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Everything posted by Universe

  1. You out of all people know what LeBron can do with little talent. Put him on any team and they havea chance to win but put him with Harris and Lopez and you have a contending team IMO.
  2. Main thing is to spend the money wisely. Yes the arena is smart but signing players just for the sake of signing isn't smart. If Thorn gets replaced we better hope that he is replaced with someone who is willing to know when to stop and when to step in front of this owner.
  3. I don't know which team is the poorest but I know it's not the Nets for once.
  4. From the poorest to richest in one day. Great news for Nets basketball.
  5. Just slept for 13 hours and the sad part is, I'm still tired and could have slept more if my alar didn't go off. Eff work.
  6. Andrei Kirilenko in! http://www.netsdaily.com/?p=8739
  7. It's not like the Sonics where they move across the country, they move pretty close and have a better chance to win. I think New Jersey fans understand that.
  8. That's not Dwight, it's Bynum. He had facial reconstruction.
  9. I honestly watched only parts of the game and the end and Ginn had three dropped passes.
  10. Horrible coaching by Miami. Third down and you settle with three points rather tha going for it against a tired Colts defense. I guess they didn't research on where Peyton shines the most. Add that with horrible clock managment and you have an easily avoidable loss.
  11. Tom Pyatt becoming a real surprise. Wasn't pleased we had to let go of Ryan McDonagh in the Gomez-Higgins swap but he's definatly been playing very well.
  12. I don't get who said the Packers were a top team? You talk more about the Packers than any other team. Did Favre or someone not shake your hand or email you back?
  13. Add that with Ryan Grant's play and you have a loss to the Bengals.
  14. And I love the fans who say Rodgers held the ball too long. It's a part of the Bengals defense to pressure the WR right off the bat so that Rodgers cannot make that quick shot to them. A decent line could have had Rodgers an amazing day but they blew it. I hope TJ Lang gets some snaps soon.
  15. If you look at the great teams, they all have amazing offensive lines. I loved the Patriots and Colts offensive line whe they were good and they still have great talent. Packers aren't even average when it comes to the offensive line and it is absolutely killing Rodgers and this team.
  16. Mario Williams or Vince Wilfork.
  17. Sean and Cliff shouldn't be together, haha.
  18. Going to see Montreals prospect Petteri Simila tonight as I scored free tickets. I hope he starts tonight.
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