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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I have been saying since he came here.
  2. If everyone stays out, Trenton will win MIP!
  3. I am absolutely horrible but love playing. I prefer free for all because I can't blame any [expletive]ty teammates If anyone wants to play tonight at like 1 or 2 for playstation, Ben and I should be on.
  4. ...a great coach. When I say great, I don't mean Phil Jackson or Pops but I mean he knows his stuff and people should really stop mentioning his name when it comes to the hotseat. He's kept the games close with FOUR starters out of action with the squad already projected to be near the bottom. I'm actually excited to see this team when everyone is healthy.
  5. Why? He hasn't been on the floor to be apart of them.
  6. He will drop 50 and then pass the game winning shot into Dwight's hands.
  7. Scott is a lazy coach and every Nets fan saw this a mile away.
  8. This is the year where we also have the Dallas pick to use to trade up or trade for people.
  9. http://blogs.suntimes.com/sportsprose/nba-draft-lottery.jpg Discuss!
  10. Yeah Sixers played bad but takes a champion to throw the ball into the only area in the court that zero Nets players are in. Honestly, Alston was shooting that.
  11. Every game I've been in I can never camp because everyone is always running around and such. I just want to snipe but never enough room I find.
  12. Ed did an awesome job with New Jersey attendance too!
  13. Game not working today which sucks. I hope they aren't reseting the stats, not because I'm a stat guy but more for the guns I have gotten.
  14. I'm beast when it's everyone for themselves but get crushed in team play. Playstation people, add me up. Dyell89
  15. Easily the Nets if they secure the arena in Brooklyn by the summer.
  16. Funny you say that cause a kid I went to school with is ranked in the top 100. Riley Sheahan, check him out!
  17. He has but Burke loves his former players and thinks Jonas needs more time.
  18. Might check and see if it's there tonight but most likely not.
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