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Everything posted by fly3rs18

  1. didnt mohinder die? and i wish claires gf was hotter....
  2. ^^exactly in baseball id almost rather be the underdog and have 3 straight games at home. its so much better unless the series gets to 7 games but playing at home is different for the phillies then it is for other teams. the phillies are 11-1 at home the past 2 years i believe (undefeated at home last year playoffs i think?). that doesnt just happen by chance
  3. beat me to it. home field is absolutely important in baseball, probably more then it is in some other sports and i am perfectly fine with tonight. no team can really expect to win 2 straight in yankee stadium. our goal was to win 1 in new york and thats exactly what we did. lets see how the yankees handle the philly fans
  4. he should be booed. once he retires then absolutely cheer him, but right now he is playing for the rival team for a very important game of the season
  5. someone will definitely pick him up. not sure who though. he is a pretty good backup rb, unless he wants too much money
  6. that articles pretty funny. the cops owned her and maybe its not the definition of classy, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it
  7. no.... the eagles dont choose their schedule, and the NFL schedules were made a while ago, way before they knew who had home field for the world series. let alone that the world series is one of the hardest to predict in sports
  8. fly3rs18

    NY Post low

    nice job posting the same thing in 2 threads
  9. plus he looked so calm and composed tonight. he does not look like a guy in his first postseason
  10. yeah. complete game shutout (no earned at least), he is just an average pitcher
  11. phils have so much speed now with rollins, victorino, francisco, werth AND utley. its crazy i can not wait for this game, GO PHILS
  12. i cant wait for this game. this at 1 then phils at 8
  13. fly3rs18

    NY Post low

    that article is just flat out stupid. i think i am dumber after reading it. "Philly fans are a bunch of whiners and should learn how to dress. They should try reading GQ." "The big meal there is a steak with cheese and onions on a hero, but they don't even call it a hero. It's a hoagie. What the hell is a hoagie?" said Ron Montclane, 26. "I briefly lived in Philadelphia and I couldn't wait to get out," the Brooklyn writer said. "Their fans are whiners, the food is lousy and there is nothing to do. "Gotham has been regularly beating the pants off Philly since overtaking the one-horse town as the nation's economic capital in the early 19th century." wow....just wow
  14. it has gotten too far. and i agree with roughing the passer, but id rather have all these rules then none of them.
  15. i loved bradley, i think he is gonna be great. but witherspoon has experience and looked great yesterday. especially considering he has been on the team for a week gonna be interesting next year when we have to move one of them to outside
  16. if it was a braves yankees/red sox world series i might rather the braves win simply because i dont want to deal with yankee/red sox fans and i dont know if people were talking about you when they were talking about yankee fans (i could be wrong). just yankee fans in general
  17. i dont really think welker is very underrated anymore. most people consider him a top WR (although he isnt top 5 or anything like that)
  18. he is trying to protect the players. of course it would be great to see a "no mercy slugfest", but if that was allowed then it would be a slugfest between all the backups because all the starters would already be hurt. overall i like goodell. i disagree with a lot of his punishments and some of his rules, but he is doing what has to be done, and is running the NFL pretty well. if this whole uncapped season in a few years actually happens then i will absolutely hate him. it would ruin the NFL because you would have teams turning into the yankees
  19. vernon davis isnt overrated unless you are only judging him by the past few weeks
  20. yeah, the games dont end till pretty late. same as baseball though, no idea why they start most playoff games at 8
  21. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs216.snc1/8326_305908235343_828115343_9435857_6277164_n.jpg
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