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Everything posted by Oliver P
Do you like alcohol and cigars ? If yes what are your favorites ? Personally I am a Whiskey man. My favorite Whiskey is definitely this one : Jack Daniel's Single Barrel (Tennessee Whiskey) : http://media.telemarket.fr/imgnwprd/001/001207/00120774/00120774-t0.jpg It's more expensive than the regular Jack Daniel's but it's much, much better. I always got a bottle at home. I like a lot of other Whiskies though like Jameson 12 Years Old, Johnny Walker Black, Jim Beam Black, Bushmills, etc... But Jack Daniel's Single Barrel is definitely the best Whiskey I've ever tasted. Other than Whiskey, I would say that my favorite alcohol would be Calvados. It's a French alcohol made outta apples from the region called Calvados. Then I like all kind of alcohols in fact, Rum, Tequila (especially Jose Cuervo), Vodka, Cognac, Armagnac, beer, cider, wine. But the only alcohol that I drink regularly is Whiskey, definitely the best. Well I drink a lot of beer too though. I don't drink many cocktails, it ain't really my thing. But there are three cocktails that I really like though, White Russian (my favorite one), Bloody Mary and Marguerita. Definitely the three best that I ever tasted. I also like Screwdriver. As for the cigars my favorite ones are Cubans. I also like Dominican cigars but the Cubans are definitely the best for me. Especially this one : Montecristo N°2 : http://www.habana-net.com/images/MONTECRISTO%20No.2.JPG But I also like H.Upmann Magnum 46 and Magnum 50, Cohiba Robustos and Esplendidos, Partagas Serie D4, Montecristo Sublimes, Vegas Robaina Unicos, Romeo Y Julieta Churchills, well and a lot of other ones.
What are your favorite ten video games ever ? Well I don't play video games as much as I used to but I still like it some time, and I would say that my ten favorite games ever are definitely those ones : The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past (Super Nes) Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) Sonic The Hedgehog (Genesis) Flashback (Genesis) Street Fighter II (Arcade) Super Mario Kart (Super Nes) Toejam and Earl (Genesis) Double Dragon (Arcade) Crusader of Centy (Genesis) Castle of Illusion (Master System)
What the title says. Well I have a lot of favorite bands so I'm just gonna mention some of 'em : http://sfw.org.ua/uploads/posts/2010-07/1279308050_13.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Hbqf2LImoxc/Rq0ChnTExXI/AAAAAAAABWo/0ImyY95PFlk/s400/ZZ%2BTop%2B%281977%29%2B-%2BTejas.jpg http://stmetal.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/ac_dc_ball_breaker-front.jpg http://www.providingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/new/2010/05/The-baby-from-Nirvanas-Nevermind-is-the-designers-of-the-Obama-campaign.jpg http://images.uulyrics.com/cover/t/the-ramones/album-brain-drain.jpg http://img.maniadb.com/images/album/122/122908_1_f.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fn3ju830LgY/SKNHcg2SXEI/AAAAAAAAAI4/_1LW-Ww1NAM/s320/Sonic_Youth_Washing_Machine.JPG http://music.tonnel.ru/music/1069991666_1069991666forumtonnel.gif http://ring.cdandlp.com/skeudagogo/photo_grande/114048603.jpg http://musosguide.com/public_html/musos.wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/iggy_pop_raw_power.jpg http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/e9/a3/07ee1363ada0375c3f5de010.L.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3D4uW44cDSw/S4qrxlV-bsI/AAAAAAAAGUs/bxHL6J_--aM/s400/cover.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cmwFDOr-52Q/SwbOizJqjcI/AAAAAAAABdo/-SuwjA1N90g/s1600/The_Doors_-_Strange_Days-front.jpg http://mediaboom.org/uploads/posts/2009-04/1239643736_stoner-witch.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_IDI5PUS_AuE/SFGYFTeClPI/AAAAAAAABao/PtXwS3VTvls/s320/harmacy.jpg http://images.uulyrics.com/cover/l/l7/album-hungry-for-stink.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VSIj0JXt4Kg/ScOTjQF4B_I/AAAAAAAAChg/IwcCM1coZDk/s400/Jefferson+Airplane+-+Surrealistic+Pillow.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_A9SEXIZfIyo/SmdkZFt8FeI/AAAAAAAAAFM/zvXfnMUKnAs/s320/ironbutterflyinagadda1dp.jpg http://toplist-annuaire-zen.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/4/9/624993/9255413_orig.