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Everything posted by Universe

  1. What a game! Won three fights on the night for a team without fighters and did it pretty classy too!
  2. Not saying the Steelers didn't give it there all but that is the poster board of poster board material.
  3. Luckily this came out now rather than Sunday morning lol.
  4. Jay Mother [expletive]ing Cutler! Superbowl champs [expletive]es!
  5. Yeah he's slowly moving up the rookie rankings. Imagine if Harris would have been dealt?
  6. http://www.gifsoup.com/view4/1475565/sprinkler-o.gif
  7. Yeah I remember either you or Flyersfan said he wasn't injury prone before while back. The dude somehow managed to embarass himself more each day lol.
  8. Yeah and Rick was the one that started it too and got dropped!
  9. Maybe if they made cheaper alternate sources to watch sports then this wouldn't happen.
  10. http://www.icethetics.info/storage/blog11/0129-asg-sharpcbj.jpg
  11. Everyone pretty much mentioned it before as it was a gift wrapped ring. The Flyers actually traded more for an older Pronger than the Ducks did when Prongers wife or him didn't want to live in Edmonton anymore.
  12. The only fail I see is the one he managed to pull with the Leafs.
  13. Brian Burke looking to change the format for next year....LOL. I honestly cannot wait till he's gone.
  14. "Since Toronto isn't a hockey market...."
  15. I wish they'd just realease Socom 2 again haha. Hopefully this one will be good.
  16. In all honesty though, have you seen a Nets game?
  17. Clearly he is a half decent rebounder in other systems as he put up eight per game the two previous seasons. The dude is a lot weaker than last year and Avery has Kris getting them down low while Lopez plays further away which is stupid.
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