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Everything posted by Universe

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn97tELtNTI&feature=player_embedded#! Is that lame? Honestly everywhere hockey talk is there are idiots. Kubina might be the first big named moved. Someone has him going to Rangers.
  2. I wanna try one of these to cut down on costs but would not be bold enough to do it in class or anywhere inside.
  3. Montreal lost a man each week after that and were playing AHLers. Not saying they'd be in the playoff race but they aren't far from 8th and are playing god awful. Like I said, just talk hockey man. I know you hate the Canadiens but please stop putting all fans as "such and such" because that is not smart thinking.
  4. I haven't gone anywhere. Wasn't it you who got suspended for being a complete cunt? Broken neck or puck in the face? Honestly dude just be happy your team won a ring. Post something effective to get discussion rather just blending in with the crowd of morons.
  5. Typical Bruin fan whining about Montreal. We are last in the league but still manage to get under the skin. ECN, are you a closet Canadiens fan?
  6. Ty Conklin potentially has the chance to play in his FOURTH outdoor game next year. How crazy?
  7. Got a complete zero in a project because I observed a three month old instead of a six month old. 20% down the drain and now the best I can do in the class in an 80 and that if I get perfect on everything which I already can't get because I couldn't drive through a snow storm to hand in another paper. Why do people have to be such cunts?
  8. Kaberle, Bourque, Gomez, Plekanec and Subban with five minutes to go on a power play when we are trailing. Just god awful.
  9. Kaberle....I honestly can't believe someone thought that was a good idea.
  10. Worst part about going to college the second time is knowing everything they teach is complete and utterly useless yet I still have to pass to get a job.
  11. "And the Grammy for "best mix in a bathtub" goes to....Whitney Houston!"
  12. Mats Sundins retired number also has Dion Phaneuf strapped to it. God damn Eller!
  13. Montreal should retired Craig Rivet's number. Gorges and Max? One of the franchises greatest trades.
  14. The Great White in the Great White North!
  15. http://i30.tinypic.com/35cpi8n.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/s5fndd.jpg Old schoooooooooool.
  16. Asians of all cultures blowing up Facebook right now. I feel like I should be repping the shit out of Aaron Gray right now.
  17. That's your opinion and I respect that but God or whoever you pray to isn't going to do anything now, is he? People need to believe in people, not some written words that were wrote years ago that have caused more trouble than anything. Yes, faith is great but the factors in debates like this are crazy. It's the worst economic times yet people are arguing about birth control.
  18. No need for name calling since this whole argument would be ended if people would realize how insane religion actually is.
  19. Really into creating franchises in video games but have to have everything realistic.
  20. Kobe never played with as little talent as what Deron is playing with now. Steve Nash isn't either. Even with the lackluster talent he still has managed to get Morrow, Humphries, Petro and Farmer are all having some of their best statistical seasons. Also look no further than the surprise play of Brooks and you have to give credit to Williams. Nothing against Kyrie Irving because he's having one heck of a season but if Deron could get an extra ten minutes of rest per game, I'm sure the fatigue factor would lower the turnovers and maybe even the field goal percentage but everyone has their opinion.
  21. Replace Deron and put Kobe, Wade or Paul in and you have the same results. It's kinda hard to get into the paint when you have a front court of Johan Petro and Sheldon Williams which results in the god awful amount of three pointers. Should he be shooting those terrible shots and always have the ball in his hands? I'd rather him than anyone else on this roster plain and simple. Like I said it's easy to look at the stats but how many games have you actually watched?
  22. I get the point you are trying to make but stats are exactly that, stats. Look again but check out the roster and that will give you a better explanation of the situation.
  23. Deron Williams is the only reason we have even a single win.
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