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7fOAVFf2sCI/Swv-0N1rIgI/AAAAAAAADdo/qbuBS_oRvXg/s400/485032689.jpg http://a31.idata.over-blog.com/300x300/0/37/38/18/led_zeppelin_-_led_zeppelin_iv-front.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ArLkSptVFtg/R2xaFyrW2RI/AAAAAAAAASo/2HpeF2In22k/s320/Tad%2B-%2BInhaler%2BA.jpg http://prorock.ro/images/MOTORHEAD%20-%20INFERNO.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_eECivXv-ueU/R6KmaBgmcxI/AAAAAAAAAlM/78pKyP5iLiA/s400/machinehead.jpg http://static.rateyourmusic.com/album_images/41660feee0ba3619b3e175549c6ce2f8/11852.jpg http://www.amiright.com/album-covers/images/album-Lou-Reed-Transformer.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_AN3iQ_GYkao/S8NeZv7rbpI/AAAAAAAAACM/8DoTrlqDhek/s1600/front.jpg Well anyway there are many, many more bands and albums that I love, I seriously can't mention them all, it would take me days to do so... So I'm gonna stop here.
What actor's perfomances impressed you the most ? Here are mine : Klaus Kinski in "Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes" ; Nosferatu : Phantom der Nacht" ; "Woyzeck" http://static.open.salon.com/files/klaus_kinski_aguirre_der_zorn_gottes1233298144.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/d/db/Nosferatu_Kinski.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DnPwaEn8aGE/SklW44zdXMI/AAAAAAAAITA/LUQL-rKeznU/s400/woyzeck-klaus-kinski-holding-a-bloody-knife1.jpg I'm sure that most of you never heard of Kinski and that's a shame cause he's one of the most unbelievable actors ever. He's my favorite actor, for me there is no actor better than Kinski in the history of movies. I wanted to mention one movie per actor at first but I couldn't choose between the three, those three performances are definitely the ones who impressed me the most, no one has ever had a better performance than those ones IMO. And I'm so fascinated by Kinski (just like Herzog was) that it was hard to mention only three, I could have mentioned Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde or The Great Silence, well and all his movies in fact since he was terrific in everyone of them. But anyway Aguirre, Nosferatu and Woyzeck are definitely his best roles I was speechless the first time I saw them. Aguirre is the first one of the three that I saw and I remember that I was literally speechless the first time I saw it, I already liked Kinski before but it's with this movie that I realized how fantastic he truly was. Kinski is amazing as a Spanish conquistador. Like Werner Herzog once said, he was a genius. Robert De Niro in "Taxi Driver" http://calitreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/DeNiro-Gun-Taxi-Driver.jpg De Niro is usually the big boss in his movies, in "Taxi Driver" he's someone who lost his minds in Vietman and is slowly becoming insane. Very unusual role for him and amazing performance. Raging Bull could be mentioned too, he was great in that one as well. Johnny Depp in "Edward Scissorhands" http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/cm/goodhousekeeping/images/Edward-Scissorhands-fb.jpg I used to hate Johnny Depp when I was younger. Now he's one of my favorite actors. And it's first thanks to "Edward Scissorhands". Before this movie I thought that he was famous only because he was popular with the ladies and that he was just a ****ty actor, well I changed my mind thanks to this movies in which he's an unfinished creature condemned to live alone. This movies showed me a side of Johnny Depp that I didn't know before. Could have mentioned Dead Man and Arizona Dream in which he's great as well. John Goodman in "Barton Fink" http://www.zuguide.com/image/John-Goodman-Barton-Fink.5.jpg I've always liked John Goodman but I have to say that the first time I saw him in Barton Fink he literally amazed me in that movie. I realized how great an actor he was. This movie is a must see. Sylvester Stallone in "Copland" http://images.allocine.fr/medias/nmedia/18/67/67/24/18992445.jpg Well alright Stallone ain't the best actor ever I am not gonna say the opposite. But I always liked him, he was very good in Rocky and Rambo. And I picked him in this movie cause even if it's not the same kind of role as Travis Bickle or Charlie Mundt, it was a very unusual role for him. He's usually the superhero, the big tough man who beats every bad guys up. It's a very different role for him, as this lousy alcoholic sheriffs that no one gives a dam about. And he did a pretty good job in it honestly, I really liked his performance, he's a better actor than most people think he is, that's why I picked him. Bruce Willis in "Twelve Monkeys" http://www.movieactors.com/freezeframes-77/12Monkeys10.jpeg Bruce Willis is a fantastic actor. And I first realized that when I watched "Twelve Monkeys" for the first time. He's alright in all his movies if you wish but it's in this movie that he had for the first time the occasion to show us how good he was. And he sure did, amazing performance. Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now" http://www.zuguide.com/image/Marlon-Brando-Apocalypse-Now.1.jpg Marlon Brando doesn't play much in "Apocalypse Now", he just appears at the end of the movie. But his performance is nonetheless beyond belief. Godfather and Julius Caesar come to mind as well, great performances. Christopher Walken in "The Dead Zone" http://www.secteur7.net/site/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/the-dead-zone-1983-christopher-walken-pic-3.jpg Christopher Walken is one of my favorite actors ever, and in "The Dead Zone" he shows us how great an actor he could have become if he didn't have so many problems. He's this kind of actors who's perfect in all his roles, born to act, but this one is definitely his best. Jack Nicholson in "The Shinning" http://blogues.cyberpresse.ca/lagace/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/jack-nicholson-the-shining.jpg Jack Nicholson in "The Sinning", everyone who saw that movie can't forget about his amazing performance. Kubrick was a real savage with his actors he tormented them to get them to give all they got. He wasn't like that with Jack, because Jack didn't need that to give his best, and that's what he did in that movie. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nests and Chinatown are amazing performances as well. Malcom McDowell in "A Clockwork Orange" http://www.hollywoodoutbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/malcolm-mcdowell-clockwork-orange-350x233.jpg Malcom McDowell didn't do too many movies, too many famous movies at least but his performance in "A Clockwork Orange" is worth a thousands of other ones. Martin Landau in "Ed Wood" http://thestuffyougottawatch.com/picse-h/landaubl.jpg I've always liked this actor he was great in TV shows like Impossible Mission or Columbo and in "North by Northwest" and in "Ed Wood" he definitely had the role of his career. He was unbelievable as Bela Lugosi (a great horror film actor in the 20's-50's, he was the first "Dracula" for example), it seems like it was really Lugosi in that movie. Jean Réno in "Léon" ("The Professional" in America) http://img.listal.com/image/335237/400full.jpg Jean Réno is a very talented actor as he proved it in this masterpiece, his interpretation of this lonely hit man is beyond belief. Jon Voight in "Runaway Train" : http://images.allocine.fr/r_760_x/medias/nmedia/18/62/91/08/18944179.jpg Jon is not a very well known actor I mean he didn't made a lot of movie as the star of the film I mean, except this one and the great "Midnight Cowboy". But he still is a terrific actor, everyone who watched this movie knows it now. Amazing performance. And the movie is great, it's a must see, I advise everyone who never saw it to watch it as soon as they can. Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie" : http://s.excessif.com/mmdia/i/22/7/tootsie-2-3626227iumhn.jpg?v=1 Well Dustin is an amazing actor and he's had many great roles (Little Big Man, Kramer Vs Kramer, Hero, etc..) but I think that Tootsie is his best one, not many actors could have played that one, that's for sure. Tim Roth in "Little Odessa" : http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rC2ydFTFpe4/TBpvKxTlKTI/AAAAAAAAAOE/yeH0_iakCq0/s1600/Little+Odessa+-+5.jpg Tim is one of my favorite actors. Really dark movie, very disturbing, but definitely a must see IMO. Toshiro Mifune in "Throne of Blood" : http://amherstcinema.org/UserFiles/ThroneBlood.jpg Great actor, and for me this movie is Kurosawa's best one. Chow Yun Fat in "The Killer" : http://i35.tinypic.com/35b6sew.jpg I ain't a big fan of John Woo, this movie is the only one of him that I loved. Truly amazing and definitely Fat's best performance. Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs" : http://www.wearysloth.com/Gallery/ActorsH/8188-17344.gif No need to comment, very impressive performance, no doubt. Kevin Costner in "Dances with Wolves" : http://www.variety.com/graphics/photos/reviewd/rdances_with_wolves.jpg Best movie he ever made IMO. I advise everyone to watch the 4 hours director's cut, it's even better. Pure masterpiece. I also liked his performance in A Perfect World (quite unusual role for him) and No Way Out. Mickey Rourke in "Rumble Fish" : http://i43.tinypic.com/adkmrr.jpg I saw that one not so long ago, definitely a must see. I'd even say that it's my second favorite Coppola (after Apocalypse Now is my favorite) and Rourke is really unbelievable as The Motorcycle Boy. Joe Pesci in "Raging Bull" : http://www.movieactors.com/photos-misc/raging303.jpeg Hasn't made a lot of movies but he's terrific in each one of them, especially in Raging Bull so and of course Goodfellas. Speaking of Raging Bull, I especially like the "you **** my wife" scene, totally improvised by De Niro and Pesci, best Pesci scene for me and one of my favorite movie scenes ever. Well that's all I can think of now, I'll maybe add some others later. Want to precise that there are a lot of French actors who had amazing performances but I did not mention them as no one heard of them here (except Jean Réno), so I don't see the point.
Just curious to know what have been your best moments as an NBA fan so far ? Personally I've been a fan of this game for quite some time now and I had a lot of great moments but I would say that there are four moments that I particularly enjoyed as an NBA fan. Here they are : I/ The 1994 NBA Playoffs Yes because it's definitely the best Knicks season that I ever seen. Alright I know that we eventually lost in the Finals, but still it was a fantastic season. It's the only time in the 90's that we beat the Bulls. Well Jordan wasn't here but it still was a magical moment. Then there was the ECF against Indiana, a very tense and spectacular one. And of course the Finals, even if we lost, this Finals are among my favorite ever. First it's one of the three 7 games Finals that I've seen (the others are obviously the 05 Spurs-Pistons and 10 Celtics-Lakers), then all the games were won by less than 10 pts in this Finals. Every game was close. Another thing that I liked was the fact that this Finals was rather defensive, and I've always prefered defense than offense. Finally this 1994 Knicks squad is my favorite team ever. For all these reasons, it has to be my favorite moment. II/ The 1999 NBA Playoffs Well it's the second time that I've seen the Knicks in the Finals. I prefer the 94 squad but this Knicks team was still a great one, despite the fact that Oak, Starks and Mase weren't there any more... But at least Spree had the best season of his career, he was just amazing in the playoffs. Just like Camby, Johnson, Houston, and well the whole team.. The season was a bit disappointing, because of the lock out (no All Star Game, only 50 games...) and we Knicks has been less good than expected, we ended the season as 8th in the East. That's why that when we faced Miami (the first seed so) in the first round, everyone thought that they were going to destroy us. In fact everyone expected us to lose every round. But we proved everybody wrong and beat everyone in the East, Miami so (we met the Heat 4 times in a row in the playoffs between 97 and 2000, at the exception of 1997 we beat them every time), then we swept Atlanta, and beat Indiana in 6. It was just great, I still remember Houston's shot against Miami, Johnson's 4 pts play against Indiana, etc... It's just too bad that Ewing got injured against the Pacers, cause the Finals would have been way more interesting. As a matter of fact without Ewing we only got Camby inside (Johnson was rather a 3) and it wasn't enough against Duncan/Robinson. And despite the amazing Latrell Sprewell (he was HUGE during this Finals) we lost in 5 games. With Ewing I'm sure that we could have won. III/ Jordan's Return in 1995 Yes this one doesn't concern the Knicks, but it's still one of my favorite moments. Honestly the first time I heard that Jordan could come back I didn't believe in it, I was sure that Jordan would never ever get back in the big league. That's why that when I first heard that Jordan was back in practice with the Bulls in February 1995 I just couldn't believe it. And when it became official