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Everything posted by fly3rs18

  1. i am getting so tired on playing online in 09. every game that i play, all the other team does it constantly lift stick every time i get the puck and when they get it they just do the one timer or wraparound to score. its really just not fun with all the glitches that people abuse. i cant wait till nhl 10
  2. yeah, who cares. attention stunt right there
  3. of course sprite didnt make it. thats obvious. it was hilarious though
  4. thats a pretty cool idea. shaq would be a pretty beastly lineman haha. ill probably watch it, at least the first episode
  5. yeah, i think im gonna pass on this for now. some of those themes were pretty cool, but its not worth it, vista looks pretty cool how it is. and already uses a ton of memory lol
  6. lmao, trutrojan just got owned by 5 different people. no need for me to even post anything else haha
  7. actually on topic, yankee fans and mets fans are different. a lot of yankee fans are just people who dont know baseball and picked to like the yankees because they are good. there arent too many legit yankees fans. and mets fans are just annoying
  8. anyone know what this does to your computer? i just got a new laptop and i get a free upgrade to windows 7, so i dont want to screw up vista that it woulnt be able to upgrade
  9. yes, it doesnt really matter which is "malier". as you said rugby is way more "manly" then football, but that doesnt mean it is a better sport. but i disagree with your thing about the breaks in football. sure they stop after each play, but during the play football is more intense then almost any other sport, by far.
  10. lmao. who pays for stuff anymore anyway? restart your computer and try it again. but if you keep getting the same problem then id try reinstalling before anything else
  11. i didnt know there were themes like that. im gonna work on it tonight and tommorrow, i can probably explain it after that. doesnt seem too tough
  12. is the video still online? pm me! haha
  13. i dont think soccer is for pansies, but it just not as "manly" as a sport like football. there is nothing wrong with that though. you have to be in 100000 times better shape for soccer then you do for baseball. it is just two very different sports
  14. double pick is actually pretty good. i pick like once every couple days haha
  15. dont listen to people here. i would believe. if you dont he is probably gonna rip off your head with his mind. watch out. just know that i was the first to warn you
  16. i forgot about that hit. he was a beast
  17. sweet, no one took my top picks. i am loving my team now aaron rodgers! http://nfldome.com/files/2008/09/aaron-rodgers-point.jpg reggie wayne! http://www.usd314.k12.ks.us/5and6/six/levi/Klemm.jpg
  18. the hit on sav rocca was one of the biggest cheapshots ive ever seen. still props to rocca cause he got jacked up and i love that reggie bush hit. best hit ever? and just search for brian dawkins and you will see the definition of a big hit
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1ud39BvMac so soccer players are apparently pansies now too holy [expletive] this thread is dumb. just because a guy trips does not make him a pansy. it happens in every single sport and you can find tons of videos like this for anything.
  20. ill be on for a little while tonight, but if fish doesnt post before i go to sleep then i will pm my top picks to confidence so he can pick for me. just so i dont hold everyone up tomorrow. ill probably send 3-4 players ranked
  21. confidence, would you mind putting the positions next to the players names? it would just make it much easier to look through. its not too big of a deal though. i just think it would be way easier to look through once we get into the later rounds either that or have another list below the picks that would have each position sorted. that would take a lot more work though, so its really up to you
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