Shutter Island and The Departed but not as much the ones I mentioned, Scorsese was at his finest in the 70's, 80's and early 90's anyhow IMO. Jim Jarmusch : Dead Man Stranger Than Paradise Broken Flowers Down By Law Ghost Dog The Limits of Control Coffee and Cigarettes Tim Burton : Edward Scissorhands Ed Wood Sleepy Hollow Batman Batman Returns Big Fish Mars Attacks ! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Werner Herzog : Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht Woyzeck Fitzcarraldo Cobra Verde Stanley Kubrick : 2001 : A Space Odyssey A Clockwork Orange The Shining Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Full Metal Jacket Lolita Paths of Glory Eyes Wide Shut Alfred Hitchcock : Vertigo North by Northwest Psycho The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) Torn Curtain Strangers on a Train Dial M for Murder Rear Window To Catch a Thief The Birds Rope Rebecca The Lady Vanishes Terry Gilliam : Twelve Monkeys Brazil Monty Python and the Holy Grail Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Wim Wenders : Wings of Desire Paris, Texas Kings of the Road The Million Dollar Hotel David Lynch : Blue Velvet The Elephant Man The Straight Story Lost Highway Charles Chaplin : Monsieur Verdoux The Great Dictator A King in New York Modern Times The Circus The Gold Rush City Lights A Woman of Paris Limelight Roman Polanski : Chinatown The Ninth Gate The Fearless Vampire Killers The Tenant Repulsion
  6. Happy belated Birthday JYD ! Hope it was a good one and that the Knicks will win today.
  7. Yeah he did it again, Gordon already posterized the Spurs on Monday, and yesterday he posterized Millsap to send the Clippers and Jazz in over time : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt3WFLuGEHA Same play from another angle : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOA1Q3m1pxs Wow that was huge ! Who can stop Eric Gordon ?!
  8. Okay so we lead 56-54 at half time. We had a bad start but we played way better in the second quarter. I loved Gallinari's assist to Stat's dunk at the end of the half. Well anyway we haven't shot well from behind the arc so far, but we lead nonetheless, it's a good sign. It's the kind of games that we have to win, let's hope that we'll keep playing as well in the second half as we did in the second quarter.
  9. Well for me a pure shooter is someone who has a perfect stroke and at a same time relies a lot to his jump shot obviously. But he doesn't necessarily spend his time behind the 3pts line... I think that people are too obsessed with 3 pointers when they think of jump shot and forget too often about the mid range jump shot which is even more important than the 3 pointer in basketball IMO. Well anyhow that's why I mentioned Dirk. I should have mentioned Ray as well though... It's a tie between Dirk and Ray for the purest shooter. No one has a better stroke than them in the league right now IMO.
  10. I don't see that being an issue at all. Quite the opposite, when you look at it carefully there are a lot of very talented players who does not play in the NBA. So I'd rather say that we need other teams, 30 is not enough. Also it's important to consider that this ain't gonna happen today, not before 2020 and you can be sure that there will be even more talented players in teh world by then. Besides the Raptors have a lot of talents, this roster can definitely make the playoffs, they are very talented on paper indeed, their problem is rather their lack of chemistry. But when you look at every team's roster this year you can clearly see that they're all very talented. And I didn't know that the Raptors were considered as a joke to be honest... Why is that ? Just because they're a Canadian team ? That's a weird mentality if you ask me... You guys better get used to it anyhow, cause even if there wasn't no European team, well there's gonna be a team in Mexico quite soon. Especially if there's a European influence on the NBA ? And why is that ? Europeans, and in fact the rest of the world, know how to play basketball you know... I think that it's clearly been proved this last decade when, not only Team USA failed three times in a row (2002, 2004 and 2006), but they also almost lost in 2000 and 2008. As a matter of fact if Jasikevicius shot at the end of the Lietuva-USA game in 2000 was good, Lietuva would have won. And Spain almost beat Team USA in 2008. Not only that but they even had a lot of troubles against Argentina despite the fact that they had ONLY Scola (Ginobili was injured), yes the other players in that team were not only NBA players but they weren't even stars in the league they played in... And in 2006 Team USA lost against Greece, there were not even ONE NBA player in that team. Even worse several NBA franchises lost against several European teams those past few years as well. I said even worse cause those teams didn't have any chemistry issues (contrary to Team USA...) as all the players knew each other very well... The last one was even the champs, the Lakers, who lost against Barcelona WITH THE NBA RULES. I think that all of this clearly shows that the rest of the world knows how to play basketball indeed. Besides there's ALREADY a European, and international, influence in the NBA anyhow, and it can only get bigger as more and more international players will play in the big league. The time when Europeans didn't have a chance to prove what they could do (like when Petrovic has to sit on the bench for two years in Portland before he had a chance to show how great he truly was in New Jersey for example) is clearly gone now. And this European influence only brought terrific things in the National Basketball Association. For example who's the team who's been the most European like this past decade ? The San Antonio Spurs. As a matter of fact they've been among the very first teams to give their chance to international players, they didn't hesitate to draft Parker, Ginobili and Udrih or sign Oberto when no one else wanted them for example, and even if they didn't play for them they also drafted Scola, Barbosa or Dragic... The Spurs knew before anyone else that there were talents all over the world. Pop's always been a fan of overseas basketball anyhow and he always said that FIBA had a big influence on him. And this international influence has be nothing but good if you asked me, not only the Spurs were the second most succesful team of the 2000's with 3 rings but they were the only team who won at least 50 games every season... Don't get me wrong though I am not trying to say that European basketball is as good as the American basketball, certainly not, the USA are definitely the best at basketball that's for sure, and I've always rooted for Team USA myself anyhow, no all I'm trying to say here is that it's time now to realize that there are a lot of great basketball in the world everywhere in the world and that the rest of the world definitely deserves respect. But anyhow I certainly don't see how this "European influence" can be in any way a problem. Besides it ain't because there were some NBA teams in Europe that there would be only European players in those teams... Are there any Canadian players in Toronto ? Not even one... So no this is certainly not an issue. Also to answer what you and DaFranchise said about this "if it ain't broke don't fix it" thing, well I couldn't disagree more. It's not because the NBA is a great league that it can't be improved. And I certainly don't blame Stern to wanna make the NBA an even bigger league. So that's not an argument either. Now I want to precise that I'm not especially for this idea in the first place. I'm not sure that it would a good idea myself. But I think that we can give some credit to Stern, and at least wait till we know exactly how they plan to do it before we criticize it.
  11. Yeah well if you keep on like this you're gonna be gone very soon... And I sure ain't gonna miss ya ! :P