it was just extraordinary, watching Jordan with a Bulls jersey again, that was just unbelievable. I will always remember his first game in Indianapolis, it was so great to see him back on a basketball court. Even Miller himself said that he was so excited that he couldn't sleep the night before the game. And when the Pacers won it seemed that they won the NBA title lol !!! And of course Jordan wasn't particularly amazing in that game but it was normal you can't come back at your best right away.. I knew a lot of people who thought that Jordan would never got back to his best level but I wasn't one of them and I'm glad that I never stopped believing in him. After this game he hit two game winners, one against Atlanta, one against Boston. And in his fifth game against New York he scored 55 pts (it was the record for most points in the Madison at the time) and made the Bulls win. But despite that amazing performance he wasn't at his best yet and the Bulls were too weak inside anyhow. Jordan worked during the whole summer, the Bulls signed Rodman, and they were ready for another three peat ! IV/ Magic Johnson's Return in 1996 Yeah it wasn't as succesful as Jordan's return and people don't talk a lot about it but it was still very exciting to see the best PG ever (arguably second best player ever) get back to the league only one year after Jordan's comeback !!! Of course Magic was 36 and not in the best shape of his career, but he still had some great game, he still had it. And he definitely helped the Lakers... inside. Yes it might be surprising but Magic was a PF when he came back. Well first he wasn't as quick as he used to be, so it would have been harder for him to compete against the best PGs in the league, then the Lakers had a lot of talented guards anyhow, Nick the Quick was their starting PG, it's inside that the Lakers needed help, as a matter of fact they only got Divac, Campbell and Corie Blount inside at the time. So Magic played PF, from the bench. But no doubt that he helped the Lakers rightaway, he immediately allowed them to get better. But not as good as the best teams in the league though, I remember the Lakers-Bulls in Los Angeles, obviously the most hyped game in the league that season, well the Bulls literally destroyed them. And in the playoffs the Lakers were able to win only one game against the Houston Rockets. After this disappointed series Magic decided to retire for good. It was still a very exciting season.
Dam I definitely can't mention only one... The first game that comes to mind was the game 2 of the 1991 NBA Finals in which Jordan made his famous lay up. Then the game 1 of the 1992 Eastern Conference Semi Finals between the Knicks and Bulls, won by the Knicks (which was a huge a surprise at the time, just like the fact that Chicago needed 7 games to beat New York) thanks to a huge Ewing. Game 1 of the 1992 NBA Finals, Bulls vs Blazers, with a fantastic Michael Jordan (35 points in the first half and 6 3 pointers). Game 2 of the 1993 ECF between New York and Chicago, and John Starks HUGE dunk on the entire Bulls team. The entire 1993 Bulls-Suns Finals, with Jordan averaging the most points for an NBA Finals, 41 PPG. Games 4 and 5 of the 1994 NBA Finals, the Knicks were led 2-1 before those two games and the Knicks came back with two great performances, I love those games. Game 1 of the 1995 NBA Finals, possibly the best Finals game ever. The Magic dominated the whole game and I remember that I was wondering if they would sweep the Rockets.. Well not only the Rockets eventually won but they're the ones who actually swept the Magic. Kenny Smith performance was clearly amazing. Games 4 and 5 of the 1996 NBA Finals, after watching the Bulls dominating Seattle for three games I feared that this would be a sweep but McMillan's return in game 4 allowed the Sonics to come back and destroy the Bulls for two games, until the Bulls eventually won in game 6. The 97 and 98 NBA Finals, possibly the greatest Finals I ever seen. Game 5 of the 1999 NBA Finals, the Knicks lost that game but Spree's performance was really beyond belief nonetheless. Finally game 7 of the 2002 NBA WCF, when the Kings almost beat the Lakers. Unbelieveble game, Bibby was on fire. There have been quite some good games since but none as good as all the ones I mentioned though IMO.
Is Amare Stoudemire a "Top 5" PF?
