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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I think he will go down to college for a bit. He doesn't really have the name power of some of the coaches out there and he would make a perfect college coach with his planning.
  2. This not only shows that the players still backed Frank, it also points out the obvious in that we weren't going to win anyways.
  3. Moving day tomorrow! Finally on my own.
  4. http://www.hollow-hill.com/sabina/images/simpsons-haha.jpg
  5. Scott is not well liked by Nets management and I'm sure he feels the same way too. Not sure what Loyer, Kiki or whoever the Nets hire will do a better job than what Frank was doing. He had his three youngest players playing GREAT. Terrence, CDR and Lopez hopefully won't be affected by the change but if they are, what a horrible move they made in firing him. I honestly hope I eat my words but when even other teams fans know why we sucked then it's not a problem.
  7. Hard to make a player-goalie arguement but I gotta go with Ryan Miller.
  8. Sad he had to take the fall. Can't put any of the blame on him. Funny thing is, Frank started his coaching career with 13 straight wins and ends it with 16 straight loses.
  9. Toronto this weekend for Jer's birthday and Kid Cudi! ..hopefully there is a strip club somewhere in between that.
  10. Can't wait for our raises to go in effect. Best owner in the world!
  11. It is Ratners fault that we are horrible in some ways but not signing Martin was one of the smartest moves we made.
  12. When someone creates something as unreal as that, the proper revenge is to be civilized. That being said, you can't imagine what that Navy Seal has gone through either.
  13. Called in sick today for work to be lazy and watch this game.
  14. Personally, we should just go coachless because Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson could not take Trenton Hassell and Rafer Alston to the Nets first win.
  15. Great read man. That first lose worried me but I think it'll be a very entertaining season.
  16. Can you use microsoft word and stuff on it or is it simply just for internet?
  17. Guy repairing my laptop said it would be cheaper just to buy a netbook so was wondering how anyone's netbook is and if it's worth the buy or just repair the laptop. Thanks!
  18. Pascal Leclaire can't catch a break. He was nursing an injury sitting on the bench and got rocked with a puck in the side of the face and now is out a month due to surgery.
  19. Free for all with that Oil Rig map I believe is imposssssssible.
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