  12. Hey watch your mouth young lady !!! IYou ain't supposed to talk to your uncle like that. I demand RESPECT you lil' brat, hope it's clear. :D

  13. Lol really ? Well I guess that I'm your uncle then, so you better do as I say from now on, or else... :P

  14. Haha you should do that, I downloaded a SNES emulator as soon as I got my computer, two years ago, and the first game I played was Link to the Past of course. I also downloaded a Genesis, Master Sytem, Arcade and Nin 64 emulator. It's great to play all these games, especially that I thought that I would never have another chance to ever play them haha. Yeah it's, with Street Fighter II and Zelda, the first game that I had on Super Nes. Really amazing game indeed, I don't know how many times I played it... My favorite Mario, with the 64 one and Super Mario Bros 3. Oh and Super Mario World 2 too, I don't know how could I forget about this one... Great game. The graphics were absolutely unbelievable, the best graphics of the SNES for sure.
  15. I watched this game and it was really an awesome game, one of the very best we had so far. It was even surprising to see both teams playing that good in early November... I was disappointing in the second quarter when the Celtics were clearly playing better but the Bulls reaction in the second half was great to see. Noah was fantastic in that game... He's amazing in this season so far. I honestly didn't expect him to become that good. If he keeps playing like that he's gonna be All Star this year no doubt. But well in the end the C's were just too strong. I loved how the C's reacted every time the Bulls came back. And Garnett is back to his best level, he's very impressive. I said before the season began that for me the C's would get back to the Finals this year and so far they're prving me right... Especially that they played at such a high level without Perkins, Shaq and Delonte.. they're gonna be even better with them. Anyhow that was an awesome game, congrats to the C's.
  16. Definitely the play of the game, that was huge ! Anyhow great win for us, second in a row, we're now 3-2. That's awesome, I keep saying that during this summer but I really love our team this year. If we don't make the playoffs I'll be very disappointed... Anyway next game tomorrow against Phila, in Madison as well, we gotta get this one as well. Go New York !!!
  17. Alright lol so you ain't Alan... Who could you be then ? Berta ? :D