Oliver P replied to EastCoastNiner's topic in General NBA Discussion
Yes I believe he is. First of all I wanna say that I agree with Nitro and Real Deal that Dirk and Pau are the two best PFs in the game right now. I honestly don't see how a case can be made against them. Dirk is definitely number one for me, last year he just had his best season ever IMO. He was a serious candidate for the MVP, he really asserted himself as a true leader. Despite his amazing talent he's always been heavily criticized because he wasn't cold blooded enough (especially during the 2006 Finals). Well last year no one was better than him in the clutch, except Kobe. He's really been amazing. And even if the Mavs lost against the Spurs in the first round (mainly because Butler and Haywood didn't have enough time to adapt to their new team IMO), Nowitzki was absolutely unbelievable, definitely the best player of the Mavs-Spurs series. He was defiinitely the best player in that series. And that is why, even if I admit that a case can be made for Pau, I believe that Dirk is right now the best PF in the game, because he's just a better leader than Pau ever was so far. Don't get me wrong Pau is a fantastic player but he never asserted himself as a true leader. As a matter of fact in his Grizzlies days Pau was never able to at least make his team win one game in the playoffs. Besides in the FIBA games Spain had no trouble winning the World Cup in the 2006 Finals against Greece without him. And it's there that we see the major difference between him and Dirk IMO, cause without Dirk Germany is nothing. We saw that once again in the last World Cup, without Dirk Germany ended as the 11th team. While with him they were thrid in 2002 (HUGE surprise), and second at the 2005 Eurobasket, which are tremendous performances consiereing the lack of talent in that German team. Dirk was MVP those two years. Honestly no one has ever had such a huge impact on his team in the history of the FIBA. Dirk is defiintely the FIBA's Jordan. While Gasol, as great as he is, has never been better than a second option, he's a fantastic second option with LA but he's no leader material. At third I would put Duncan. Cause even if he's now past his prime he's still a better leader and defender than most NBA PFs, including Chris Bosh and Stoudemire. That's why I still put him above these two players. Stoudemire is still the fourth PF in the league though IMO. Honestly Stat was absolutely unbelievable in the second part of the last season and the main reason why the Suns were so good. I know that many people think that it's first because of Nash that Stats has been that good but in New York this year, so far, he's still averaging as much PPG, RPG and BPG and has a career high in APG (3 assists per game), so he definitely deserves to be considered as the fourth best PF in the league right now. As for the fifth best PF it's between Bosh and Garnett right now IMO. The problem I have with Bosh is that, despite his huge talent, he's never shown that he was a great leader and defender. He clearly has to improve in both those areas. I've honestly always thought that Bosh was more of a second option, so I think that he's better right now in Miami as the third option of the team. But despite the fact that Garnett shown that he's a better leader and defender than him in his career, I still think that a case can be made for Bosh ahead of him though, as Garnett appeared to be very old those past two years honestly. Garnett seems in better shape this season but we will have to wait a bit till we say that he's back as a top 5 PF IMO. -
Hey nice to see you here platoon. Hope we'll have the same great movie discussions here that we had on another forum man. Anyway here's my top 10 : Taxi Driver http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg287/blackherz1/Taxi_driver.jpg Edward Scissorhands http://store.amspictures.com/images/Edward%20Scissorhands.jpg Back to the Future http://www.obsessedwithfilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/back-to-the-future.jpg Barton Fink http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b160/robfab/barton_fink_ver2.jpg Blood Simple http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f72/rwillis30/blood_simple_ver3.jpg Fargo http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b263/rhyotgrrl/Fargo.jpg No Country for Old Men http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r156/LABerger20/no-country-for-old-men.jpg Wings of Desire http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p53/misshelas/wingsdesire.jpg Raging Bull http://www.serieslive.com/img/films/raging_bull.jpg Ed Wood http://tf.org/images/covers/tf.org-Ed-Wood-free-2007.jpg
Thanks TJ, nice to see you here and can't wait to discuss basketball with you as well man. Lol nice, well in fact it's almost right, you should have said "Je parle un peu Français" but it was close enough haha.
Happy Birthday to... my man Hiren !!! Happy birthday htown, here's your present, a top ten of the 94-95 Rockets : Hope you like it Preppy ! By the way I ain't surprised that you were born the day after Halloween... Dunno why. Lol anyway once again Happy Birthday man !
