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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I wouldn't even be against them having a meeting with Dwight. I know it's illegal but a huge risk like that is worth it and if the Magic are going to file tampering charges on us, they would never have traded Dwight to us anyways.
  2. Picks that would have went to Orlando hence why Orlando is losing. I wouldn't care if they took all our picks for the next five years because clearly we aren't going to win through the draft any time soon.
  3. First off, nobody knows if the deal is off. Secondly, the package for Dwight was great. Getting a 23 year old center to team up with his close friend Anderson, along with first round picks in an era of basketball dominated by super teams. Personally I can't even see Nets winning it all with the Dwight in the lineup. Of course the lineup would be different and we'd be a playoff team but at the end of the day, Magic lose Dwight no matter what by the looks of it.
  4. Not even going to celebrate till this deal is done. Would be great but we are also the Nets.
  5. Horrible deal to go with a horrible season. That's the problem when you can't hit the rebuild button.
  6. I hope they bring back North America vs the World for All-Star weekend though. Least it's a bit more exciting seeing teammates play against each other.
  7. Joel Anthony is top five right now for sure....kinda sad actually.
  8. Wonder what happens with Phoenix? Thought they might have put Tampa or Florida with Carolina to open a spot for Quebec but must not be in the plans.
  9. Bad luck yesterday for the Canadiens. Muller moves up and stays in the East. Jared loses Hunter in what could be his final season in the OHL and Patches gets three games when a Canadiens player got hit nearly the same way at the start of the season and still is out. What's Montreals response? Call up the French Hero after 13 games.
  10. Aaron Asham could score six goals on Hockey Night in Canada and they'd still show more Crosby than him. I'm a fan of Crosby but show a little love for the other guys would be nice too.
  11. My former teammate in football won the Vanier Cup last night. Brought his chances to play CFL football a bit higher as he had a fumble recovery and some big tackles.
  12. I bet TJ Lang wishes he would have got his arm stomped on.
  13. 49ers one is awesome too haha.
  14. Never thought I'd see the day but my KD ratio is now at 1.00! Went on a tear today with a 17-2 game and followed it up with a 30-6. Still way too much respawning a dying though. Illwill is also amazing at this game haha.
  15. http://www.chicagonow.com/thats-awesome/files/2011/06/l_d8a201944f4d0d7b2fc28168b3ab688d.jpg
  16. Haha was just gonna post and ask if that was you. OTR name at one point or on RBS? Now I'm just straight up getting dominated. I know I'm not a very good COD player but how come every single time I'm on the team that can barely play verses the guy with a KD ratio of 5? Shit!
  17. Sounds good buddy. What's your PSN cause I got a lot of randoms haha. And I also take back what I said about sniping. Everyone now knows the maps and it's fairly hard again.
  18. Loving this game right now. Most maps I can snipe and actually do half decent while the others are intense gun battles. If anyone is down to play on PS3, add me: Dyell89
  19. No I know, I didn't watch either game sadly. Basic cable = shit.
  20. Didn't watch the game but heard refs weren't so good to the Canadiens but aside from that they've been playing half decent. Seven points from 2nd place and two points from last so should be another amazing Eastern Conference season. The funniest part about last night was John Tortorella giving Buff some words during the game yet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjkVga8OS2c
  21. I have to second this. Worst part is WE pay him.
  22. Pulled over just after the Burlington Bridge. Not sure if it ran out of gas or gave himself up. The truck was stolen honestly five minutes away from where Jammin goes to school. So crazy!
  23. So I woke up pretty late today and turn on the news to see a police chase happening on the Toronto news station with a transport truck and 30 cop cars behind it just cruising then realize it's heading right by my house so hoped in my car and just could see the police helicopters and got a pic. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313248_10150346773894352_501249351_8274877_241826815_n.jpg Looked like he was heading to the border but then turned back around before he got to Niagara Falls so who knows what's gonna happen!
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