  18. Haha that's a good question... Well when I was younger I prefered Ken. But that's just because he's American lol, well I've always loved America... But now I like them both equally. Well I stil l prefer Ken a bit though. USA USA !! But anyway Ryu clearly better ? Well I ain't sure about that... In the first Street Fighter II they're exactly the same lol. They start to be different in the second one, I mean Street Fighter II'. And they're getting more and more different with each new SFII... But I honestly don't feel that Ryu's better. His Ha-Do-Ken is better than Ken's but Ken's Shoryuken is better. And I personally prefer Ken's Tatsumakisenpuukyaku, cause it's a multi hit move. Well as the Hadoken is my favorite weapon I'd say that Ryu is my favorite caracter in the Turbo version, but in the first two versions I prefer to pick Ken. As for Bison, well I never was a big fan of him to be honest. My favorite boss always were Sagat and Vega. Especially Vega in fact, I'm very strong with Vega. By the way I don't know if you know this but if you end the game without losing one battle in the mode very hard, you have a different ending, you have a special picture at the end (it doesn't work in arcade, only in the Super NES version). And if you end the game without losing one ROUND, you got another picture. But it's really, really hard lol...I did it only once.. But I was very proud of myself that day haha. Especially that I don't know anyone else who did it. But I ain't as good as I used to be now, I don't think that I could do it again, especially that I don't play video games often haha. Yeah the opening scene is awesome man. That game really is unbelievable, definitely my favorite game ever. Lol I see... Is it the Advanced version the exact same as the Super NES one by the way ? Never played the Advanced so I dunno. Well I used not to like Zelda as well, in the Nes days I mean. But as soon as I first saw the Super NES Zelda I immediately loved that game... I remember I immediately bought a Super NES only for that game. I never ended Majora's mask. Well I was starting to get tired of video games the year I bought it so I sadly never played it a lot... But I never really liked it as much as LTTP and OOT anyhow.
  19. Lol I see. Well I used not to use instant messenging too but now I almost only use AIM, Yahoo and MSN now, it's more convenient IMO haha.

    Nohting like Alan really ? I stand corrected then. :D But it was a compliment in my mouth. Alan's a great man.

  20. Nice man, I only tasted Red and Black so far. Never could find Green, Gold or Blue where I live... So my fav is the Black one as well (Red is alright but no more than that... I mean it's just a basic Scotch blend, the kind of bottles I'd use only for cocktails or to get drunk haha), and I'm surprised that it's your favorite as well... I mean I was expecting Blue and Green to be better ones. Although it's true that it doesn't mean anything, after all my favorite whiskey is not the most expensive I tasted. Well I still want to taste them myself though haha. Two other whikey that I would love to taste are Jameson 18 Years Old and Jameson Gold... Jameson 12 Year is my second favorite Whiskey right now so I expect those ones to be even better.. But well same story can't find the 18 and Gold where I live... I'm drinking a Pelforth Brune right now, don't know if you know it in the US, it's a French beer. I love brune beers, most people I know don't, but I do haha. By the way I saw that no one mentioned wine so far. No one likes it ? I used no to be fond of it but now I love to drink a good bottle while I'm eating once in a while. Nothing better than a good bottle of wine during the meal. I just bought one today for tomorrow's lunch, can't wait.
  21. Haha yeah thanks a lot Alan ! :D I'm waitin' for 'em.

    By the way you got AIM ?

  22. Yeah unlucky, you got that right... Guess I'll have to drink more whiskey to forget about it. :D

    You're gonna buy some tomorrow ? Dam send some over here man, I'll send you a bottle of French one, promise. :D

  23. Well if it ain't made outta wine any longer I don't see the point... :D

    Lol but anyway I don't think that I can find this in France. I don't even know how it's called here... Can't translate it in French on Wiki, so it certainly means that we don't got any here.

  24. Oh I see, well I guess that it's another drink that I'll definitely have to taste when I'll be in the US, with Patron haha. Since I post on these forums you're the first person I meet who already tasted Single Barrel. Nice lol. And yeah it's really an amazing one, I've tasted all kinds of Whiskey, even more expensive one, but none compare to this one IMO. Its color is outstanding... I always got a bottle of this one at home, you can be sure of that. Blue ? Dam I never tasted that one. Always wanted to but I can't find any where I live. Same with Johnny Walker Gold, I'm sure that one must be awesome.. Yeah I heard of that one but I never tasted it, can't find any where I live as well... Guess I'll have to tasted a lot of drinks when I'll go to the US haha.
  25. Yo I see nice lol, didn't know about this candy. Why's it called wine gum ? Is it made outta wine lol ? If so you can be sure that I'll buy some !! :D

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