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Everything posted by fly3rs18

  1. i would not be embarrassed at all. he is making 11 million dollars a year to play softball with his friends. i wish i could be him
  2. jen utley doesnt model (that ive seen), so its gonna be hard to compare. megan fox pictures are gonna be of her nearly naked and jen utley pictures are gonna be of her sitting at a phillies game or something
  3. obviously id rather be free, but if i was homeless or poor in the US, then why not figure out a way to norway and get sent to that jail?
  4. ^^very true but i think apologizing is incredibly stupid. what happened is done. mcnabb was far from the reason why the eagles didnt win a superbowl with him. he is a redskin now, he shouldnt be apologizing about what he did or didnt do with the eagles. you can tell he wishes that he was still in philly
  5. and there is a reason why you know nothing about sports. there is a difference between following a sport and respecting a sport. i hate some sports but i will respect them. i cant stand people who just hate though. i have never heard of anyone who actually took time to watch a hockey game who didnt love the sport. if you cant even respect it then you clearly have never even given it a shot
  6. WIN WIN WIN!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO just got back from boston, only got a few death threats (boston fans are worse then philly btw, i dont know what the hell ecn is thinking). but that was by far the best game i have ever been to or seen. amazing (the game, not boston fans)
  7. absolutely. 400,000 bi-weekly paycheck for doing nothing. thats crazy
  8. this is impossible, I thought only philadelphia fans do bad things like this....
  9. there is no question that the guy has a ton of talent. he obviously didnt use it well in dallas but that doesnt mean that things dont change. i dont think he is going be a star in cincy, but he could be a very good player if he keeps his head in the game.
  10. it was a really cool movie, first one might have been better though
  11. it wasnt that bad. there arent many good options for explaining why a person can turn in smoke and fly around
  12. i love you montreal. hopefully i can start hating soon though
  13. i am going to boston for game 7. SO [expletive]ING PUMPED! i can not wait.......
  15. you forgot to mention in the post that he is 17 years old. it was hilarious but completely unnecessary. its just a dumb kid running around the field, he is doing no harm. let him get him second of glory then take him away, no taser needed. that guy should be fired, not sure if the kid can sue
  16. 1) romo or mcnabb? (right now or in mcnabbs prime, w/e) 2) what would you do if you got hired for a great, well paying job, but it required you to permanently move to philly (live in the city)? would you take the job and live with philly fans for the rest of your life? 3) what would you do if david wright got traded to the phillies 4) favorite philadelphia athlete 5) most hated philadelphia athlete i did not intend for every question to be about philly, it just happened
  17. absolutely not. rex ryan is one of the best coaches in the league, he will lead that team to a great season
  18. best team on paper hasnt helped the cowboys much in the past few years but yes, anything can happen. should be an interesting season
  19. but i am happy that no one is picking the eagles. less pressure on them, but i would bet that the eagles are one of the surprise teams. can't wait
  20. there is no way the redskins beat out the eagles, cowboys, and giants for that division. you could make an argument for them as a wildcard team, but no way they win the NFC east
  21. but he will be fighting buckley for that 3rd rb spot. hes got a decent chance for it
  22. congrats and all, but first place in april and may mean absolutely nothing
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