Yeah I know it took me some time lol, sorry about that man but I've been very busy lately you know... But now I got a few days of rest since this week end, so I figured it was the right time to join and make a few posts. I didn't many posts today though, don't feel like it cause I drank too much for Halloween lol. But I will do tomorrow, you can count on that. Salut ! Sympa de voir quelqu'un qui parle Français lol. Ben je fais rien de spécial, je passe juste du bon temps sur le net tout en buvant un petit coup, tranquille lol. You have ? I didn't know that, well yeah I guess that you're more French than me then lol... you should be proud of it, cause France is way better than the UK but I suppose that you already know that don't you ?
Yo my man Dan !! Wha's up man nice to see you here. And thanks for the gift, appreciate it although I never ever ate snails you Mint Sauce eater. Anyhow thanks for the welcome Lil' Penis !
Hey Confidence I remember you from CTS as well, nice to see you here man, you're a great poster as well. Thanks for the welcome. Lol keep dreamin' man. You ain't gonna win this time I tells ya. Rockets don't stand a chance. I will give you your avatar right after the game, don't worry it'll be a very nice one, I know you're gonna LOVE it. :glasses:
Thanks for the compliment man, and thanks for the warm welcome, appreciate. I remember you from CTS of course, you're a great poster as well, nice to see you here. Yeah right, you're drunk once again ain't ya Preppy lol ? By the way let me remind you that I promised you, and promised myself at the same that you would wear a Knicks avatar. And you will on OTR, mark my words, next Knicks-Rockets game you will I TELLS YA !!! Thanks for the welcome man.
Year You Became a Fan: Early 90's. Why You Became a Fan: Well first of all I've always loved New York. For me it's the greatest city on Earth. So naturally when I started to watch the game I was more attracted by the Knicks... But it certainly ain't the only reason. I've also always been more attracted by centers. Maybe cause I played center myself, I dunno... Well anyway when I became an NBA fan I was more focused at first on players like Ewing, Robinson, Olajuwon, Mutombo, then Shaq and Mourning. But I immediately liked more Ewing than the other guys, not only because he was a Knicks but I just liked his style more. I've always liked shooting centers and Ewing is (with Walton, Sabonis and Laimbeer) the best shooting center in the history of the game. On top of that I'm a defense guy, as a matter of fact I've always been a fan of huge, violent defense. And the Knicks defense in the 90's is one of the toughest and most violent ever. For all of these reasons I immediately became a Knicks fan. Favorite Knicks Player, All-Time: Patrick Ewing and John Starks. My two favorite players ever. I was (and still am) also a huge fan of Oak, Harper (the best PG to never play in an All Star game IMO), Mase, the X Man, and later Spree. Favorite Knicks Coach, All-Time: Pat Riley. We should have never let him go, we should have allow him to be GM and coach at the same time (the reason why he left to Miami). Favorite Knicks Moment: When we made the Finals in 1994. Also my least favorite moment as we lost... When we beat the Bulls that same year (no Jordan but it was still great to beat them). When John Starks dunked on the entire Bulls team at the end of the second game of the 1993 ECF. Patrick Ewing game winner against the Pacers in the 1994 ECF. Patrick Ewing huge dunk on Dennis Rodman in a regular season game in March 1997. Larry Johnson 4 pts play against the Pacers in the ECF 1999. Houston game winner agains the Heat in the game five of the first round of the 1999 playoffs (we became the second team to ever beat a 1st seed in the first round, after Denver beat Seattle in 1994). And Spree huge performance agains the Spurs in the game 5 of the 1999 Finals (we lost that game but Spree did all what he could to save us, too bad Ewing was injured in this Finals). Amount of Knicks Games Attended: 0. I live in France so it's kinda hard for me to attend any Knicks game lol. Though I plan to go to New York very soon and I'll be sure to go to the Madison when I do.
