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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Wesley Johnson of Syracuse has been playing amazing.
  2. Brook Lopez is averaging 22.3 PPG on 50.7% shooting, with 10.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists and 1.4 blocks. He's also hitting over 90% of his free throws. That compares to some big name players. Dwight Howard (18.3 PPG/13.4 RPG) Al Jefferson (18.6/11.7) Amare (19.1/10.4) Zach Randolph (19.7/11.6) Gerald Wallace (19.8/12.5) Carlos Boozer (20.8/11.4) LaMarcus Aldridge (21.5/9.0) Chris Bosh (21.6/9.7) Tim Duncan (22.6/10.1) Stats brought to you by Dumpy of Netsdaily.
  3. Anderson has cooled off greatly so it's not as bad as before. I'd still like him on this team but they were trying to fill a spot. Kiki Vandeweghe has no experince coaching and what a team of 20 year olds need is just that. Yes we have good assistant coaches but it was absolutely pointless firing Frank this early in the season. Look at Courtney Lee's progression and even Terrence William's who both are in there first years here and go through training camp with a coach only to be replaced by there boss. I just find it funny how some Nets fans thought Lawrence Frank was the worst coach in the world and firing him would give us a Phil Jackson. All it has done is give us a giant mess.
  4. As long as Brook doesn't tear his ACL, I'll be happy.
  5. Firing Frank and replacing him with someone with zero experience. Thoughts?
  6. So are they not taking Matt Stairs back? If they do I'm a Phillies fan with Phillippe Aumont there too.
  7. Ruined both my arm muscles and now can't lift anything. I cannot work till I get an ultrasound which is perfect timing with Christmas and my first rent payment. I'm already [expletive]ed.
  8. Couldnt even grab Aumont. Sad...
  9. Well Danny Briere is French so Montreal will take him. But in all honesty, Habs took Gomez contract and many thought that was unmovable. So if the deal is a large contract plus talent for Halak and more then they'll do it but don't think they'll throw a restricted FA to someone in the conference. Can't wait for some deals though!
  10. Trade freeze is just between Christmas just so the players don't have to pack up during the holidays I believe. Would the Flyers trade maybe one of the top six since they are locked in for a couple more years or are they all playing well? I know that the deal for a top six forward isn't just for Halak as we need to drop a top six defensemen for Markov and the Kostitsyns are on thin ice as well.
  11. There is always the option of trading John Wall too. Harris has a cap friendly contract and when healthy, can be dominant but I doubt we get the first pick.
  12. Flyers interested in Halak. Whose on the block in Philly?
  13. I've never had any of the problems everyone complains about. I've seen maybe two javalin glitchers and I just left the game and found a new match.
  14. Since Pau is one of the greatest forwards and LeBron and Wade don't have that, I'd say better.
  15. Send all the youth to the Jays then have him walk to the Yankees 12 months later.
  16. Small but steady streaks is what we are starting. Just need to stay 8th-10th until Markov comes back and we should be decent.
  17. 10 other people in my apartment building and all 10 are women yet my hallmate seems to be the ugliest one, awesome. I'll try and post some pics of it soon.
  18. So sexyyyy! Great work man.
  19. http://www.iricowb.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/blackberry-bold.jpg
  20. I believe it tore into the muscle as well. This is how Williams earns more playing time.
  21. http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/pgl_finder.cgi?request=1&player=&match=game&year_min=1987&year_max=2010&age_min=0&age_max=99&team_id=&opp_id=&is_playoffs=N&game_num_min=0&game_num_max=99&game_month=&game_location=&game_result=&is_starter=&is_active=&is_hof=&pos=C&c1stat=pts&c1comp=gt&c1val=30&c2stat=trb&c2comp=gt&c2val=10&c3stat=&c3comp=gt&c3val=&c4stat=&c4comp=gt&c4val=&order_by=age&order_by_asc=Y
  22. Montreal celebrates their birthday with a spanking of the Bruins!
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