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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Of course I could be wrong about peaking but he is definately not a proven 35 goal scorer. I believe he is either going to explode on the Leafs or he's going to degress which still isn't bad considering what the Leafs are looking for in him.
  2. Great trade for the Bruins. Watching the 590 today and they showed how they would trade two first round picks for him but wouldn't trade the Leafs last two first rounders for him which brings up the question of who wins? I have to go with Boston easily as I personally feel Kessel peaked and you have the potential to hit three top players.
  3. Would be nice since he would be willing to spend more as well.
  4. All the new guys who played last night had a point and Ryan "O'Bryane actually won a fight. Also sad to see Gorges not wearing an 'A' meaning he won't be captian.
  5. Okay I'm jut stupid. You can choose start at the regular season or start at the draft.
  6. All-Madden is just set up to be a certian difficulty no matter the team. I watched a youtube video of a guy putting kickers, punters and wide recievers as offensive linemen and they blocked, ran over and dominanted 300 pound linemen. Too lazy to find the video though, lol.
  7. They were chirping on twitter before hand too but they are friends.
  8. Just played around with it quicky and have a few points: - Have to download roster update first - General manager mode starts at NHL draft where you recieve a million trade offers. - I got offers for all the new Canadiens which isn't realistic. Should have just started from the preseason because you go through free agency and all that. - Very realistic. Rivals are Boston and Toronto while using Montreal so it's almost impossible to make a trade.
  9. Packers are still [expletive]ty? What does that make the Bears then?
  10. Picked it up as well but won't play it till tomorrow. It's funny because it's the only day EBGames has 6'3 huge hockey players in their store.
  11. I think he's going to the Wild training camp.
  12. Crazy ending as the Bills blow another.
  13. http://i30.tinypic.com/67pbet.jpg Click to unleash Urlacher.
  14. Dabearsfaaaan, where are youuuuuuuu?
  15. Damn good win. We should have sealed it early but our offensive line and penalties KILLED us. I hope we give Taucher a call this week.
  16. What a horrible call! No one call ruins a game but damnnnn.
  17. Don't worry guys, Cutler is just giving the Pack a chance. He tried to give them a TD but they suck too much and can't run it back.
  18. Our school didn't have enough people to cut anyone. I'm sure if too many came out, there would have been.
  19. Some updates: Laraque has lost 20 pounds and has strengthed his back. Maxim ankle is still bothering him but feels better. Gill can't wait to help out Price and Gorges is looking to be captain.
  20. I assume whatevers playing in the airplane at the time is the teams flight song.
  21. So pummmmmped. Can't wait to see Cutler whine and complain this season.
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