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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Not really... "Being a goaltender is not about how you win, it's about when you win and Hasek was terrible at it." Exact point I was making. Hasek always manged to put up great stats but when the puck absolutely needed to stay out of the net, it didn't. I remember at least five or six games as a kid where he would have had a near perfect game just to watch a shot from an impossible angle beat him tying the game.
  2. I explained exactly why above. Try reading it again.
  3. Hasek has to be one of the most overrated goalies stat wise in the NHL. Watching him play he always would let in the goals at the worst possible moments of a hockey game which is why his 119 playoff games does not stand near Roy almost 250. Being a goaltender is not about how you win, it's about when you win and Hasek was terrible at it.
  4. Sportsnet = Awesome http://i.imgur.com/jq8O9.jpg Saw this one in the thread too. Amazing. http://shutoutsports.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/alex-burrows-has-zero-bites-in-game3.jpg
  5. Gerald Green with 12 points in seven minutes. The better Gerald.
  6. Amen. And Billy King isn't a joke. His moves and draft picks have been positive and the Gerald Wallace deal was mainly an effort to keep Williams and that's all he can really do with Dwight staying.
  7. This is the only option I'm holding on for. Then Gerald Wallace makes sense and so does finishing out the season.
  8. Complete and utterly pointless move. This is worse than not getting Dwight.
  9. Don't see why they would. They have worked their asses off trying to keep him happy. I wouldn't be opposed to it but how much talent can you truly get back?
  10. Would love to grab Josh Smith but don't know how many more wins that produces. Would rather just not hit the panic button and keep some talent.
  11. Riley Sheahan was at the Jr. B game last night so I chatted with him a bit and was surprised to hear he talks with Ken Holland a lot. Thought it was pretty neat that the GM even calls players in the system to see how they are doing and shit.
  12. I really hope we don't get rid of that much if he actually wants to play for the Nets. Can't wait till this is over though.
  13. Thanks again. My regular twitter is @sdyell if anyone wants to chat up some basketball too!
  14. *North America. Nearly 6,000 people attending to put posters and shit all over St. Catharines yet they had to close five after school programs that only need two volunteers each for two hours a week. Add the fact they are killing hundreds of trees to put up a face that won't even step foot into the country equals a huge fail with today's youth.
  15. Let's all raise awareness for Kony but [expletive] the kid down the street who can't even read or write!
  16. Exactly what they are trying to cut out just like how EA only allows for one online gamertag per game so you can't sell it. I wonder what companies like EB Games are thinking when they hear this? I'd hope the games would be a little cheaper than too.
  17. Are Canadians the only one that start drinking at 13? Or is that just people from Quebec.
  18. "Max's injury has made him a better player." Stay classy TSN.
  19. It's my birthday and so far I've spent the morning at placement, afternoon at school and will be spending my night working. Add that with 11 hours of sleep the past three days equals a [expletive]ing great day.
  20. I'd much rather have Bosh over Bynum on my team and I like Bosh as much as I like sticking needles into my testicles. Gonna be interesting to see what teams do. If Dwight gets traded it'll be neat to see the moves teams use to counter.
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