Wednesday, November 3rd Milwaukee @ Boston (ESPN) Winner: Boston Celtics Leading rebounder: Kevin Garnett LA Lakers @ Sacramento (ESPN) Winner: Los Angeles Lakers Player with most turnovers: Lamar Odom Thursday, November 4th New York @ Chicago (TNT) Winner: New York Knicks Leading scorer: Amaré Stoudemire Oklahoma City @ Portland (TNT) Winner: Oklahoma City Thunder Leading passer: Andre Miller Friday, November 5th Chicago @ Boston (ESPN) Winner: Boston Celtics Leading rebounder: Joakim Noah LA Clippers @ Denver (ESPN) Winner: Los Angeles Clippers Player that makes the most threes: Rasual Butler Saturday, November 6th New Jersey @ Miami Winner: Miami Heat Player with the most turnovers: LeBron James
Pat Riley. In my opinion a case can be made for Phil Jackson, Red Auerback and Greg Popovich though. However I would personally pick Pat Riley. I know that Jackson and Auerbach won more rings then him, and that's why people are usually obsessed with these two coaches, but the fact is that Jax and Red coached way better teams than Riley or Pop overall. The Celtics were by far the more stacked team in the 60's and Phil coached the best player in the league three times (first Jordan, then Shaq and now Kobe). I would say that it helps to win rings... Don't get me wrong they are great coaches nonetheless and I definitely agree that a case can be made for them. But I pick Riley because Pat was able to be succesful with COMPLETELY different teams. First he was the coach of the most offensive team in the league (arguably in the history of the league) the showtime Lakers. As the Lakers head coach he made the Finals 6 times and won four rings in 9 years. Then Pat arrived in New York and, as he didn't have the same offensive talent as he had in LA, he focused on defense this time and the Knicks became the best defense in the league. Thanks to him the team became immediately better (the year before they had won 39 games and lost in the first round against the Bulls, 3-0), not only they won more than 50 games for the first time in five years but they almost beat the mighty Bulls in the ECF. It's one of the two times in the 90's that the Jordan's Bulls had to play 7 games to win a series since they started to win in 1991 (the other was in the 98 ECF against the Pacers). It has to be considered that it was a HUGE surprise at the time to see the Knicks giving that much trouble to Chicago, everyone was expecting the Bulls to destroy New York in 5 games at best. The next year they were even better and won 60 games for the first time since 1970 ! And they went to the ECF for the first time since the Bernard King days. The next year they made the Finals, for the first time since 73. Pat Riley did not win a ring with that team but he had a huge impact on them nonetheless, this thanks to his ability to adapt to a team that was completely different from the team that he coached and had success with before. It is more than admirable. It is important to precise that he did all this with only one true NBA star, Patrick Ewing. Pat Riley really showed us how great a coach he was. Then Riley arrived in Miami and became for the first time coach and GM. And he literally made this franchise. Before his arrival this team was nothing. Before Riley they had only made the playoffs twice and never passed the first round. Thanks to Riley they got back in the playoffs rightaway and made the playoffs 6 years in a row. They also went to the ECF for the first time. And then Riley eventually led them to the only ring that they ever won. And that is why I give the edge to Riley, cause he was able to have some success with different teams, teams that had all a TOTALLY different style of play. Riley can adapt to any kind of team, that is his main strenght. That is why that I hope that he will get back to coaching someday, truly a fantastic coach, and I have to say, my favorite coach of All Time. This said I can understand why everyone here picked Phil Jackson and have nothing whatsoever against this choice. It is really hard to assert for sure that one particular coach is the greatest coach of all time anyhow.
Hey Ali wha's up my man ? Glad to see that you listened to me and decided to join. Hope your bro's gonna join too. I talked to him this morning (I assumed you know it as you signed lol) so I hope to see him soon. Anyway welcome man !
Until my brain bleeds ? Nice thanks for the warning lol. Anyhow thanks for the welcome man, appreciate it. Hey Philly, nice to see you here man ! It's like our 5th or 6th forum together right lol ? Thanks for the welcome man.
Hi everyone, I am Oliver P. Some members might know me from other forums. Well for those who don't, I am French, I live in the South of France, and I am a huge basketball (especially NBA) fan. I am a New York Knickerbockers fan, this since the early 90's. My All Time favorite players are Patrick Ewing and John Starks, my current ones are Dirk Nowitzki (the Mavs are my second favorite team since he arrived in the league) and Kevin Durant. Anyhow ABL and htown are the ones who told me about this site, that they were only active in this forum now so I decided to join as well. Kinda miss the discussions I used to have with my ol' pals... Besides I see that a lot of other e-friends and great posters that I know from other forums are here as well. I am very busy in real life now so I won't be able to be very active, especially during the week, but I'll try to be at least a bit active during week ends. Looking forward to discuss Bball with all of you.